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Agricultural water management: Planned Drought: A phenomenon that exists where

development, distribution and use of water precipitation has been significantly below nor-
resources in accordance with predetermined mal recorded levels, causing serious hydrological
agriculture-related objectives. imbalances that adversely affect land resource
production systems.
Agro-ecological zones: Zones defined by FAO
on the basis of the average annual length or grow- Dry spell: Short period of water stress during
ing period for crops, which depends mainly on critical crop growth stages and which can occur
precipitation and temperature. They are: humid with high frequency but with minor impacts com-
(> 270 days); moist subhumid (180–269 days); pared with droughts.
dry subhumid (120–179 days); semi-arid (60–119
days); and arid (0–59 days). Emerging smallholders: Smallholder farmers
with a higher level of technical knowledge and
Commercial farmers: Farmers that produce better receptivity to improved technology than
agricultural products intended for the market to traditional smallholders. They tend to specialize
be delivered, sold or stored at commercial struc- in specific crops, relying on irrigation and other
tures and/or sold to end consumers (feedlots, types of water control, and tend to market their
poultry farms, dairies, etc.), fellow farmers and production surplus.
direct exports. They generally use high levels of
inputs. Farming system: A population of individual
farm systems that have broadly similar resource
Cropping system: The cropping patterns used bases, enterprise patterns, household livelihoods
on a farm and their interaction with farm resourc- and constraints, and for which similar devel-
es, other farm enterprises, and available technol- opment strategies and interventions would be
ogies that determine their cultivation. The crop- appropriate. Depending on the scale of analysis,
ping system is a subsystem of a farming system. a farming system can encompass a few dozen or
many millions of households.
Cropland, cultivated land: Cropland is defined
as a land cover type by the Global Agro-Ecological Household: All the persons, kin and non-kin,
Zones (GAEZs) and is used in this report to repre- who live in the same dwelling and share income,
sent cultivated land. Cultivated land is defined as expenses and daily subsistence tasks.
the sum of arable land and land under permanent
crops. Arable land is defined as land under tem- Infrastructure: Facilities, structures, and asso-
porary crops, temporary meadows for mowing or ciated equipment and services that facilitate the
pasture, land under market and kitchen gardens, flows of goods and services between individu-
and land temporarily fallow (less than five years). als, enterprises and governments. It includes:

Interventions for Improving Livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa 91

public utilities (electric power, telecommunica- claims and access. A livelihood is environmen-
tions, water supply, sanitation and sewerage, and tally sustainable where it maintains or enhances
waste disposal); public works (irrigation systems, the local and global assets on which livelihoods
schools, housing and hospitals); transport serv- depend, and has net beneficial effects on other
ices (roads, railways, ports, waterways and air- livelihoods. A livelihood is socially sustainable
ports); and research and development facilities. where it can cope with and recover from stresses
and shocks, and provide for future generations.
Intervention (water and complementary): Inter-
ventions are a set of actions that can include a Livelihood assets (capitals): A key component
combination of infrastructure investments (hard), in the sustainable livelihoods approach, they are
policy reforms, institutional and financial support, the assets on which livelihoods are built. They
capacity building, extension services, etc. (soft). can be divided into five core categories (or types of
capital): human capital, natural capital, financial
Investment: Outlays made by individuals, enter- capital, social capital, and physical capital.
prises and governments to add to their capital.
From the viewpoint of individual economic agents, Livelihood zone: A livelihood zone is a geo-
buying property rights for existing capital is also graphical area within which people broadly share
an investment. However, from the viewpoint of the same livelihood patterns, including access to
an economy as a whole, only the creation of new food, income, and markets.
capital is counted as an investment.
Malnutrition: Failure to achieve nutrient
Irrigation: Irrigation refers to water artificially requirements, which can impair physical and/
applied to soil, and confined in time and space for or mental health. It may result from consuming
the purpose of crop production. They are different too little food, or a shortage of or imbalance in
type of irrigation systems depending of the level key nutrients (e.g. micronutrient deficiencies, or
of control, institutional setting, farm size, etc. The excess consumption of refined sugar and fat).
equipment may be for permanent or supplemen-
tary irrigation. Multiple use of water: Where water is used for
domestic, agricultural or other purposes, reflect-
Irrigation potential: Total possible area to be ing the realities of rural people’s multifaceted
brought under irrigation in a given river basin, water use.
region or country, based on available water and
land resources. Peri-urban agriculture: Agricultural system
developed around cities to take advantage of local
Land tenure: The relationship, whether legally markets for high value crops (fruits, vegetables,
or customarily defined, between people, as indi- dairy products, etc.).
viduals or groups, with respect to land and asso-
ciated natural resources (water, trees, minerals, Rainfed agriculture: Agricultural practice rely-
wildlife, etc.). ing exclusively on rainfall as its source of water.

Livelihood: A livelihood comprises people, their Resilience: The ability of a system (people or
capabilities and their means of living, including ecosystem) to recover quickly from a shock.
food, income and assets. Tangible assets are
resources and stores, and intangible assets are Renewable water resources: Average annual

92 Water and the Rural Poor

flow of rivers and recharge of groundwater gener- Vulnerability: The characteristics of a person,
ated from precipitation. Internal renewable water group or an ecosystem that influence their capac-
resources refer to the average annual flow of riv- ity to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from
ers and recharge of groundwater generated from the impact of a hazard.
endogenous precipitation.
Water access: The degree to which a household
Rural population: Rural people usually live in can obtain the water it needs from any source in a
a farmstead or in groups of houses containing 5 reliable way for agriculture or other purposes.
000–10 000 persons, separated by farmland, pas-
ture, trees or scrubland. Most rural people spend Water control: The physical control of water
the majority of their working time on farms. from a source to the location at which the water
is applied.
Smallholder farmers: The definition of small-
holders differs between countries and between Water harvesting: The process of collecting
agro-ecological zones. In favourable areas of SSA and concentrating rainfall as runoff from a catch-
with high population densities, they often cultivate ment area to be used in a smaller area, either for
less than 1 ha of land, whereas they may cultivate 10 agriculture or other purposes.
ha or more in semi-arid areas, or manage 10 head of
livestock. Often, no sharp distinction between small- Water productivity: An efficiency term quanti-
holders and other larger farms is necessary. Within fied as a ratio of product output (goods and serv-
the smallholder category, this study distinguishes ices) to water input.
two typologies: traditional and emerging.
Water rights: A legal system for allocating
Soil moisture management (in situ): Process of water to a user.
preventing runoff and inducing water infiltration in
the soil, and then minimizing evaporation to the Water scarcity: The point at which the aggre-
extent feasible in the cropping area. gate impact of all users impinges on the supply
or quality of water under prevailing institutional
Subsistence farming: A form of agriculture arrangements to the extent that the demand by
where almost all production is consumed by the all sectors, including the environment, cannot be
household, often characterized by low-input use, satisfied fully.
generally provided by the farm.
Water users association (WUA): Association
Supplementary irrigation: The process of provid- of persons usually sharing the same source of
ing additional water to stabilize or increase yields water. A WUA can combine both governance and
under site conditions where a crop can normally management functions.
be grown under direct rainfall, the additional water
being insufficient to produce a crop. Water withdrawal: The gross volume of water
extracted from any source, either permanently or
Traditional smallholders: Smallholder farm- temporarily, for a given use. Agricultural water
ers based on traditional subsistence agriculture. withdrawal refers to the annual volume of fresh-
Farming is generally rainfed, and production is water withdrawn for agricultural purposes.
mainly based on staple crops with low yields. Their
main target is self-consumption.

Interventions for Improving Livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa 93

ISBN 978-92-5-105982-1

9 789251 059821

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