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Untuk Meraih Nilai yang Ditargetkan

PkM Oleh Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya
2- 4 Agustus 2022
❑ To measure your English proficiency before you
take TOEFL Paper Based Test (PBT), Computer
Based Test (CBT), Intitutional Testing Program
(ITP), or Internet Based Test (IBT)
Be Healthy!

Taking a Course Trying out TOEFL

Doing exercise from TOEFL Apps,
- by joining TOEFL Preparation Course
YouTube, etc (Do the easiest question
- by buying TOEFL Preparation Books

01 03

Listening Exercise Recheck your work

Listen to TOEFL exercise from YouTube (During the test) You can blacken your
but don’t use headset. answers in the last 10 or 15 minutes.

02 04
Section Questions Time Allocation Suggestion (Maximum Time)

Kurang lebih 13 detik untuk menjawab 1 soal

Listening 50 items 35 Minutes (sisanya mendengarkan direction, percakapan,
dan pertanyaan dari narrator)

Kurang lebih 1 menit 25 detik untuk

Structure 40 items 25 Minutes
mengerjakan 2 soal
1 menit untuk membaca teks (5 teks @1 menit)
Reading 50 items 55 Minutes 1 menit untuk menjawab pertanyaan (50 soal
@1 menit)

Listening (50 soal) 0 = 24 29 = 50 50 = 68

Structure (40 soal) 0 = 20 26 = 50 40 = 68

Reading (50 soal) 0 = 21 33 = 50 50 = 67

TOTAL SCORE 217 500 677

Listening in TOEFL

Part A Part B Part C

Short Long Long Talks

Conversation Conversation Consist of 3 talks
followed by a number
1-30 questions Consist of 2
of questions (usually 4
conversations, each
followed by a number questions for each talk)
of questions
( usually 4 questions)
Short Conversation is:
Dialogue/Conversation between
two speakers followed by a
multiple choice question

From easy to difficult Listen on the 2nd line

1 Don’t forget to read the question
2 It contains the idea or
while follow along the audio keyword for the answer

Avoid the similar

3 sound words
Don’t choose the answer that
4 Focus on the 2nd line and the
question, anticipate the
sound similar to the word in answer by reading the
the recording choices
Let’s Practice!
On the recording you hear:
(man) Billy really made a big mistake this time
(woman) Yes, he forgot to turn in his research paper
(narrator) What does the woman say about Billy?

In your text book, you hear:

(A) It was the first time he made a mistake
(B) He forgot to write his paper
(C) He turned in the paper in the wrong place
(D) He didn’t remember to submit his assignment
Choose answer with synonym
On the recording you hear:
(woman) Why is Barbara feeling so happy?
(man) She just started working in a real estate agency
(narrator) What does the man say about Barbara?

In your text book, you hear:

(A) She always liked her work in real estate
(B) She began a new job
(C) She just bought some real estate
(D) She bought a real estate agency
Avoid Similar Sounds
On the recording you hear:
(man) Why couldn’t Mark come with us?
(woman) He was searching for a new apartment
(narrator) What does the woman say about Mark?

In your text book, you hear:

(A) He was in the department office
(B) He was looking for a place to live
(C) He was working on his research project
(D) He has an appointment at church
Listen for Negative Expressions
On the recording you hear:
(man) How did they get to the grandmother’s house in
Maine in only five hours?
(woman) They didn’t drive slowly to Maine
(narrator) What does the woman day about the trip?

In your text book, you hear:

(A) They drove rather quickly
(B) The couldn’t have driven more slowly
(C) They wanted to travel slowly to Maine
(D) They didn’t drive to Maine
Listen for Expressions of Agreement
On the recording you hear:
(man) I think that the hypothesis is indefensible
(woman) So do I
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

In your text book, you hear:

(A) She is unsure about the hypothesis
(B) The hippopotamus is behind the fence
(C) She thinks that the hypothesis can be defended
(D) She agrees with the man 
Practice using audio (Exercise 1)
1. In your text book, you hear:
(A) He is leaving now
(B) He has to go out of his way
(C) He will not be leaving soon
(D) He will do it his own way

2. In your text book, you hear:

(A) He locked the door
(B) He tried unsuccessfully to get into the house
(C) He was able to open the door
(D) He left the house without locking the door
Practice using audio (Exercise 2)
3. In your text book, you hear:
(A) The final exam was harder than the others
(B) There were two exams rather than one
(C) He thought the exam would be easier
(D) The exam was not very difficult

4. In your text book, you hear:

(A) He’s not feeling very well
(B) He’s rather sick of working
(C) He’s feeling better today than yesterday
(D) He’d really rather not answer the question

Preview the Killing 2 birds

01 Answers
Familiarize yourself with the answer
03 with 1 stone
As you listen to the conversation/talks,
before the listening start follow along with the answers in your
test book. Listen for Answers in order

Anticipate the Draw

02 questions
While you are looking at the
04 Conclusions
Draw conclusions about the situation
of the conversation
answers, you should try to guess the
questions and topic WHO is talking, WHERE & WHEN
the situation takes place. Make
inferences about the talk.
Look at the answers to the five questions together and try to anticipate the topic
of the conversation for those five questions. Of course, you cannot always
determine exactly what the topic is, but you often can get a general idea.
Draw Conclusion about
Listen to the first part of the conversation
and try to imagine the situation. Then
answer the questions in the text.

Conversation 1

1. Who is probably talking? A student and an employment office worker

2. Where does the conversation take

In the campus employment office
Listen to the early part of
the talk &
Strategies on
Listen in order Listening Part C
The first part is the main idea. Listen
carefully to the talks. As you listen to the
talks, follow along with the answers in your
test book Anticipate the topic
While you are looking at the answers,
Preview The
Conclusions you should try to anticipate the topic &
Answers questions for each of the group’s
Draw conclusions about the situation of the answers.
conversation or talks: WHO is talking,
WHERE & WHEN the situation takes place,
WHICH course this lecture might be (part
C). Make inferences about the talk.
Preview the
answer to the
1. Anticipate the topics of talk
2. Anticipate the questions for each of the
groups of answers
Listen carefully
to the first line of
1. It contains main idea
2. It contains subject
3. It contains topic
Draw conclusion
about the situation
of the talk
1. Who is talking
2. Where and When the talk take place
3. Which course this lecture might be
Detail questions are
in order
The answer often
sound the same as
what is said in the
39 a) The expanding deserts
b) Overpopulation
c) Overgrazing
d) Drought deserts

40 a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six

41 a) Overpopulation
b) The cutting down of trees for firewood.
c) Plant some oak trees.
d) Many deserts dry.

42 a) Too few animals eating grass on too large land.

b) Too many animals eating grass on too little land.
c) Too few animals eating grass on too little land.
d) Too many animals eating grass on too large land.
Three factors have combined to cause deserts to expand in size
in many areas of the world. The first is overpopulation. It puts too
much demand on the amount of land available for growing food.
The second is unwise use of the land. The cutting down of trees
for firewood, overgrazing (too many animals eating grass on too
little land), and insufficient crop rotation are examples of unwise
land use practices. The third factor that has led to an increase in
the size of many deserts around the world is continued drought.
Powerful capabilities of translating documents from
one language into another have recently been
developed in Japan. The process of machine
translation is complex. To translate a document from
English into Japanese, for example, the computer
first analyzes an English sentence, determining its
grammatical structure and identifying the subject,
verb, object, and modifier. Next, the words are
translated by an English-Japanese dictionary
40 questions. 25 minutes.
Questions 1 -1 5 consist of fifteen
sentences in which part of the sentence
has been replaced with a blank

Questions 16 – 40 consist of twenty-five
sentences in which four words or
groups of words have been underlined.
You must choose the incorrect one.
Be sure the sentence has subject
and verb
● A sentence must have at least
1 subject & 1 verb.
● We need to identify the
subject, verb, and
● Then determine whether or
not it corresponds to the
tenses used.
Let’s Practice
1. ________________ was ringing continuously
for hours.
A. Loudly
B. In the morning
C. The Phone
D. The Bells The Subject
is missing!
Let’s Practice
2. Engineers ________________ for work on the
new space program.
A. Necessary
B. Are needed
C. Hopefully
D. Next month The Verb is
Let’s Practice: Error Analysis
3. The tenants (a) in the apartment (b) next to
mine (c) is giving a party (d) this evening (e).

S = the tenants
V = are giving a party
Object of
Usually mistaken as subject!
● Noun, pronoun, noun phrases that
comes after preposition, such as in, at
of, to, by, behind, on, before, after, and
etc to form a prepositional phrase.
Object of Preposition found in the test:

Agreement after Agreement after Agreement after

Prepositional Certain Words Expression of
Phrase Quantity
Agreement after Prepositional Phrase
Let’s Practice
1. To Mike _______________ was a big
A. really
B. the party The Subject
C. funny is missing!

D. when
Let’s Practice
2. The interrogation (a), conducted (b)
by three police officers (c) have lasted
(d) for several hours (e).
S = the
V = has lasted
Agreement after Certain Words
Let’s Practice: which one is correct?
● Everybody in the theater are watching
the film attentively.

● No one drops out in this class. ☺

Agreement after Expression of Quantity
Let’s Practice
● Some of the animals (a) from the zoo (b)
was released (c) into (d) the animal
preserve (e).
O = animals
V = were
released (plural)
PARTICIPLE “- ing” form

Part of the verb An adjective function

not accompanied formula

be + “ - ing ”
by “be”

The boy is standing The boy standing in the example

in the corner corner was naughty

Jawaban B dan D salah karena sama-sama

termasuk be (“is” dan “was”), padahal “playing”
bukan part of the verb dalam pertanyaan diatas.
Jawaban C juga salah karena pada pertanyaan
diatas sudah ada subyek “the child”, jadi tidak
perlu ada double subyek seperti “he”

Jawaban A dan B salah karena pada

pertanyaan diatas sudah ada subyek “Mr.John”,
jadi tidak perlu ada double subyek seperti “he”
atau “she”. Jawaban C juga salah karena “now”
adalah adverb, padahal yang dibutuhkan
adalah be seperti “is”, “was” karena subyeknya
juga tunggal “Mr. John “ saja.
PARTICIPLE “- ed ” & (sometimes) irregular form

(VERB 3)
Part of the verb An adjective function

after “be” after “have/has”

not accompanied by formula
“be” or “have/has”

The family has

The poem was The television purchased example
purchased a
written by Paul yesterday was expensive

Jawaban A dan B salah karena tidak

memerlukan be (were) atau have/has. Jawaban
C juga salah karena tidak memerlukan objek

Pertanyaan ini sudah mengandung subjek “the

car” akan tetapi verb nya belum lengkap
“............already stalled”. Di antara 4 pilihan
jawaban, yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi
“stalled” menjadi part of the verb adalah
jawaban A “had”.
Basic use of Adjectives
and Adverbs

Seharusnya memerlukan
adjective “fatal” bukan
adverb “fatally”.

Memerlukan adjective “fatal”

karena mendeskripsikan
noun “heart attacks”
Use Adjectives after Linking Verbs

Ada linking verbs “seem” dalam kalimat di

atas. Kata “angrily” kurang tepat karena
masih belum ada adjective yang
mendeskripsikan subjek “the parents”.
Oleh karena itu, “angrily” lebih tepat
diganti dengan “angry”.
Position Adjectives and
Adverbs Correctly

“unusually” merupakan adverb, padahal

dalam satu frasa “an ..... design” tersebut
memerlukan adjective untuk
mendeskripsikan “design”. Oleh karena itu,
“unusually” lebih tepat diganti dengan
Making the forms of words as similar as possible
Parallel Structures are required
in the following situation:
01 Conjunctions 03 With comparisons
Using and, but, or to join together
equal expression. It can join nouns, Same
verbs, adjectives, or phrases. structure more…than
-er… than
With Paired less … than

as … as
Conjunctions the same … as
similar …to
Both….and… Same
Either… or … structure
Neither … nor …
Not only …but also ….
Coordinate With Paired With
Conjunctions Conjunctions comparisons
He eats and sleeps I know both where you What is written is more
only when he takes a went and what you did easily understood than
vacation what is spoken
Either Sam or Sue is
Class can be taking the course
The work that you did is
interesting or boring similar to the work that
She would like neither to
see a movie nor to go I did
She is not a teacher bowling
but a lawyer To be rich is better than
He is not only an excellent to be poor
student but also an
outstanding athlete
Let’s Practice

a waitress

What you wrote

More practices…
More practices…

to preserve



the verbs!
Beware with the form of the verb!
Present Past
Base Form Present past
participle participle

Walk Walk (s) Walking Walked Walked

Sing Sings (s) Singing Sang Sung

Begin Begin (s) Beginning Began Begun

The Three Problematic Situation
with Verbs
Check what comes Check what comes
01 after have /had 03 after modals
Have/has/had + past participle
MODAL + base form of the verb

Check what comes

02 after “be”
*Be + (1) present participle (v-ing)
(2) past participle (verb 3)

*Be (is,am,are, was, were, be, been, being)

01 have/has/had + past participle
Be + Present/ Past
•He has taken the test
• Before she left. She had asked
her mother for permission Be+ Present Participle
Tom is taking a book

MODAL + Be+ Past Participle

03 base form of the verb The book is taken by Tom

The doctor may arrive soon

The students must take the exam
Let’s Practice



Beware of the time expressions!
Tenses Used in TOEFL

Past Present Perfect

10 years ago Twice a week
For; since; yet; so far;
Last week Annually
many times; lately;
in 1980 Bimonthly
recently; already
yesterday Always, often, seldom
Let’s Practice!
Simple Past Present Perfect
He __________ at the window yesterday. Louisa ___________ baked the
A. smile cake since last night.
B. was A. has
C. looked B. was
D. is looking C. starting
D. didn’t
Let’s Practice
Past Perfect Present
My mother felt bad about selling
the house because she had _________ it
for more than 10 years.
A. been kept
B. owned
C. Being owned
D. lived
1. Ada to be dan Verb 3
2. Imbuhan di- pada kata kerja

Active vs passive
1. She eats an apple
2. They read a book yesterday
3. The letter is written by Jerry
4. The car was repaired last week
Passive error analysis

Rumus: Rumus:

tobe + V3 Modal + be + V3

to be: Modal:
- Is, am, are - will, may, must, would,
- Was, were might, dll.
- Has been, have been
1. The letter was sent yesterday
2. The cake is eaten by Nana
3. The bike has been repaired
4. The laptop will be bought by Roger
Which one is
1. The book was writing by a famous
2. The letter was written by Anna
3. The letter mailed yesterday
4. The package has been mailed

- The letter was written by Anna

- The package has been mailed
4. D (covered)
5. C. (be
6. D (replaced)
7. B (added)
Make vs Do
- Make has the idea of creating or
- Do has the idea of completing or
Like, Alike, Unlike
Like → adjective & preposition
Alike → predicate adjective
Unlike → Preposition
Other, Another, Others
Other → plural (adjective)
Another → singular (adjective & pronoun)
Others → plural (pronoun)
The other → plural and singular (adjective & pronoun)
Singular Plural

Indefinite 1. I have another banana (adj.) 1. I have other bananas (adj.)

2. I have another (pronoun) 2. I have others (pronoun)

Definite 1. I have the other apple (adj.) 1. I have the other apples (adj.)
2. I have the other (pronoun) 2. I have the others (pronoun)
1. B (alike)
2. A (another)
3. D (make)

4. A (unlike)
5. C (other)
6. A (like)
7. B (done)
8. D (alternative)
9. C (like)
10 A (Another

About reading
5 50 55
passages questions minutes
How to answer
the main idea
1. How to identify the questions
2. Where to find the answer
The answer to this type of
question can generally be
determined by looking at
the first sentence of each
3. How to answer the question
● Read the first line of each paragraph

● Look for a common theme

● Pass your eyes quickly over the rest of the

passage to check that you have really
found the topic sentence(s)

● Eliminate any definitely wrong answers

and choose the best answer from the
remaining choices
Let’s Practice
The common questions
of this type

Stated Detail
Unstated Pronoun
Detail Referent
Questions Questions
1. How to identify the questions
● According to the passage, …
● It is stated in the passage . . .
● The passage indicates that . . .
● The author mentions that . . .
● Which of the following is true . . .?
2. Where to find the answer

The answers to
these questions are
found in order in
the passage.
3. How to answer the question
● Choose a keyword in the question.

● Skim in the appropriate part of the

passage for the keyword or idea

● Read the sentence that contains the

keyword or idea carefully

● Look for the answer that restates an idea

in the passage
Unstated Detail Questions
A: Keyword :
Unknown = Not known GADGET

French word =
D: French
British Language
Implied Detail Questions
.....ends in a vowel,
... vowels have much
higher frequency

2 consonants
never appear
What does the pronoun refer to?
● Noun (kata benda) is usually used first in a passage,
and the pronoun (kata ganti) that refers to it comes
● So, look at noun appeared before pronoun.
● Example:
The glass looks expensive. It is made from crystal.

Noun Pronoun

So, the pronoun It in the sentence refers to…

These plants


Where to find the answer:
the noun that refers to the pronoun generally
found before the pronoun

How to answer the question:

1. Read the multiple choices
2. Look for the noun before the pronoun
3. Find the noun that agrees with the pronoun
The meaning of word in the
The passage provides
info about the meaning
of word by giving
structural clues
The structural clue:
restatements, or

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