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Daniela Vanessa Pisco Pérez Brayan Gilberto Muñoz Leiva

DANIELA: Good evening, teacher. In this week 13 we will carry out the
dialogue "My best birthday present!" My name is Daniela Pisco Perez.
BRAYAN: My name is Brayan Muñoz Leiva. Let's get started!
DANIELA: Hello, Brian! Guess what!
BRAYAN: Hello Daniela, you look very excited!
DANIELA: I am Brayan! What happens is that I remember that on my last
birthday they gave me a laptop, that memory makes me very happy and is
special to me.
BRAYAN: Great! Do you like your new laptop?
DANIELA: Yes, I love it, it helps me a lot to do my work at the University.
BRAYAN: Of course I understand! And what are its characteristics?
DANIELA: Look at its screen, it's brighter, bigger, easier to use and its
processor is more modern and faster.
BRAYAN: Can you make calls on your laptop?
DANIELA: Yes, I usually do them very often with my friends. Also, my laptop
takes clearer photos. And what about you Brayan what was your best gift?
BRAYAN: The most special gift I received on my last birthday was; But tell me,
could you guess what it was?
DANIELA: Hmm, maybe it was a tablet?
BRAYAN: No, you were close, okay I'll tell you it was a new cell phone.
DANIELA: Oh great! And what did you do with your old cell phone?
BRAYAN: Well I have that saved as a souvenir.
DANIELA: And tell me what is your new cell phone like?
BRAYAN: It's bigger than the previous one, much more modern, easier to use,
I love how fast it is and above all it helps me a lot to be able to work, do some
university tasks and I can make video calls with my family.
DANIELA: Sounds fantastic Brayan! We both received incredible and special
gifts for ourselves.
BRAYAN: Well teacher this has been all for today thank you for your attention.

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