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Doan Thi Diem Secondary School ON SCREEN B1+

Thu Huong UNIT 5


I. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1 “Have you seen today’s headlines?” he asked me.
2 “Pass me that magazine,” Danny said to Fran.
3 “Do you want to go to the museum?” Susan asked Robbie.
4 “Who booked the tickets?” asked the theatre’s receptionist.
5 “Your designs are beautiful,” he told me.
6 “I saw that film last night,” my brother said.
7 “Please don’t practise your guitar now,” she said to me.
8 “Where is the opera house?” Lauren asked.
II. Join the sentences using the words in brackets
1 She booked the tickets in advance. She wanted to get front row tickets. (because)
2 We are building a new museum. We want to attract more tourists. (in order to)
3 They visited all the galleries in London. They were free. (since)
4 We should leave early. There might be traffic in the city centre. (in case)
5 The film was very good. We watched it a second time at the cinema. (such a … that)
6 She attended art classes. She wanted to improve her work. (to)
III. Underline the correct item.
1 I bought a magazine so that/in case I could read on the beach.
2 Greg said/told to me that the exhibition wasn’t very impressive.
3 Audrey Hepburn is the reason because/why I wanted to become an actress.
4 I’m going to study illustration as/so I love to draw.
5 The usher asked/told us that the performance was about to start.
6 Our pottery classes are such/so fun! You should come, too
IV. Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the
first. Use two to five words.
1 I like to know about the latest trends because I write for a magazine. (WHY)
The ………………………….know about the latest fashion is that I write for a fashion magazine.
2 Terry bought a newspaper because he wanted to look for classified ads. (SO)
Terry bought a newspaper …………………….………. to look for classified ads.
3 I cried because the ending of the story was very sad. (SUCH)
The story had ……………………………………………….………………I cried.
4 I’ll buy your tickets as well. You might not have time. (CASE)
I’ll buy your tickets …………………………………………………….. have time.
5 We waited outside the bookstore in order to meet the author. (THAT)
We waited outside the bookstore………………………………… meet the author.
V. Choose the correct item.
1 The dancer’s costume has been fitted ….. a feather skirt.
Doan Thi Diem Secondary School ON SCREEN B1+
Name:………………………………………Class:………. UNIT 5
A on B with C against
2 The underwater artist plunged ….. the deep water.
A under B into C through
3 I enjoy reading crime novels ….. John Grisham.
A of B for C by
4 At the end of the film, the main character escapes ….. prison.
A from B over C into
5 The play is set ….. New York City during the late 1960s.
A in B around C at
6 During which period ….. history was this book written?
A off B in C of
VI. Underline the correct item, then write the speaker’s exact words.
1 A: Did Linda go to the town council meeting yesterday?
B: No, she said she has to/had to write a report for work.
Linda: “I __________________________ .”
2 A: Have you seen Peter today?
B: Yes, he said he went/was going to the recycling centre.
Peter: “I __________________________ .”
3 A: Will Anna complete her project on air pollution tonight?
B: No, she told me she will finish/would finish it tomorrow instead.
Anna: “I __________________________ .”
4 A: Has Ken donated any money to the homeless shelter?
B: No, he said that he hadn’t donated/wasn’t donating any money yet.
Ken: “I ___________________________ .”
5 A: What was Jack doing all yesterday evening?
B: He said that he had been watching/had watched nature documentaries on TV.
Jack “I ____________________________ .”
VII. Yesterday, Rachael went to a recycling centre for the first time. Keith works there and
answered some of Rachael’s questions. Turn their questions and commands into reported
1 Rachael: “Does it cost anything to recycle here?”
Rachael asked him __________________________________.
Keith: “Yes, please pay £1 to the man at the gate”.
Keith told her __________________________________.
2 Rachael: “Where is the bin for glass bottles?”
Rachael asked him __________________________________.
Keith: “Walk up the path for twenty metres.”
Keith told her __________________________________.
3 Rachael: “Can I put an old toaster into the plastics bin?”
Rachael asked him __________________________________.
Keith: “Don’t put any household appliances into the plastics bin.”
Keith told her __________________________________.
VIII. Fill in the gaps with say or tell in the correct tense.
1 Terry, I want to …………. you something about our project.
2 “I’ll donate to the charity,” she …………. him.
3 Alan ………. us that he had become a volunteer.
Doan Thi Diem Secondary School ON SCREEN B1+
Name:………………………………………Class:………. UNIT 5
4 Lisa …………. that she would come to the clean-up day.
5 “You shouldn’t drop litter,” Mum …………. to us.
IX. Turn the sentences into reported speech using the verbs in brackets.
1 “I’m sorry I didn’t come to the meeting,” said George. (apologise)
2 “Don’t forget to turn off the TV,” Jim told Ann. (remind)
3 “Let’s create a poster to raise awareness,” said Tim. (suggest)
4 “Light pollution causes serious harm to wildlife,” said Alice. (explain)
5 “You should turn off all the lights at night,” Anna told Philip. (advise)
X. Use the word in bold to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the
first. Use two to five words.
1 “Yes, it was me who left the light on last night,” he said. ADMITTED
He _________________ the light on the previous night.
2 “Don’t go near the lake,” they said to us. WARNED
They _________________ near the lake.
3 “Yes, you can borrow my car this weekend,” Adam told Greg. ALLOWED
Adam _________________ his car that weekend.
4 “Come to our party later today,” Jim said to him. INVITED
Jim _________________ later that day.
5 “OK, I will donate some money to the charity,” Peter said. AGREED
Peter _________________ to the charity.


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