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How to emulate Japan’s education system to improvise Malaysia’s education needs

(Outline/Free writing)
Japan= they got high technology+ tradition n culture
Malaysia got blueprints and so on but still under par, low in quality…
Introduce Japan’s education system…
They focus more on etiquette, discipline n politeness
They all very polite bc it deeply grained in their culture…

Focus all around education (interpersonal relationship)

EXP: mealtime used as a chance of education
School lunch in Japan served by students, got ppl that in charge of collecting the meal and
serving it and also taking the dirty dishes
Getting the lunch to the classroom oso part of the learning:
Skill that they can develop: problem solving skills, spatial awareness, team-building n ?
When the students are responsible for serving n all that , the class need to wait n prep in their
classroom: They will all wash their hand hand b4 the meal
In Japan it is customary to wait until everyone has their meal in front of them b4 everyone starts
All students need to learn how to serve n carefully handle hot stuffs, portion control and learn to
manage time…The students need to work collaboratively so that they can eat faster…
Japanese kids r expected to eat everything on their plates so they eat lots of different things
even if they don’t like still need to eat.
Their school lunch system teaches them many skills… self organization
“Lesson study” of Japan’s system, they made this for improving teaching (in public school)
Japanese teacher: constructively criticize each other’s teaching methods, the teachers learn
from each other
the teacher didn’t just blindly throw everything at students, students themselves were made to

Malaysia’s education system is stepping backward-

Malaysia needs to teach students to overcome their laziness and their attitude problem..
Malaysia’s education system do provide knowledge and skills but we failed when it comes to
values…example: online class (Many students don’t attend the class)
We can learn from Japan, make sure the students have the right attitude n self discipline n the
overcome their laziness (a moral act should be instilled in from young)

Malaysia students spend most of their time memorizing facts only…

In Malaysia, good at memorizing equates to being intelligent, that’s what the test seems to
allude to…
students in Malaysia only memorize answers and structures for examination…
There is very little critical thinking in exam…only needs to spend hours absorbing every word in
the textbook to score exceedingly well in the exams. For example History.

What is borne from this system is a generation of students who are unable to think critically on
issues. They see, but they do not observe. They read, but they do not understand…
Thus, they become very narrow-minded and fearful of the prospect of having to think for
A good education system is very important, it will affect a country’s development…(explain why)

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