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- Provide API secret key to API Consumers this Key have to be used to access the
provided APIs
- Provide Rest API to POST user data (and book id) as JSON (data is encrypted with
- Litello is able to decrypt data with apikey
- will create new user if user not exists
- return a generated Token for this user and the book id
- Web Reader is able to verify this Token and open the the book without login

Customer System:
- Should be able to call the provided Rest API with encrypted data
- Should be able to consume the response Token and generate the web reader URL
including the Token as subpath of the URL
​ ttps://​<Token>
- like:​ h
Collect usage data from Litello

Currently we dont collect usage data of user

- except last visited page, notes and highlights
- What kind of data is needed?
- Book metadata
- Title
- Author
- Tracking data:
- Get Reading state of a book for a user:
- User not worked with book: not attempted
- User started to work on book: in progress
- User completes the book means user visited all pages of book
- Time tracking:
- Time of first open book
- Time of last opened book
- Number of book access
- Get Cover-Url of Book
- GET Books of globus

- depending of the need Litello should implement it

- DSGVO should be checked

- How to get the Data from Litello:

- These will be also Rest API Endppoints
- Access only allowed with api-key
- To be general: Each customer will have a customer-ID
- so the APIs should be called including customer-ID

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