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project to simulate a library management system

functions of the program:

- store books(in a file)
- add and delete books
- lend and return books
- view record of books issued and returned

functions of v2.0:
- create a user account
- simulate the passing of days
- add username to the record

subjects to study for this:

- file handling

program to simulate a library management system

functions to implement:
- to store books in a file V
-- to select a specific file as the storage V
-- to read a file V
- to delete a book
- to lend and return books(similar to the one above)
-- to check that the book is currently present in the storage
--- to mark the book as lent or returned
- to view records of books issued and returned

first thing to do is to build the program's skeleton, so i will make a simple

program to
open, read and then write in a schematic way the book name and if it's present or

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