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Online Ticket Reservation System
Submitted By:-

Muhammad Hassan (AS20SAA0138)

Jahangir Khan (AS20SAA1037)

Rehman Rasheed (AS20SAA0131)


Ma’am Saleeha



The Bookshop Automation System is to automate all operations in a bookshop.

Generally itincludes the Order Processing, Stock Management and Accounts
Management.Before automating a bookshop we have to understand the concept of
automation. In automationof any operation we make a system which do work
automatically as the respective events occurs,for which it is meant.There are the
some common examples of the automation like that auto pilot system in theaircraft,
automatic home systems (electric system, water system, fire alarm system, doors
systemetc). These are best examples of the automation systems.Here we are try to
develop such type system which is provide the automation on theany type of the
bookshop. That means a shop which has the type system which provides thefacility
to the customers of the shop to purchase the books from the shop without any
For example any customer want to purchase any book from the shop than first of
allcustomer just choose the stream of the book than he/she can see the more then
one type of booksthere and than he/she can choose the specific book from there.
And then purchase it by payingprice on bookshop cash counter and receives its

Listed below are the main features of this C++ project:

1. Add Book Records: This feature allows users to add a new book to bookshop
management system application. Information such as name of the book, name of the
author and number of copies should be provided, and the data is stored in file.

2. Show Book Records: The add book records can be listed with this feature along with the
author’s name and number of copies of the book added.

3. Check Availability: If you want to buy a particular book, this feature first checks its
availability. Name, author and number of copies of the particular book is then displayed.

4. Modify Book Records: You can modify the information provided while adding a new book
to bookshop management system project in C++. You can edit the book’s name, author’s
name and the number of copies. All modified data are then stored in file.

5. Delete Book Records: To delete book from the file of bookshop management, this feature
is used. For this the book name should be provided, and a confirmation from the user is
asked before deleting the book record.

Header Files Used:

Note that this project uses graphics.h header file, and runs on Turbo C++. So, if you want to
run the source code in Code::Blocks by making some modifications, you need to include
graphics.h header file in Code::Blocks to run this project. Besides that, bookshop
management system requires the following header files included in your compiler.

 #include”stdio.h”
 #include”conio.h”
 #include”fstream.h”
 #include”stdlib.h”
 #include”dos.h”
 #include”string.h”
 #include”graphics.h”
 #include”iomanip.h”

File handling has been used to perform all the operations in bookshop management system
project in C++, except the welcome screen. This project will teach you to add, list, modify,
search (check availability) and delete records from file. To learn more about file handling in
C/C++ projects, you can go through other projects published on our site.

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