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Need for “Common Rights” as writers in streaming market

- Separated Rights (i.e. creator keeps film/TV rights separate from theater, novel, etc.)
- RoyalKes, residuals

- What is a living wage in your territory?
- How do you judge?
- Set minimum rates for scripts, bibles, pitches, re-writes?
- Credits for copyright and royalKes

Working CondiKons
- RealisKc deadlines
- Staffing – wriKng rooms, collaboraKons (especially co-prods)
- Quotas (by naKonality, financing)

Writer Development
- Ladder to rise up in experience (i.e. wriKng staff)
- ConKnued training (i.e. going to set, business and craW classes)
- Agent or manager representaKon
- “ApprenKceship” system – paid internship, assistants, development readers
- WriKng workshops, conferences, mentorships

ProtecKon of Writers
- CollecKve Bargaining via union or other organizaKon?
- Fair freelance assignment opportuniKes

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