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1. See pages 190-219, 370-385 of your e-book.

2. Choose and describe in a clear and complete way, only one ecosystem. It can
be terrestrial (forest, savanna, tundra, desert ...) or water (saltwater or

3. Ecosystem: Forest
4. A forest ecosystem is the
basic ecologic unit in a
particular forest that exists
as “home” for
5. a community of both
native and introduced
classified organisms. It´s
named for the
6. primary tree species that
form the canopy. It is
defined by all the collective
7. inhabitants of that forest
ecosystem that co-exist
together in symbiosis to
create a unique
8. ecology.
Ecosystem: Forest

The forest is an ecosystem that exists as “home” for a community of both native and
introduced classified organisms. It is defined by all the collective living inhabitants of that
forest ecosystem that co-exist together in symbiosis to create a unique ecology.

9. Locate the selected ecosystem in three regions of the world.

The forests are commonly located in Asia, Western Europe, and some zones of America
(like Mexico)

10. Of the following groups of living beings, choose two specific organisms that live
in the same ecosystem you chose.



1. Make a representation using clear and full-color images (they can also be
drawn) of each species and write its scientific name.


2. Describe in regard to the chosen species:

0. Habitat to which it belongs


They live on the logs in the forest

Bears: they literally live in the forest xD

a. Lifecycle

Fungi: they only live in the log xd, and then they reproduce and die

Bears: The lifecycle is only because of sexual reproduction

b. Types of reproduction

Fungi: They reproduces through asexual reproductive spores, the spores are diseminated
through air, or wáter until they “found” a new place to grow
Bears: Well, sexual reproduction xD

c. Types of feeding

Fungi, they usually live through eating protein, usually from the soil.

Bears: Bears are mostly vegetarians, they eat herbs from the forest

3. Answer the following clearly (include 2 bibliographical references in APA format

to support your position):
0. How important are the selected species in their environment?

Fungi are so important that it is estimated that 80% of plants are associated with
fungi, or would be more sensitive to attack by bacteria or insects

The bear plays an important role contributing to the plant regeneration of the

Ecologistas En Accion. (2010). La importancia de los hongos. 16/03/2022, de

Ecologistas en accion Sitio web:

Luis Lujan Cardenas. (2019). El oso y su contribucion a los bosques. 16/03/2022,

de IAGUA Sitio web:

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