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● Human Rights - Single most powerful concept in making moral judgments.

○ Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (American Constitution)

○ Life, Liberty and Property (John Locke)

● Liberty Rights
○ We should be allowed to exercise our freedom/rights without interference.

● Welfare Rights
○ What’s the point of liberty rights if we remain incapable of exercising them?
○ We should have access to benefits needed to lead a decent human life.

● Libertarianism
○ Only liberty rights exist.
○ This is John Locke’s view.
○ It is very individualistic, and rejects any welfare rights.

● Legal Rights vs Human Rights

○ Legal rights are due to the laws of a society.
○ Human rights are those that we have by virtue of being human.

● Rights Ethics Application to Engineering

○ Right to life
○ Right not to be injured
○ Right to privacy etc.

● Special Moral Rights

○ Exist due to contracts (communicated or implied) between people.

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