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Evidence for the Theory of Evolution

Grade 9 Biology

Vestigial Structures:

Vestigial structures provide some strong evidence for evolution by themselves. In some
species, many functional structures that were beneficial in the past have lost their
usefulness and have begun to disappear. In the process of disappearing from the gene pool,
gradualism can be observed as the trait becomes less beneficial and has reduced
functionality. One classic example is eyes in cave-dwelling organisms—their eyes are
sometimes so small that they are functionally useless.

1. How does a vestigial trait in an extant organism provide evidence that organisms
change over time?

2. Are vestigial structures homologous or analogous in nature? Explain your reasoning.

3. How can vestigial structures help scientists to establish evolutionary relationships?

4. Search for 4 other vestigial structures and describe them in the space below.

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