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scrutiny (n) critical observation/examination

=> under scrutiny ;

squander (v) waste
=> squander one’s chances ;
aloof (adj) not interested ;
procession (n) a line of people working ;
lineage (n) ancestry ;
bigoted (adj) showing strong beliefs, refusing to change ;
irrevocable (adj) final
=> irrevocable decision/step/consequence ;
water-thin (adj) very thin ;
pertain (v) connected/relating to
=> pertain to ;
tailor (v) make/adapt sth to
=> tailor to ;
lackluster (adj) not interesting/bright ;
insatiable (adj)always wanting more
=> insatiable appetite/curiosity/thirst ;
bolster (v) improve/make stronger
=> bolster confidence/courage/morale ;
agony (n) extreme pain ;
insolvent (adj) bankrupt ;
(Coll.) disposable disposable assets/capital/resource ;
armistice (n) agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certime time
(Syn.) truce (n) - ceasefire (n) ;
embargo (v) impose an official ban on
=> embargo on ;
panacea (n) solution/remedy for all difficulties/diseases ;
bailout (n) act of giving financial assistance to a failing business/economy to save it from collapse ;
peddle (v) - try to sell sth by going from house to house / place to place
- promote (idea/view) persistently/widely ;
tweak (v) - improve (mechanism/system) by making fine adjustments to it
- twist/pull sth sharply ;
imbue (v)inspire/permeat with (feeling/quality)
=> be imbued with sparkle and elan ;
mite (n) very small amount
=> a mite of discipline ;
a mite (adv) slightly/a little ;
glitch (n) - sudden & temporary malfunction/irregularity of equipment
- unexpected setback in a plan ;
bout (n) - short period of intense activity of a specified kind
- an attack of illness/strong emotion of a specified kind ;
whiff (n) - smell
=> catch a whiff
- slight sign
=> whiff of danger ;
emaciated (adj) thin & weak, because of illness/lack of food ;
insolent (adj) extremely rude ;
haughty (adj) arrogant ;
gaunt (adj) - (person) thin because of illness
- (building) not attractive ;
year dot a very long time ago
=> from/ since the year dot ;
redolent (adj) - strongly reminiscent/suggestive of
- fragrant/sweet-smelling ;
(Emp.) different vastly different ;
gregarious (adj) sociable ;
in arrears - behind with paying money that is owed
- (payments) at the end of each period of work/occupancy
=> You’ll be paid monthly in arrears.
- (competitor in race) having lower score / weaker performance ;
liven (v) make/become more lively/interesting
=> liven up bland foods ;
go to great lengths try hard / do everything in order to achieve sth
=> They went to great lengths to convince her. ;
take sb down a notch reprimand sb ;
underperform (v) perform less well than expected ;
flummoxed (adj) perplexed/bewildered ;

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