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Amity International School

Summer Break Holiday Assignment

Class III (Session 2023-24)

“The best way to keep kids learning over the

summer break is to make it fun, engaging, and

Dear Parents,
We believe that engaging in learning activities during the summer break
helps children maintain their academic progress and provides them with a fun
and interactive way to continue learning.
In our endeavour to promote independent learning, self-discipline, and time
management skills in our young Amitians and provide an opportunity for
parents to be involved in their child's learning and progress, we have carefully
curated a set of fun learning activities that are designed to engage learners in
enjoyable and entertaining experiences. We encourage our children to
complete them at their own pace over the summer break.
Reading can take us on amazing adventures, introduce us to new ideas, and
help us learn about different cultures and ways of life. Students will share their
reading experience with their classmates and discuss the stories and
characters with them.
Writing is an excellent way to express our thoughts and feelings, improve our
vocabulary, and enhance our writing skills. Therefore, we want to encourage
our students to make the most of their time at home by indulging in reading
and writing.
Furthermore, we also suggest that children help their family members with
small tasks at home. They can assist their parents and grandparents with
cooking, cleaning, gardening, or any other household chore that needs
attention. Spending quality time with grandparents not only creates happy
memories and strengthens family bonds but also promotes intergenerational
communication and understanding, benefiting both children and grandparents.
Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you a happy and enjoyable
summer break.

ENGLISH 1. Reading Reflection: Select and read any two-story

books of your choice over the summer and prepare
for ‘Book Talk’. Write your opinion about the book
and complete the book review worksheet attached.
Few examples of books that you may read can read:
Ruskin Bond’s Blue Umbrella, Enid Blyton’s Famous
Five, Sudha Murthy’s How I taught my Grandmother
to Read.

( Format Attached at end )

2. Idiom-o-logy: You have done idioms in class 2 and
some in the month of April-May. Write a short story
or paragraph using any five idioms. Your story or
paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences long for
each idiom. Illustrate any three idioms of your choice.
Complete the assignment on A4 sheets and file them.

Example: Barking up the wrong tree - Rohit accused

his roommate of eating the last slice of pizza. His
roommate denied it, and Rohit kept insisting he was
guilty. Finally, the next day, John found the empty
pizza box under his bed. He realized he had been
barking up the wrong tree and apologized to his
3. Vocabulary Piggy Bank: When you come across new
words, find out their meaning from the dictionary.
Write both the word and the meaning on a slip of
paper. Keep the paper slip safely in a piggy ENGLISH
bank (any old cardboard box). This will be your word
money, each worth ₹ 100. So, collect as many new
word-meanings as possible. At the end of summer
break, the child with the maximum word-money will
be the winner.

ह द
िं ी 1.तीन पहे लिय ाँ जिनमे फिों के न म आते हों, उत्तर के स थ क यय
पुजततक में लिखिए I
उद हरण
मेरा रिं ग पीला ै
और मैं पेड़ों पर उगता ूँ
मैं हाथी और बंदर ं का
प्रिय भोजन ूँ

(क) 2. हहिंदी सम च र पत्र/ कह नी की कोई पत्रत्रक िैसे निंदन, चिंपक/

पपछिे वर्य की प ठ्य पुजततक (कोई एक) क छोट भ ग हहिंदी क यय
पुजततक में चचपक इए तथ उसमें से १५ सिंज्ञ शब्दों को रेि िंककत
कीजिए I


1. Write and illustrate a math-themed storybook. The story

could involve characters who use math to solve problems or
incorporate math concepts into the plot.

2. Create a math board game that involves addition and

subtraction. For example, you could create a board game
where players roll dice and move their game pieces based on
the sum or difference of the numbers on the dice.


3. Create ten simple word problems based on real-life

situations (such as sharing toys or buying snacks at a store) in
Math Practice Notebook.

For example- Avishi went to the store with ₹35 in her pocket.
She bought a bag of chips for ₹15 and a chocolate for ₹ 10.
How much money is left with Avishi after buying the snacks?

E.V.S Three great ways you can eliminate waste and protect your
environment! Reduce, reuse, and recycle! Practicing all
three of these activities every day is not only important for a
healthy environment, but it can also be fun too. So, let's take
a minute right now to learn more about Recycling.
Check out our list of the best recycled crafts for our mother
Earth and give some of them a try!
*Children can select any one of the projects of their choice
from the given suggestions.

1. Build beautiful terrariums:

A bottle gets a second life as a museum-worthy terrarium as
well as a home for an environmental science project. Be sure
to add the activated charcoal and moss for plastic bottle
terrariums that flourish.


2.Yogurt Cup Wind Chime: Create your own wind chime

using waste material.

3.Tin Can Creatures:

Create these tiny and cute creatures using waste tin can.
Refer to the link and make different landforms found on the
Earth using clay dough.

G20 Find out about the countries participating in G20 summit

2023. In the G.K notebook, draw a table with the names of
the participant countries. Draw and colour respective
national flags in front of the name of the countries.
Note for Parents -
To revise already done concepts, practice worksheets are attached. These are optional
practice sheets you may use to give practice to your ward.
NAME:_______________________ROLL NO: _____SEC:______DATE:________________

Q1. Read the passage. Answer the questions that follow.

Terrible Lizards

A. Put a ‘√’ for a correct statement and a ‘X’ for incorrect ones.

• All dinosaurs were large.

• Dinosaurs ruled the land.

• Dinosaurs gave birth to young ones.

• All dinosaurs were meat-eaters.

• Dinosaurs gave birth to young ones.

B. Write your answers on the lines provided.
1. What are fossils?



2. Define the term “extinct”.



3. Why were some prehistoric animals named dinosaurs?



C. Underline adjectives given in the passage and write them in the space provided.

Q.2 Say it, a different way.

Read each question. To find the answer, fill in the blank with a word that means the

same as the underlined word.

1. Do you have any money?

Yes, I have some _____________in my pocket.

2. Will you cut carrots for the stew?

Yes, I will __________ the vegetables.

3. Could you shake your keys?

Yes, I will ____________ the keys.

4. Are you going to the fair?

Yes, I am going to the ________________.

5. Will you throw me that pillow?

Yes, I will ___________ you the pillow.

6. Will you try to win the game?

Yes, I will ____________ to win the game.

7. Will the storm be powerful?

Yes, the storm will be _________________.

Q.3 Prefixes! Prefixes are letters which we add to the beginning of a word to make a
new word with a different meaning.

Underline the words in each row that have the same prefix as the first word in the row:

a. prefix preview popcorn perfect prevent

b. disappear detain dislike disagree deliver

c. nonsense nonstop napkin narrator narrow

d. midstream marker midterm maple midline

e. inside into indirect important incorrect

Q.4 Suffixes! A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word which
makes a new word.

Underline the words in each row that have the same suffix as the first word in the row:

a. baggage village postal postage luggage

b. arrival burial deferral almighty alright

c. childhood motherhood childish fatherhood neighbourhood

d. kindness fitness foolishness tidiness kindly

e. enjoyment engine government statement ornament

Q.5 a] Write down the meanings of the closed compound words.






b] Match the words in column 1 with those in column 2 to form compound words.


grand castle

sand fly

high bone

dragon body

every way

back father

Q.6 Frame questions for the following answers.

a. _______How old is your sister?_____________________________

Ans: My sister is three years old.

b. _________________________________________________________

Ans: My mother is a doctor.

c. __________________________________________________________

Ans: My father works in a bank.

d. ___________________________________________________________

Ans: I like science fiction.

e. ___________________________________________________________

Ans: I spend my holidays at my grandmother’s place.

ऐममटी इिंटरनैशनल स्कल

ह द
िं ी ग्रीष्म अवकाश अभ्यास पत्र

नाम ..............................वगग.....अनुक्रमािंक ....... हदनािंक ..............

िश्न १ ननम्न वगग प े ली में से नौ फल़ों के नाम ढूँ हढए तथा नीचे
हदए गए स्थान में मलखिए I

ट सू र ि मु िी फ ब
ह गु स ह ब स गें र
ि ि ि द च मो द त
व न स ब ड मे ग की
क म ि स म ज़ िी र
ट क ने र क फ़ न नी
उ व ि गु ड़ ह ि स
इ स द ब ह र म क्ष

उद हरण- गुि ब

.......................... .......................... ..........................

.......................... .......................... ..........................
.......................... .......................... ..........................

िश्न 2 –गमी की छुट्हटय़ों में आपने ह द

िं ी की कौन–कौन सी तीन पुस्तकें पढ़ीिं, उन
पुस्तक़ों तथा लेिक़ों के नाम मलखिए I



िश्न 3- ‘अपने घर में ी न ीिं, में घर के बा र भी स्वच्छता रिनी ै I’ इस प्रवषय
पर एक नारा मलखिए तथा सुन्दर चचत्र बनाइए I

िश्न 4- इन छुट्हटय़ों में आपने पयागवरण सरु क्षा तथा भलाई के कौन से तीन कायग
ककए ?

NAME- ____________SECTION-_____ ROLL NO.-____ DATE— ___

Q1) Write the missing number or mathematical term that completes the
given statement correctly.
a) The successor of the smallest 3-digit odd number is_____.

b) If hundreds and tens places are interchanged, the number 8765 will become


c) The sum of the place values of two 4’s in 4346 is ____________.

d) The greatest number formed from the digits 1,0,9,6 using each digit only once


e) The smallest number formed from the digits 9,7,0, 5 using each digit only once

f) The smallest 4 -digit number is ________________.

g) 1809 is the _______________ of 1810.

h) 12 tens + 10 ________.

i) 2567 + 999 = ________ + 2567.

j) 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 = ________.

k) The sum of the place values of 4 and 5 in 5042 = ________.

l) The difference between the place values of 2 in 2036 and 3026 is __________.

Q2) Solve the given questions mentally.

a) Roy purchased 808 pens and 302 pencils to sell at his shop. Mentally calculate

the total number of pens and pencils together. ____________________

b) Two cricketers Sachin and Saurav scored 684 and 648 runs respectively. What is

the total score of both the players? _______________

c) Given below is the price list of some items in a store. Reena purchased 4

chocolates,2 balls, 3 pens and 1 colour box. What is the total money paid by

Reena? _________ Items Price

1 2 chocolates ₹ 50

2 1 ball ₹ 36

3 6 pens ₹ 60

4 2 colour boxes ₹ 74

d) Rohan bought 4 rolls of film. There are 36 pictures in each roll. He has taken 98

pictures so far. How many more pictures can Rohan take? ________________

e) If 21 + 22+23+24+25 is equal to 115, what is the total of 31+32+33+34+35=

f) Two pens will be given free for every 8 pens. How many pens will Ashu have

altogether if he paid for 24 pens? ___________________

g) 50 bottles of juice were ordered for a party .4 bottles were not used. How many

people came to the party. If each person drank two bottles? _______________

Q3) Solve the given crossword puzzle.

Be a Math Wizard and solve the crossword Puzzle.

Q4) Help Captain Salamander to cross the river by colouring the
steppingstones counting in 10s.

Q5) Counting forward fill in the missing balloon.

Amity International School
Summer Break Practice Worksheet
Subject -Environmental Studies
Name: _____________________Class: III Sec: ___ Date:____________

Q 1- Tick the correct option.

1) What is the Earth mostly made of?

a) water b) rocks c) land

2) What is the name of the layer of the gases that surrounds the Earth?

a) ocean b) air c) atmosphere

3) What cause day and night on the Earth?

a) The position of the moon b) The rotation of the Earth c) The revolution of
the earth

4) Which of the following is NOT a natural resource that comes from the

a) Coal b) water c) plastic

5) What are the bowl-shaped giant holes that are found on the moon

a) craters b) halo c) holes

6) Which of the following is an effect of pollution on the Earth?

a) global warming b) healthier plants and animals c) cleaner air

7) What is the name of the largest ocean on the Earth?

a) The Indian Ocean b) The Pacific Ocean c) The Atlantic Ocean

8) Which of the following is NOT a way that humans can help take care of
the Earth?

a) recycling b) using less water c) cutting down more trees

9.Which planet is known for having a great red spot, a large storm that has
been raging for hundreds of years?

a) Saturn b) Mars c) Jupiter

10 What can we do to help reduce waste?

a) recycle b) litter c) buy more single use plastic

Q 2- Answer the following questions in one word.

1) What is the group of stars called?

2) What are the planets made up of rocks known as?

3) Name the two gas giants.

4) What kind of satellite is the moon?

5) Who proved that the Earth was round?

6) Name the three layers of the Earth.

Q 3- Write Do and Don’t for the following statements.

a) Plant more trees. ____________

b) Release smoke into the air. ____________

c) Save water. ____________

d) Turn off the light. ___________

e) Burn garbage. __________

f) Use plastic bags for shopping. ___________

Q 4- Draw a picture/collage to show what you can do to help save the environment.

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