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When people offer an example like the fact that Steve Jobs did not graduate, I can understand

Although he did not complete his education, he was presented with several possibilities to advance
his career. I used to think that education was not for everyone, and while it is true that not everyone
is able to rise to the challenge of receiving an education, this does not mean that you cannot
continue to study even if you do not attend school. As we go through life, we are continuously
gaining new knowledge, striving to adapt, and dealing with challenges as they arise. In order for us
to survive, we need to constantly learn.

Is it possible for seven billion people to have access to the same excellent possibilities that Steve
Jobs did? The circumstances in which we live, our capabilities for learning, the timing of events, and
the resources we have available to us all play a significant role in determining the trajectory of our
lives and the lessons we draw from them to guide us into the future.

In my situation, even though I had a terrible time in school, I just couldn't give up on trying to better
myself and find out who I am. Now I had two choices: I could either stay put and hope that an
opportunity to succeed will present itself to me like the renowned people whose names you can
count on one hand, or I could muster up the courage to go out there and look for that opportunity
myself. Being a teacher now, this is the message I want to pass on to the young, confused students I
see every day. This unit made me realise how more do I need to communicate with the students
even though it is not about my subject, it is OK. We are there to guide them and that is part of their
learning and a big part of our job too.

Later in life, work experience is beneficial, but wouldn't it be even more advantageous to gain
knowledge in a situation similar to that of a classroom, where it is OK to make mistakes, and from
which one may learn? Education can be challenging, but it can also be forgiving. This is like to playing
a game; as you progress farther, you will unlock further levels, and the more levels you unlock, the
more powerful you will become.

Education provides many benefits, including the development of new skills and knowledge, exposure
to the many things the world has to offer, and the opening of previously inaccessible doors. You
have the option of shutting these doors, but if you do so, you'll be aware that it was a deliberate
choice; furthermore, the knowledge and experience you've received as a result of doing so will
broaden your perspective and make it easier to determine what you want.

During the time that I was pursuing my degree, I did not have an apprenticeship; however, we did
work on real-life projects for large companies, which allowed us to get a sense for the sector and
prepare us for what was to come. Students were also offered paid internships with the companies,
where they received career guidance at the same time.

Education and lifelong learning throughout one's life both contributed to the availability of options.
Some people claim that they have reached their educational goals, but can we really stop growing?
Every day, we pick up new information from a variety of sources. This is why I encourage my
students to not be scared for not knowing what to do and just try out new things, educate yourself
in what you like, get all the experiences you can, it will never be a waste of time and you will
eventually find yourself.

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