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Month Week Topic

October Week #4 Circle Measurements

Practical/Academic Exercise Procedure:

A circle is a two-dimensional shape formed at the same distance from a centre point.
The distance around a circle is its circumference. The full arc of circle measures 360 degrees.
The distance from the centre to the circle is its radius.
The diameter is a line segment running through the centre, the longest distance between two
The circle is the most symmetric shape. It has rotation symmetry for every angle around its centre.
Π = 3.142 is an irrational number that is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

The centre point is in the middle of the circle.

The circumference (C) is the distance around a circle. C = 2πr C = πd

The Circumference is the distance once around the circle.

The radius (r) is the distance from the centre of a circle to its border.
It is half the length of the diameter. r = d/2 r = C/2π

The diameter (d) is the longest distance across a circle.

The diameter is twice the length of the radius. d = 2r d = C/π
The Diameter goes straight across the circle, through the centre.

The area (A) of a circle is the region enclosed by a circle.

A = πr2 A = π(d/2)2

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