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1. Why did you choose VetMed?

When I was a kid, my interest for animals started when I got obsessed with
the animals being documented on a television channel called Animal Planet.
My family was not that fond of animals so we never had pets in our house
until my ninong knew that I love animals, so he gifted me a puppy and I was
the happiest kid that time. I could still remember saving my daily 5-peso
allowance in school just to buy something for my pet, we had good
memories together. So the day came when my pet refused to eat and
became weak, I didn’t know what to do, I got paranoid and I asked my
parents if they could bring it to an animal doctor, but they just ignored it
because it wasn’t that big deal for them. Suddenly, my pet died and I
couldn’t stop crying that time, and the people around me kept on telling me
that it was just a dog, that I could just get a new one again. I didn’t know
why can’t they have empathy towards an animal so I got frustrated hearing
that from them, and I wished I was a veterinarian so I could have saved my
pet that time. From there, I already knew that I wanted to be an animal
advocate so that I could influence people especially children to have
compassion for animals. And now I am happy that finally I’m in the process
of pursuing to be a veterinarian after getting lost on the track. I am actually
enrolled as a 2nd year tourism management student in Central Philippine
University in Iloilo City, but I was able to realize that I should have taken
VetMed beforebecause I also have this dream to build a shelter for stray cats
and dogs and be their veterinarian. and to educate people especially the
children to have compassion for animals.

Going back to my childhood days, I’ve been surrounded with a lot of animals
in our place where I grew up, and I used to act like a doctor and my patients
were those animals. But I had no idea that there were doctors for animals or
veterinarians existing. So my family

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