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Review MODULE 6

1 UNITS 30. 31 AND 32 Complet e the t w o co nversations. Use the correct f o rm of t he verbs in
brackets - past simple o r past co ntinuous.
CLERK Castle Bank. How ca n I help you?
CA" .ER Hello. I'm afraid I' ve lost m y debit card.
OK. What (0) . ~~~. y.~.~ . ~~.~':18....... (you I do) when you last ( I) ............................. .
(have) it?
CAlLf.II. I (2) .................. ........ ... .. (get) cash o ut of a mac hine It wasn 't stolen, t hough.
CLERK Right. When (3) .............. ..... .. ..... ..... (this I happen)?
CALLEk Two days ago, I think.
CLERK OK. We' ll ch eck your account and get a new card to you withi n five days.
CAUliR But 1 (4) ............................. .. (h ope) to go away tomorrow. Can 't you send i t now?

ElLA How was you r day at the beach?

8F.N Well , when we (5) ......... .......... .. .. (arrive), til e sun (6) .............................. .
(shine) brightly and it was rea ll y wa rm.
Et.LA Great !
liEN Hut then it (7) . .. .... ............. ... (start) to rain and it (8) ..... ........................ (not I
stop) raini ng all day!

2 UNITS 10 ANO 33 Find seven more mistakes in the st ory and correct them.

' I dOJl'! know what's happened to my best friend, Sarah. I'm q uite worried about her. She
u.rc4 to
~ be a really fun-loving person but she's changed. It all started when she would go to
Africa after college and worked in a village, helping poor children. She used to be there for
hvo years. She obviously loved it there, but she's become really serious. She never use to be
like that. When we wcrc at college together, we would go out in the even ings - to the d nema,
to cafes and so on, we weren't use to worry about anything. We would often go away at the
weekend with a group of fri ends and Sarah used be ready to try anything - ho rse-riding,
sailing, surfing - all that. But now she prefers to stay at home because she thinks we shouldn't
spend money on these things. She is never used to criticise me so much - now she says that I
need to take life more seriously. She used to tell me the other day that 1 was wasting my life! I
know that she's learnt a lot from her work in Africa and that she's right in some ways, but you
still need to have some fUll, don 't you?'

3 UNITS 30, 31, 34 AND 3S M atch t he sentences 1- 5 w ith the co rrect meaning, A o r 8.
o The plane had landed when we heard the noise.
A We hea rd it before the plane landed. ® Wc heard it after the plane landed .
The children were preparing breakfast when I woke up.
A Breakfast was ready. B Brea kfast wasn't ready.
2 When Jeanette o pened the door, I saw that she had been crying.
A Her eyes were red. B There were tears running down her face.
3 When Saris and Angcla arrived, we'd already eaten dinner.
A Dinner was still in progress. B Dinner was over.

4 I'd already decided to leave the area when the new neigh bours moved in .
A I decided to leave before they came. B I decided to leave after they ca me.
S I decided to leave the area when the n ew neighbours moved in .
A J decided to leave before they came. B I decided to leave because o f the neighbours.

4 ALL UNrTS Read the article and choose the correct words in italics.
There haven't been many female explorefS and adventurefS but one of the best·
known (09 had been Mary Kingsley. Born in London in 1862, Kingsley
(1) travelled I had travelled to parts of Afnca where few western women
(2) were e'IIfY travelling I had e'IIfY travelled before.
Mary's father was a doctor who (3) enjoyed I was enjoying travelling, studying the
different customs of people around the world. Her mother was an invalid, and
much of Mary's early life (4) was I had spent nursing her, until she died in 1892,
only a few weeks after Mary's father (5) used to pass away I had passed away.
As men in those days (6) would I used to be responsible IOf the women in their
family, Mary stayed with her younger brother until he decided to travel to China
in 1893. Now free, Mary travelled to West Africa wi th the intention of completing
the book her father (7) wrote I had been writing at the time of his death.
From then to 1895, Mary trave lled down the coast of West Africa. While she
(8) WdS travelling I used to travel, she (9) had collected I collected specimens of
tropical fish for the British Museum, as well as meeting the people and
gathering material for he!' book. When she returned to England in 1895, Woe
(10) wrote I had been writing he!- book 'Travels in West Africa', which immediately
became a beslseiler.
Mary (11) had returned I returned to Africa in 1899. this time to South Africa,
where the Boer War (12) had jusr broken our I just broke out. She voIunteE'red
as a nurse, but after only a few months caring for Boer pri50ners of war. she
became ill herself. and died in 1900, at the age of only thirty-seven.

5 ALL UNITS Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the w ord
in bracket s. Use two to fiv e w ords in your answer.
o The car broke down when we were in the middle of our d rive to Ma nches ter. (as)
The car broke down .~..r..~~. W.~..4.r:-~0. ~. ... to Manchester.
1 It's Friday and I h eard from Julian on Tuesday about the job application. (ago)
J heard from Ju lian .. ... .. .. ........ .. . ................... about the job application.
2 Befo re we were aware of globa l warming, we d rove bigger cars. (drive)
Before we were aware o f globa l warming, we . . ............ ...................... bigger ca rs.
3 They enqu ired at five h otels before they found one with a vacancy. (had)
After they ................. ... ............ ....... .. .. at five hotels, they found one with a vacancy.
4 The p lay was cancelled when the group was in the middle of rehearsals. (rehearsing)
The group .... ................... ............................... the play was cancelled .
5 Fuad finally mastered English after two years in New York. (living)
Fuad ...................................... in ew York for two years before he finall y mastered English.
6 We spent the su mmers al the seaside when we were little, but we wouldn ' t swim in the
sea very often. (use)
We spent the summers at the seaside when we were little, but we
............................... .............. ........ in the sea very often.

Past tenses
Choose the correct answer, A. B or C.
After years as a classroom assistant, Alicia finaU y ......... a teacher.
A become B became C did became » Un it 30
2 ' I know about the timetable changes.' 'Oh, when .. ........ you?'
A they told 13 did they told C did they tell ,.. Unit 30
3 Our friends were .......... in France at the time of the flood s.
A living B live C Iiveing ,.. Unit 31
4 Pablc and Pilar .......... at the same hotel as us.
A wasn't staying B no t stayi ng C weren't staying ,.. Unit 31
5 Luey called us with t he news when we .... .. .. .. dinner.
A prepared B were preparing C prepare ,.. Unit 31
6 Alt hough Sam spent four years studying math s, he .. ........ it very welt.
A wasn 't understanding 13 didn 't understood C didn't understand ,.. Unit 31
7 My boss .......... to shout while we were discussing the sales figures.
A was starting 13 was started C started ,.. Unit 32
8 We were at t he academy together - Harry. ... to play t he piano while J was
learning to sing.
A learns 13 was learnt C was learn ing ,.. Unit 32
9 Jcff was working for a medica l compa ny ......... he fini shed his PhD.
A when B while C as ,.. Unit 32
10 Meredith .......... flu ent Russian but sh e doesn't any mo re.
A used to spea k B used to speaking C use to speak ,.. Unit 33
11 I recognise you - .......... to go to Kingsto n Gi' School?
A use you B didn't you use C don't you used ,.. Unit 33
12 My mother'S hai r is grey now but sh e ...... .... have beauti fu l red hai r.
A used to n would C had ,.. Unit 33
13 When I lived in nllbao, I .......... the Guggenheim Museum several times.
A would visit B visited C used 10 visit
14 Hilary .......... as a doctor in Bangladesh for eighteen mo nths.
A used to work B would work C worked ,.. Unit 33
15 Sany offered Neela a job before she .. ... ... .. her degree.
A fin ish B had fini shed C was fi n ishing >- Unit 34
16 I had breakfa st quite ear ly, then r •... _•.... to t he bus stop and caught the bus.
A had gone B had went C went >- Unit 34
17 Wc missed part of the concert because it ... ..... . when we got to the ha ll
A started B had started C had n' t started ,.. Unit 34
18 To ny .......... in Ch ina (or long before the earthquake happened.
A hadn't been worki ng B hadn 't working C hadn 't been worked ,... Unit 35
19 We .......... all t he museums in the town by the end of the tou r.
A visited B had visited C had been visiting ,.. Unit 35
20 Sorry I shouted at you . I was annoyed because I ......... problems with the
computer all mo rning.
A had been having B was haVing C had ,... Unit 35


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