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“And you should know, brother, God helps us to obey him and understand His secrets!
Including a qaṣīda of Imām 'Alī (God be satisfied with him!) which he composed on the
Supreme Name, and this is the blessed and famous qaṣīda”

﴾...Start with BĪSMĪʾLLĀH, with whom my spirit is guided towards the unveiling of the mysteries
that are hidden in her. By ĀJ ▲ ĀH•ŪJ, O my God, MŪ•HĀŪ•JĀ ▲ O JĀLYŪŪT, may you
adorn yourself with the answer. Shed a bright emanation from the Lights upon me, and give life
to the death of my heart by TAYTĀ•GĀT...﴿

﴾...Let the life of the heart rise from what pollutes it, for ĀLĪĀ DĪĀʾ who erects the mystery in me,
shining a flash of THEĪR light upon me. Hit my face with a glow that shines! Pour on my heart
rains of mercy with the wisdom of MĀŪ•LĀNĀ ĀL•KĀRĪM BĪNĀ ĀLĀT...﴿

﴾...FĪĀ•YŪH ▲ FĪĀ•YŪH, O KHAYR KHĀ•LĪQ WĀ•ʾĀKRĀM MĪN NĪET by definition. Make me

reach grace and all my goals for the truth of the letters that meet in the alphabet. For the secret
of the letters you have deposited in my spell, by the light of the radiance of the Name and the
Spirit that has risen. Shed a bright emanation from your Lights upon me, and give life to the
inertness of my heart, by GĀL•MĀHĀT ▲ Cover me with solemnity and glory. Āway from me
the hand of the enemies, by ḌAYḌĀ•GĀT...﴿

﴾...Protect me from every enemy and envious by the right of ŠĀMĀKH ▲ ʿĀŠMĀKH ▲ SĀLMĀT
SĀMĀT ▲ Solve my problems with the Light, O Lord, Īt facilitates my affairs after the difficulty
has been resolved. Deliver me from all threat and violence. Generous by definition, O you who
decides the descent of the secret. Deliver me to a sea and grant me the benefit of your land, let
the veil fall on me and let yourself be seen behind the mistake. Make the hearts of all worlds be
in harmony with me, and make me accepted by ŠĀLMĀ•HĀT...﴿

﴾...Bless me, my God, in all that is the product of my work. Ūndo the knots of difficulty YAY• Ū,
loosen them. FĪĀ•YŪH ▲ YAY•ŪH, O KHAYR ▲ KHĀ•LĪQ, O Who grows my livelihood by
THEĪR very existence. For You I reject enemies everywhere, and by the Name I throw them to
the ground one by one. You are my hope, O my God! And my Lord. It dissuades the bulk of the
army if it intends to lead me to error...﴿

KHĀL•ĀT. Light my star with the Name, bright and splendid throughout eternity and days O
shining light. In You lies perpetuity and constant power for those who arrive at the door of Your
patio seeking refuge, and their darkness disappears...﴿


TĀM•HĀR•JĀT ▲ TAʾDAAD•BĀHRAM and ŠĀM•RĀZĀ•MĀRŪM! Prominent shine and blessed
matrix! ▲ You light the lamp of the lamps whose explanation is a secret ▲ You light the lamp of
the lamps with a secret that is lit with a high majesty light and a cover that moves away ▲
QŪDŪS BĪRĀKŪT and with it, the fire goes out...﴿
﴾ YĀH ▲ by YŪH ▲ NĀ•MŪH ▲ ĀSĀ•LYĀ ▲ by TĀM•TĀM ▲ MAH•RĀŠ ▲ For me, you
melt the enemy...﴿


ŠĀMŪKH you exalt yourself!...﴿

﴾...BAHRĀM lyrics high and exultant during eternity and times YAYŪH! ▲ You wait O
SĀMĀKHṮĀ! O ŠĀMĀKHṮĀ! ▲ You are ŠĀLĀMĀKHĀ! ▲ O ʿYAȚĀLĀ which discharges the
shivering winds!...﴿

﴾...For TĀ̛•HĀ ▲ For YĀ•SĪN ▲ For TĀ̛•SĪN be for me ▲ By TĀ̛•SĪN•MĪM you attract
happiness ▲ By KĀF and YĀ̛ ▲ ĀĪN•HĀʾ and your SĀD which are enough to protect me
against all threats ▲ By EYEH ĀŠER EYEH ▲ By ĀDONĀĪ SĀVĀOTH ▲ By EL ŠĀDDĀĪ ▲ Ī
conjure thee TAYTĀ•GĀT ▲ By KĀF and NŪN ▲ Then KHĀ̛•MĪM behind them...﴿

﴾...The secrets are gathered in the SŪRĀH ĀL•DŪKHĀN. Three canes have lined up behind a
seal, having above them a kind of arrow. Ānd a blind and mutilated MĪM, then a ladder in
whose half there are like two grooves of a cart track. After that four similar to the fingertips, that
allude to assets and livelihood together. An isolated HĀʾ, then a curved W ĀW like a tube of a
suction cup that bends through the secret, and so its end is like its beginning, then a seal six-
pointed, which collects the secret under it...﴿

﴾...This is the Name of God, exalted be THEĪR power and Their Names, which came into being
when Creation took place. This is the Name of God, convince yourselves, ignorant ones! Do
not doubt a burn that makes the spirit perish, nor the screaming. Receive these noble names
and hide them, For in them there are mysteries through which there is no disappointment. Īn
them lies the Covenant and the Alliance, the Promise and the Encounter. Perfume them with
musk and camphor...﴿

﴾...Īf you find yourself among the killing, you will escape. Visit without fear of the kings with
what it entails. And if there is someone possessed by Jinn, you will attack. It spills boiling water
and separates the body. Face without fear and disapprove without fear. Increase the riches and
the fruit of the harvest....﴿

﴾...From the end of the Torah, the Gospel of ʿĪSĀ, and from the Quran they come and are their
perfection. Eloquent for every creature, it will make you speechless. You will not fear any snake,
nor will you see any scorpion, Nor will a lion growl approaching you. You will not be afraid of
the sword, nor will you fear dagger. You will not fear the furious air or the stinking wind....﴿

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