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Praise to God

We evoke with our grace, sir, the high spirits of your court, sweet
emanation of all that is sublime, of all that is great and of all that is
infinitely good, wholesome and just.

Spirits elevated by your virtues to such a high degree of perfection and

happiness, where we receive the direct mission of the omnipotent, so
that the effects of paternal love may reach us; messengers of the divine
word, come close to us out of charity, because we call you with all the
effulgence of our souls, so that you may transmit to the Lord our humble
songs purified by the purified atmosphere of your glory; may they
vibrate in our hearts with a soft emotion, the echo of your angelic
voices, whose melodies are hidden from us by your glory.may our
humble songs, purified by the purified atmosphere of your glory, vibrate
in our hearts with soft emotion the echo of your angelic voices, whose
melodies are hidden to our hardened spirit, and our coarse senses,
accustomed to the uncorded accents of coarse lyres, cannot perceive
the beauty of your harmonies.

Let us glorify the Lord, that by his mercy we begin to enjoy in this abode
of exile the light of truth, the hope of his love and the unwearied
embrace of his paternal affection; tell us that we desire the gift of
suffering with patience our trials, because his infinite goodness has
made us understand his great wisdom and our salutary mission in this
world, thank you for such great benefits, guide us spirits sent by god,
enlighten our souls, illuminate with your knowledge the difficult path of
our life, shine on it the torch of truth, so that our souls may be purified
with your beneficial influences and once our well-deserved pilgrimage is
over, may you lead us like simple doves to the throne of the king of
kings, asking him to forgive our faults and to sing with you his praises.

Our Father.......
Guardian Angels and Protective Spirits

Prudent and benevolent spirits, messengers of god, whose mission is to

assist men and lead them on the right path, sustain me in the trials of
this life, give me strength to suffer them without murmuring, divert from
me the evil thoughts and make me not give access to any of the evil
spirits that try to induce me to evil.

Enlighten my conscience so that I may see my defects, remove from my

eyes the veil of pride that would prevent me from seeing them and
confessing them to myself.

You, about everything..... my guardian angel, who watches over me

more particularly, and you protective spirits who take an interest in me,
make me worthy of your benevolence. You know my needs, therefore
grant me grace according to the will of God.

For Mediums

God, all powerful, allow the good spirits to assist me in the

communication I am requesting; preserve me from the presumption of
believing myself to be under the protection of evil spirits; from the pride
that would blind me to the value I obtain; From any feeling contrary to
charity towards other mediums, if I am led into error, inspire any one
with the thought that he may warn me, and me with the humility that will
make me accept criticism with recognition, and take for myself, and not
for others, the advice that the good spirits will be good enough to give

If by any means I should attempt to abuse or misuse the power which

you have been good enough to grant me, I beg you to withdraw it from
me, before I allow it to be diverted from its providential object, which is
the good of all and my own moral advancement.

Our Father and Hail Mary ........

Evocation to the Good Spirits

Praise be to you, good spirits of the Lord.

I, humble and backward creature, raise to you my thoughts and my

heart, to beg you to guide me on the path of truth and to enlighten me
always in its divine precepts, so as not to fail to follow them and to make
me worthy to reach soon the beatitude.

I evoke your assistance in these sacred moments, so that with your

fluids, you may fortify my troubled incarnated spirit, in order to
understand and see more clearly the greatness and love of our Lord
towards us.

Note: According to the mass being celebrated, e.g., crowning,

recollection, development, investigation, etc., other prayers should be

For the souls who suffer and ask for prayers

Gracious and merciful God, may your goodness be extended to all the
spirits who desire our prayers and particularly to the soul of ........

Good spirits, whose only mission is good, intercede for him for his relief.
Let a ray of hope shine in their eyes and let the divine light enlighten
them and make them see the imperfections that keep them away from
the abode of the blessed.

Open his heart to repentance. Make them understand that by their

efforts they can shorten the time of their trials.

May God in his goodness give you the strength to persevere in your

May these kind words be able to mitigate your sorrows, showing you
that there is on earth who takes part in them and that we wish your


Almighty God! May your mercy be extended to the soul you have just called to
you. May the trials he has undergone in this life be taken into account, and
may our prayers alleviate and shorten the pains he has to undergo as a spirit;
good spirits, who have come to receive him, and, above all, you, his guardian
angel, assist him to help him to divest himself of matter; give him light and
self-consciousness, in order to bring him out of the confusion that
accompanies the transit of corporeal life.I am not the only one who has been
able to help him to get rid of matter; give him the light and the conscience of
himself, in order to take him out of the confusion that accompanies the
transition from the corporeal life to the spiritual life. Inspire in him repentance
for the faults he has committed and the desire to be allowed to make
reparation for them, in order to activate his advancement towards the life of
eternal bliss.
Brother... you have just entered the world of spirits and yet you are present
among us: you hear us and listen to us; for there is no other difference
between you and us than the perishable body you have just left and which will
soon be reduced to dust. You have left the gross sheath subject to
vicissitudes and to the mind, and retain only the eternal and imperishable
sheath. If you no longer live by the body, you live by the life of the spirits, and
this life is exempt from the miseries of humanity.
Nor have you the veil that hides from our eyes the splendors of the future life;
from now on you will be able to contemplate new wonders, while we are still
submerged in darkness.
You are going to travel through space and visit the worlds with complete
freedom, while we crawl painfully on the earth, where our material body holds
us, similar to a very heavy burden for us.
The horizon of infinity will unfold before you, and in the presence of such
greatness you will understand the vanity of our earthly desires, of our worldly
ambitions and of our futile pleasures which men delight in.
For men, death is only a material separation of a few moments. From the
place of exile where we are still held back by the will of God, as well as by the
duties we have to fulfill on earth, we will follow you with our thoughts until the
moment when we are allowed to meet you, just as you have met those who
have preceded you.
If we can't come to your side, you can come to ours. Come, then, among
those whom you love and have loved; sustain them in the trials of life, watch
over those who are dear to you, protect them according to your power, and
calm their sorrows with the thought that you are happier now and the
consoling certainty of being reunited one day in a better world.
In the world where you are, all earthly resentments must be extinguished.
May it be inaccessible to them for your future happiness! Forgive, then, those
who may have wronged you, so that they may forgive you for what you may
have done to them.

Lord, deign to look mercifully upon the imperfect spirits who are in the
darkness of ignorance and do not know you, particularly about...
Good spirits, help us to make him understand that by inducing men to evil, by
obsessing and tormenting them, he prolongs his own sufferings; make the
example of the happiness you enjoy a stimulus to him. Spirit who delights in
evil; you have just heard the prayer that we still pray for you; it must prove to
you that we wish to do you good, even if you do evil.
You are unhappy, because it is impossible to be happy being bad. Why, then,
do you stop in this state, when it is up to you to get out of it? Take a look at
the good spirits around you; see how happy they are, and whether it would
not be much more agreeable to you to enjoy the same happiness.
You will say that it is impossible for you, but nothing is impossible for the one
who wants, because God has given you, like all creatures, the freedom to
choose between good and evil, between happiness and misfortune, and no
one is condemned to evil. If you have the will to do the latter, you might also
have the will to do good and be happy.
Turn your eyes towards God, lift yourself for a single moment towards Him
with your thoughts, and a ray of divine light will illuminate you. Say with us
these simple words "My God, I repent, forgive me" Try repenting and doing
good instead of doing evil, and you will see how at the same time his mercy
will extend over you, an unknown well-being will come to replace the anguish
you suffer.
Once you've taken one step on the right path, the rest will be easy. Then you
will understand how much time you have lost through your own fault to attain
your happiness; but for a radiant and hopeful future will open before you, and
will make you forget your miserable past, full of turmoil and moral torments,
which for you would be hell if they were to last forever. The day will come
when these torments will be such that you would like at all costs to make
them cease, but the more you despair, the more difficult it will be for you. Do
not think that you will always remain in a state; no, it is impossible. You have
before you two prospects: the one, of suffering much more than you are
suffering now; the other, of being happy like the good spirits around you; the
first is inevitable if you persist in your obstinacy, a simple effort of will suffices
to get you out of the bad step you are in. Hurry up, because every day you
delay is a day lost for your happiness. Good spirits, make these words find
access in that soul that is still backward, so that they may help it to come
closer to God. Thus we beseech you in the name of Jesus Christ, who had
such great power over evil spirits.

In the name of Almighty God, may the evil spirits depart from here and
may the good ones serve as a bulwark against them.
Evil spirits who inspire evil thoughts in men; deceitful and lying spirits
who deceive them; mocking spirits who abuse their credulity, I reject
you with all the strength of my soul, and I close my ear to your actions;
but I desire above all, that the mercy of God may be poured out upon
you. Good spirits who deign to assist me, give me strength to resist the
influence of evil spirits, and the necessary light to avoid being the
mockery of their perverse intentions. Preserve me from pride and
presumption, separate from my heart jealousy, hatred and malevolence
and every sentiment contrary to charity, for they are as many doors
open to the spirit of evil.


We pray to the Almighty Lord to send us good spirits to assist us, to

keep away those who might lead us into error, and to give us the
necessary light to distinguish truth from imposture.
Separate also the malevolent spirits, incarnated or disincarnated, who
might try to put discord among us and divert us from charity and love of
neighbor. If anyone should attempt to enter here, make sure that he
does not find access to any of us.
Good spirits who deign to come here to instruct us, make us docile to
your advice and divert from us selfishness, envy and jealousy, inspiring
indulgence and benevolence for our fellow men present and absent,
friends and enemies, make us finally, in the feelings of charity, humility
and abnegation of which we feel animated, recognize your salutary
To the mediums to whom you entrust the transmission of your
teachings, give them the consciousness of the sanctity of the mandate
entrusted to them and of the gravity of the act they are about to fulfill, so
that they may have the necessary fervor and recollection.
If in this meeting you meet people who are attracted by feelings other
than good, open their eyes to the light and may God forgive them if they
come with bad intentions. We pray in particular to the spirit of our
spiritual guide to assist us and watch over us.


Turn your sight, my God,
towards this unhappy creature,
do not give me my burial
among the waves of the sea.
Give me the strength and courage
to save the abyss,
thank me for the same,
how great your goodness.

If I, like a fragile little boat,

flattered by my pride,
the human sea I have crossed,
only after pleasure;
let me return
to set foot on the continent
making a fervent vow
to be a Christian with faith.

If I with my clumsy fault

have rocked in the mist
defying the foams
that the storm raises,
I offer you that from now on
I will not have the audacity
to deafen the lament
of the one who suffers in evil.

And following my course

I have even had the audacity
to mock that lighthouse
that port designates me;
I promise you, my God
not to mock that light
that shines on the cross
by the son of your love.

Oh! You father of my soul

who listens to the afflicted,
and you see me repentant
of what my life was:
Save me my God, save me
and give me before I realize it,
so that I repent
the precise time.

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