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Sharon is fed up of her life. She has done so many terrible things. She lied, stole, killed
you name it she did it. People said she would grow up to be a failure and she proved
them right. Her life is meaningless, she is at a point of hopelessness. What’s the use of
continuing on?
She walks towards a forested area with the intention of ending it all. A bottle of pills and
water in her hand. Voices in her head (demons around) repeating all the negative words
ever spoken over her, encouraging her to end it.
Not too far away, walking towards the same area, Alicia is going to do laundry at her
aunt’s house because there is no water at her home. As she walks along she prays and
sings. She suddenly stops as she spots Sharon talking to herself.
Alicia Sharon is that you?
Sharon Alicia?
Alicia Sharon I haven’t seen you since you moved out the neighbourhood. What
are you doing here? And why do you have those pills?
Sharon Girl I don’t deserve to live. I’ve done so many terrible things. My past is
dirty. I don’t see any future for me in this life. Is best to end it all now. At
least all my pain and suffering would be over.
Alicia No Sharon you’re wrong. Death isn’t the end. When we die we go to one
out of two places, either heaven or hell. If you die in your sins without
accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you end up in hell for eternity.
Sharon taking your own life is a sin don’t do this. The bible says in Isaiah
1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your
sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like
crimson, they shall be as wool. Sharon your life is not your own, it belongs
to God. Jesus paid the price for you, He bought you with His own blood. He
gave His life on the cross just for you to be saved.
Sharon I am a terrible person why would Jesus want to save me?
Alicia Because He loves you, that’s why. He has a plan and a purpose for your
life. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith
the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Sharon But my past is so dirty.
Alicia No one’s past is too dirty for Jesus to clean up. 1 John 1:9 - If we confess
our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness. Sharon look at this….I was on my way to do
laundry (takes out a white t’shirt with a stain. Pours bleach on it and the
stain disappears). Think of this bleach as the blood of Jesus and this spot
represents your sin. When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and receive
Him as our Saviour, watch what happens (pour bleach onto the spot. ) The
sin will amazingly disappear. God can make us pure and clean on the
inside. No matter what you have done He is able to cleanse you with His
blood. You, me, we all have salvation through the blood of Jesus.
Sharon Alicia I am ready to be cleansed. I need Jesus.
Alicia (Says the sinners prayer and plead the blood of Jesus from the crown of
her head to sole of her feet remove every negative and demonic voice
etc….Demons disappear.)
The both walk off as Alicia tells her for them to visit her church where should would
receive prayer and counselling.

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