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Reality “Cheque”

Snobby Friend 1 –
Snobby Friend 2 –
Narrator -

Introduction: Twelve year old Solange and her parents live in an upstate
community in London, England. She has an exciting life as her family can afford
to spoil her with extraordinary luxuries like private jets, exotic vacations, fancy
cars etc. Their new house with a pool and spa are a hit with her “snobby”
friends at school. Solange lives the life many people dream about until one day
her mom receives a phone call from a distant relative from a tiny island called
Tobago. Solange’s cousin Marsha would be coming to visit them to attend
school. Life was about to change for both of them.

Solange walks on set and greets her mom who is sitting with her phone
sipping tea.
Solange Mom if you need me I’ll be on the pattio with Jake and
Mom Ok honey, I’m going to my office, I have an urgent call
Solange Sure whatever.
Solange walks to the pattio and greets Jake and Rhonda, mom walks off to
her office.
Jake Hi Solange, my dad bought a brand new BMW last week and
he says its ok for me to drive it.
Rhonda Yeah right, Jake you don’t even have a license.
Jake Who needs a license when you have connections
Solange Oh please you guys quit it. I have a major problem. I have
no clue what to wear to school tomorrow. I can’t be seen in
the same outfit twice!
Jake Wow! We better go to the mall, I need a new pair of
Jordan’s anyway.
Rhonda Yeah, lets go.
Suddenly mom comes out onto the pattio with Dad.
Dad Good evening kids.
Nobody answers
Dad You kids have no manners
Jake Who needs manners when you have connections.
Everyone turns and gives Jake an annoyed look.
Mom Anyway, we have some news. Your cousin Marsha would be
coming tomorrow to stay with us for a while.
Solange Marsha? From Tobago?
Dad Yes, she would be attending your school with you, however
your mom and I are leaving for our vacation to Hawai for
tonight so you will be in charge.
Solange Hmm, well since I am in charge I guess I don’t even have to
go to school tomorrow then.
Mom You don’t. You can go next week when we return.
Mom and dad leave and Solange turns to her friends.
Solange Marsha is cool you guys would like her.
Rhonda Oh really? We’ll see.
Everyone walks off exiting the stage.
The next day there is a knock on the door as Marsha arrives. Solange opens
the door.

Marsha Solange! Great to see you!

Solange looks at Marsha in horror she is wearing regular clothes
Solange My goodness! What are your wearing?
Marsha These are clothes I made girl. Even my handbag I made on
my own.
Solange Hmm, ok
Jake and Rhonda arrive and Solange introduces them to Marsha
Rhonda What on earth? Where did you find those shoes? At a flea
Marsha Yes, in Scarborough.
Rhonda looks at everyone horrified. Then turns to Jake.
Rhonda Lets roll Jake, I can’t be seen with someone looking like this.
Solange is embarrassed now and holds her head.
Marsha Don’t Solange I’m not offended. They aren’t your real
friends. They only hang around you because you are rich. If
you were poor like me I am sure they wouldn’t have even
noticed you.
Solange You know what, you are absolutely right!
Marsha You don’t need to be rich to have a good life. I have a
wonderful life even though I don’t have the expensive
things you have. You need to change Solange. When I just
came in you began treating me just like Jake and Rhonda
when you saw what I was wearing.
Solange Oh my, I didn’t even realise it. I am sorry.
Marsha That’s ok, from today I will show you that life isn’t about
expensive things. Things are about to change around here.

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