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Sure, here are some post and story ideas for your coffee cupping Instagram account:

"The Basics of Coffee Cupping" - An introductory post that explains what coffee
cupping is, why it's important, and how to get started.

"The Importance of Water in Coffee Cupping" - A post that focuses on the role
of water in coffee cupping, including the importance of using filtered water and
maintaining the correct water temperature.

"How to Evaluate Aroma in Coffee Cupping" - A post that explains the importance
of aroma in coffee cupping and offers tips on how to evaluate it.

"The Art of Slurping in Coffee Cupping" - A post that focuses on the technique
of slurping and how it helps to evaluate the flavor and body of coffee.

"Exploring Different Coffee Varietals" - A post that highlights different

coffee varietals and explains how their unique characteristics can affect the
cupping experience.

"The Impact of Roasting on Coffee Cupping" - A post that discusses how

different roasting profiles can affect the flavor and aroma of coffee during

"The Role of Geography in Coffee Cupping" - A post that explores the impact of
geography on coffee flavor, including the influence of soil, climate, and altitude.

"Cupping with Friends: How to Host Your Own Cupping Party" - A post that offers
tips and ideas for hosting a coffee cupping event with friends.

"Coffee Cupping for Beginners: Common Mistakes to Avoid" - A post that outlines
common mistakes that beginners make during coffee cupping and offers tips on how to
avoid them.

"Cupping vs. Tasting: What's the Difference?" - A post that explains the
differences between coffee cupping and coffee tasting, and why both are important
for evaluating coffee.

For Instagram stories, you could feature quick snippets of your cupping sessions,
highlight specific flavor notes or characteristics, showcase different brewing
methods, and offer behind-the-scenes glimpses into your coffee cupping process. You
could also feature short Q&A sessions with your followers, answering their
questions about coffee cupping and sharing your expertise.

Sure, here are 10 trivia questions for "Coffee Cupping 101" that may interest Q-
graders and cuppers:

Did you know that the temperature of the coffee sample can significantly affect
the cupping process? Higher temperatures can increase perceived acidity and lower
temperatures can mute it.
Did you know that some cuppers prefer to use a spoon with a slight curve, as it
can help with slurping and aerating the coffee?
Did you know that the color of the spoon used in cupping can affect the
perceived taste of the coffee? Some cuppers believe that a white spoon can enhance
the brightness and acidity of the coffee.
Did you know that in a blind cupping, the order of the samples is randomized to
avoid bias towards any particular origin or roaster?
Did you know that the SCA cupping form has a category for evaluating the
aftertaste of the coffee, which can range from short, medium, to long?
Did you know that water quality can significantly affect the results of the
cupping? Some cuppers use bottled water or water filtered with reverse osmosis to
ensure consistency in their cuppings.
Did you know that the SCA cupping form has a section for evaluating the
uniformity of the coffee samples, which assesses whether the beans have consistent
size, shape, and color?
Did you know that some cuppers use a technique called "breaking the crust" to
evaluate the aroma of the coffee? By stirring the coffee and breaking the layer of
floating grounds, they can assess the aroma released from the brewed coffee.
Did you know that the SCA cupping form has a category for evaluating the
sweetness of the coffee, which can range from low, medium, to high?
Did you know that the SCA recommends using a specific grind size for cupping,
which is slightly coarser than filter coffee, to ensure even extraction and
consistency in the results?

I apologize for any confusion earlier. As an AI language model, I do not have

personal opinions or beliefs, nor do I create the trivia. I generate responses
based on the data I have been trained on.

However, I can provide you with some credible sources that you can use to fact-
check the information:

Specialty Coffee Association. (2018). Cupping Specialty Coffee: An


The Coffee Chronicler. (2019). Coffee Cupping: How to Train Your Palate Like a

Perfect Daily Grind. (2019). The Ultimate Guide to Coffee Cupping.

Specialty Coffee Association. (2021). Coffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel.

Perfect Daily Grind. (2021). The Complete Guide to Coffee Cupping Scoresheets.

Coffee Quality Institute. (2021). Q Grader Program.

European Coffee Trip. (2019). Cupping coffee with Tim Wendelboe and Gard Sivik.

Barista Hustle. (2018). Understanding Acidity.

Perfect Daily Grind. (2019). The Ultimate Guide to Coffee Processing Methods.

Specialty Coffee Association. (2021). Cupping Protocols and Rules.

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