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Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Jim M 23 Q
Jim M 23 A
Matt M 17 Q
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Matt M 17 Q
Matt M 17 A
Matt M 17 Q
Matt M 17 A
Matt M 17 Q
Matt M 17 A
Matt M 17 Q
Matt M 17 A
Matt M 17 Q
Matt M 17 A
Matt M 17 Q
Matt M 17 A
Myles M 20 Q
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Myles M 20 Q

Myles M 20 A
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Myles M 20 A
Myles M 20 A
Myles M 20 Q

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Myles M 20 A
Myles M 20 Q
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Will M 18 Q
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 Q
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 Q
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 Q
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Will M 18 A
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 Q
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 A
Will M 18 Q
Will M 18 A
Tiny Tim M 20 Q
Tiny Tim M 20 A
Tiny Tim M 20 Q
Tiny Tim M 20 A
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Tiny Tim M 20 A
Tiny Tim M 20 A
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Tiny Tim M 20 A
Tiny Tim M 20 A
Tiny Tim M 20 Q
Tiny Tim M 20 A
Garry M 45 Q
Garry M 45 A
Garry M 45 Q
Garry M 45 A
Garry M 45 Q
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Garry M 45 A
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John M 19 Q
John M 19 A
John M 19 Q
John M 19 A
John M 19 Q
John M 19 A
John M 19 Q
John M 19 A
John M 19 Q
John M 19 A
John M 19 Q
John M 19 A
John M 19 Q
John M 19 A
John M 19 Q
John M 19 A
John M 19 Q
John M 19 A
STATEMENT (sentence or phrase)
Do you participate in regular physical activity?
Not at the moment
Why not at the moment?
Cause I am unemployed
Is that the only reason
There are no local shops so I have to drive everywhere
Would you like to participate in physical activities?
Yes I would
What kind of activities would you like to participate in?
Well why don’t you?
Because I am not in a team
Are there reasons why you are not in a team
Not enough time
But you are unemployed now so why don’t you join a team?
General laziness
If you were to join a team what sport would it be?
Why Cricket?
For a hobby
Any other reasons?
Do you feel exercise is important then?
Why do you feel it is important?
prevents weight gain
So you have these beliefs yet you do not particpate
Yeah I know I guess it boils down to being lazy
Do you engage in regular physical activity?
What is the reason for this?
Its not that I don’t have the time, just that most of the time I would prefer to be doing something else
like what sort of things might that be?
Just hanging out with my mates and enjoying myself
are there any other factors which turn you away from exercise?
Sometime im a bit limited bacause of work and studies
what else do you do in your spear time?
watch TV, go and hang out with my mates, go for a drink
could you maybe use this time for exercise?
probably but exercise just does not interest me
what about a little sport on the weekend?
No I would much prefer to do other things
Do you engage in regular physically active recreation?
No, not regular physically active recreation.
Can you elaborate on that?

Well, I sometimes go to the cricket nets with my housemates or even play tennis, but not on a regular, week to week basis.
Is there any reasons why you don't participate in regular activities?
Yes, money is one of the main reasons.
Time is the other problem I have.
Why are these such a problem for you?
Well they are both related. Money is a problem because it is quite expensive to join a cricket club, especially registration and
equipment fees.
Time is a problem because I don't have much free time to participate in activities because I am working to make money so I
can afford this equipment.
So you would like to participate in these activities?
What sort of activities do you enjoy?
I enjoy most sports, I played rugby league and cricket in high school.
I would really like to play cricket regularly again.
What do you do with your free time now?
I like to watch sport on TV and even attend Broncos and Bulls games.
I also enjoy listening to music.
Is there any other factors influencing your participation in regular recreation?
No, not that I can think of.
How about your friends? You mentioned earlier that you go to the cricket nets with your house mates.
Yes, now that you mention it I would participate in activities more often if my house mates had more time to go to the nets with
me, I would go.
So you like the social interaction with your recreational activities?
Yes, it gives me more motivation to do these activities because of the fun I have with my friends while participating.
Out of all the influences, which is the strongest to participate?
Fun and enjoyment
Why is that?
Because there is nothing better that I enjoy doing then playing cricket.
Do you engage in regular physical recreation?
Why not?
I have a 9 to 5 job
and by the time I finish work there is not enough time to participate in sport
Are there any other reasons that affect your choice to not participate in regular physical recreation?
I am also physically exhausted after work as I am a labourer
My job itself is pretty physical all day
It also costs a lot of money
If you had more finiancial freedom would you spend your money on participating in physical recreation?
I would but it still comes down to the fact that I do not feel like playing sport after work
Do you think that if you had a different job you would participate in physical recreation?
What type of activity would you choose?
Why would you choose a team sport?
For the social side, the social interaction
For what other reasons would you like to be involved in playing sport?
To meet people while I get fit
So fitness is a factor of participation?
Yes, because this would be one of the main reasons I would want to participate
Do you see yourself changing your habits and joining a sport team?
No as I am committed to my job
I have another 4 years of the same hours before any thing may change
It is also an issue of motivation
If you had someone to motivate you or participate with you would you be more inclined to participate?
Why would this be so?
Because it would put extra pressure on me to get out and play
Would this pressure have the potential to take the fun out of playing?
It would depend on the sport I am playing
If it was netball I would feel pressured
But a touch team I would not, this is a sport I enjoy and would not feel burdened to play
So you think that the type or choice of activity is a factor of participation? Why?
Yes, if it is a sport that I like I will make the effort
And enjoy it and then would turn up
On the whole what is the biggest factor in your choice to not engage in regular physical recreation?
Do you engage in regular physical recreation?
Why don’t you engage in regular physical activity?
Not enough time, I have better things to do with my time
I feel tired after work and have no will to do any activity.
Can you elaborate as to why you have no time for physical activity?
I commute to work
So the daily drive to work and back can be physically draining and time consuming.
What sort of activities do you do when you are not working or commuting?
I watch TV, computer games, and partake in model building especially warcraft
What are the factors inhibiting you from participating in physical leisure activities rather than the ones you have previously stated?
I am too tired after work and commuting
but I also prefer to stimulate my mind
as physical activity does not really appeal to me
If there is a physical activity that was appealing to you, would you participate?
Please elaborate.
Yes, there is a couple of friends of mine joining a medieval re-enactment of battles that I find interesting
and the battles even though not real, are physically demanding as you have to wear full medieval costumes and use authentic weapons.
Is the only reason you would engage in the physical aspect is because your friends are involved?
Or would you involve yourself independently?
I am very shy hence joining and participating in a leisure activity with my friends makes it a lot easier.
I would not have the confidence to participate in a physical activity without the support of friends.
Why is confidence so important in physical activity?
When I am not confident in a situation I become nervous and make mistakes
and in some physical activities, you cannot make mistakes. This concerns me sometimes.
Which is the strongest influence inhibiting your participation?
Lack of interest and no physical activities that appeal to me
Do you engage in regular physical recreation?
Why is your reply no?
Because I don’t participate in exercise
So you don’t participate in any style of regular exercise if it was to be brisk walk after work?
So why don’t you engage in any regular physical exercise?
I am not motivated to train.
So as a result of motivation you don’t train?
I see no point of training
I am not overweight so why do I have to train
Do you think because you arent overweight is another reason you don’t do regular exercise?
In some way or another.
What would happen if you had another friend to join in your exercise would you train?
I might be more interested in training.
But then if I do exercise and I have some sort of social company then I aint really going to be training am I.
Why do you think this would happen?
Because you will be more engaged in socialising than your exercise
What would happen if you trained with some that is motivated and keen to train?
Do you think that would be a different story?
Maybe, it just might help me see abit clearly.
Do you know the benefical aspects of regular exercise, if so would this help you?
Not really, apart from you lose weight and keeps you fit
What about helping of your blood pressure or providing better oxygen to your heart for better living.
Ok that is something that is abit more interesting and more reason to train.
Is there any other reason to why you don’t exercise?
I work a lot. I work from 8 to 5 Monday to Friday.
Why cant you engage in regular exercise after work or on the weekends
I very tired after work and just want to rest
Did you know that you don’t have to have a intense workout just a half hr walk will do the trick.
I suppose so.
Again motivation is a key issue for me
How about you listen to some music while walking or maybe getting one of your active friends to walk with you.
Do you regularly engage in physical activites?
No, not really, I don’t need to
What do you mean you don’t need to?
Well im not fat so I don’t exercise, I don’t need to loose weight
So it’s a fitness or health issue?
Yes, im pretty lazy but if I was gaining weight I would
There is no other eason why you don’t participate regularly?
Yer, I smoke as well so its hard to do long periods of activity, I get really short of breathe
What else prevents you from participating?
or a local park/open space to go kick a ball or do whatever
So if it was easily accessible you would participate?
And if I could find someone to go with
Why is that?
Because its better to take someone with you, its more fun and less serious
So physical activites need to be fun,.a ccessible and social for you to participate?
Yes, not unless im trying to loose weight, then I may get serious and go by myself
So what would be your main reason you don’t participate
The fact that its all about getting healthy and fit and I don’t need to or want to.
open coding



not in the team

not enough time



for a hobby


prefer to be other thing hanging out with my mates

watch tv, go and hang out with my mates

limited time work and studies

probalby does not inerest

time working to make money resgistration

watch sport on tv


have a 9 to 5 job
not enough time

physically exhausted

costs lot of money


feel tired after work have no will to do any activity

not enough time have better things to do

commute to work

previously stated?
too tired after working and commuting
prfer stimulate my mind
not really appeal to me

use authentic weapons.

very shy
not have the confidence witour support of friends

not confident

lack of interest

not motivated

see no point of training

not overweight why do I have to
work a lot

very tired after work just want take a rest

no motivation

not fat don’t need to loose weight

pretty lazy

smoking get really short of breathe


SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 A
SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 A
SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 A
SA Female 18 Q
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SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 A
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SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 A
SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 A
SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 A
SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 Q
SA Female 18 A
Kat F 18 Q
Kat F 18 A
Kat F 18 Q
Kat F 18 A
Kat F 18 Q
Kat F 18 A
Bambi F 27 Q
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Trisha F 22 A
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Trisha F 22 A
Trisha F 22 Q
Trisha F 22 A
Trisha F 22 Q
Trisha F 22 A
Trisha F 22 Q
Trisha F 22 A
STATEMENT (sentence or phrase)

Do you currently participate in any physical activity?

So why don't you engage in physical activity?
Sometimes I feel that I don't have time or I can't be bothered or there are better things to do
Why do you feel that you don't have time?
Do you have other activities that you are more interested in doing?
Well I have to go to TAFE and I have to go to work and I like scrapbooking and laying around watching DVD's and none of those things are really full of ph
So do you find that lack of motivation is a problem for you not participating in physical activity?
Sometimes my Mum tries to motivate me to do physical activity, but there isn't much motivation for me
Have you ever participated in any physical activity previously?
I used to walk my dog a lot and play tennis and also softball
Why did you give up playing tennis, walking your dog and playing softball?
I hurt my knee playing tennis and now I find it hard to walk long distances or play any activities
Well that is very interesting isn't it
So when you injured yourself playing tennis did you find that you didn't want to do physical activity anymore?
I was afraid of hurting myself again and when I use my knee it seemed to hurt a lot so I lessened my activities
So you developed a fear because of your injury.
Is that correct?
Yes, you could say that
So if your friends participated in physical activity, like going to a gym or something like that would you be more likely to do that as well?
Yes, I would if they decided to go to the gym or play a sport I would join in, but none of my friends do that at the moment and I'm not doing it either
Well OK, that seems to be a real problem and we should do something about that
Which would you say is the strongest influence for you not participating in physical activity?
My friends not doing it and not having enough time, they would be the strongest influences
Do you have any thing against physical recreation
What are your strongest factors that inhibit your participation
Time, Money, Lack of confidence
If you have more time would you participate in physical activity
Yes for sure
Do you engage in regular physical recreation?
Do you have any reason for not participating in regular physical recreational activities?
Are there any constraints that would stop you from participating in regular physical recreational activities?
Fees, money, lack of money
Any others?
What constraints do you have that would cause you not to have time?
Work and play
What do you mean by play?
Social activity.
If these constraints were not there would you look to participate in regular recreational physical activities?
Have you in the past participated in regular physical recreational activities?
What were those activities?
Walking, jogging, bike riding and swimming
Why back then did you do these activities?
I did them with a friend to loose and keep wieight off
So for health reasons?
So you don’t feel that it is important for you at this point in time to keep healthy?
Do you feel that when you participated in these activities in the past that you felt healthier then you do at present?
Yes indubitable.
You mentioned that you used to exercise with a friend, do you feel that if a friend approached you to excise with them, you would be more inclined to partic
So if you had more time, money and somebody to do activities with what activities would you be interested in doing?
Martial arts,
Have you looked into how you can join or participate in such activities?
Will you be looking to do any of these activities in the future?
Depends on money
So what you are saying is if you had the money and the time you would definitely consider doing on of those activities.
Out of those activities, what do you think would interest you the most?
Do you engage in regular physically active recreation?
Why don't you engage in a regular physical activity?
I'm more intersted in finding a job, and
only just moved up here and wouldn't know where to start.
Also costs too much money.
Once you have a job do you think you will engage in regular physical activity?
It depends on the hours I have to work.
What activities do you think you'd like to do if you have the chance?
I don't know because I don't know what's available up here and how to get into them.
So a limiting factor is the knowledge you have of what's available and where?
If it wasn't what would you be interested in participating in?
Netball, touch football, and maybe a gym dance class that my housemate goes to.
Why would you do those activities?
I enjoy playing them.
I like team sports like netball and touch football and
I've always played them.
My housemate also took me to one of her gym classes to try it and I had a lot of fun and would definitely go again.
Are there any other factors that influence your participation?
No. Just the cost, the knowledge I have of what's available amd I'm unsure of when I will be working.
Do you particiapate in regular physical recreation?
No not really.
why don't you engage in regular physical activity?
I guess I just don’t really have enough time
So you’re a fairly busy person?
Yeah I'm always really busy.
I work full time and have three kids so by the time I've finished work and got the kids organised I just want to go to bed.
So your often tired as well?
Yes! Sometimes I think running around after the kids is all the exercise I need because I'm usually exhausted by the end of the day.
In the past have you been an active person engaging in regular physical recreation?
Yes, when I was younger and before I had the kids I was.
I used to play a lot of sport.
What kinds of sport did you play?
I was really involved in netball and I played representative softball when I was a teenager.
Do you think you would like to be involved in such sports again now days?
I guess something like a social netball team would be fun…
I think I would most like to just join a gym though so I could go whenever it suited me.
Apart from time what is stopping you from joining a gym?
Joining a gym is so expensive these days and sometimes I can't jusify paying that much.
If I had more time and energy and knew that I would definitly use the membership I think I would be more likely to join.
You said that you might also like to play social netball. What factors are stopping you from doing this?
Well I would be more inclined to do something like that if I has someone to go with.
I also don't know much about it, who to call or where to go etc.
If I knew who to ask and could rope a friend into going with me it would definitly be something I would consider.
So do you think if you more informed about what's out there you would be more likely to give it a go?
Of course, the more options I had the easier it would make it to chose something to do.
So you don’t have anything against participating in physical activity?
No not at all. I would love to be more physically active and more in shape.
It's just a matter of finding the time and energy to do it.
So finally, what would you say are the major factors that prevent you from participating in regular physical activity?
Definitly time. If I had more time I would be much more likely to do something active.
However energy and money come in a close second.
Do you engage in regular physical recreation
why not
because I'm too busy. I don't find time
why is that
well I have a full time job
in my spare time I would rather relax with friends
I usually go out to night clubs and pubs on the weekend
would you like to exercise
yes, sometimes I plan to go for a walk
why doesn't it happen
in most cases I run out of time
have no one to go with
so would you be more likely to go for a walk if you had someone to go with
yes, I live with people who do other forms of exercise
I don't live close to any of my friends
so you don’t like walking by you self
well I usually get home from work and its close to being dark
I'd feel more secure when there is more light
what about exercising in the morning of in the gym
firstly I'm not much of a morning person
I would go to the gym but I only use public transport and no busses go pass any that are close
the gym is quite expensive for me to go to
when was the last time you engaged in physical activity
well when I go out I do a lot of dancing
how often do you go out to dance
probably once or twice a week
Do you Regularly participate in outdoor recreation?
Why is this
I am just really busy with work
How does your work effect your participation so much
I work on my feet all day. When I finish work the last thing I want to do is run, or go to the gym.
What activities do you participate in after work
normally I just come home, have dinner then watch some TV
How many hours of TV do you watch per day
3 to 4 hours
Have you tried walking early in the mourning or riding
I used to walk with a friend 3 times per week, but now days I would rather the extra hour of sleep. I have never ridden bike
Are there any other reasons why you don't participate in physical recreation
I am saving for a trip overseas and gym fees are very expensive.
Have you thought about participating on your days off?
LOL on my day off physical exercise is the last thing I would do. I would much prefer to go have coffee with a friend
Are there any activities you enjoy participating in I.e. dancing?
Not really.. I would much rather read a book or watch a movie
Which is the strongest influence inhibiting your participation?
Motivation and Work would be the 2 main factors. I don't feel unwell.
open coding

don’t have time

hurts my knee hard to walk long distance or play

afraid hurt my self again

my friend not doing it not having enough time of confidence

no reason

fees,money,lack of money


work and play

social activity
more interested in finding a job
just moved up here wouldn’t know where to start
cost too much money

don’t really have enough time

really busy
work full time

usaully exhasuted
expensive joining gym

finding the time and energy


too busy don’t find time

have fill time job

would relax with friends

don’t live close to any friends

expensive joining gym

really busy

eally doesn't interest me

saving for a trio jym fees are expensive

prefer to go have coffee with a friend instead of exercise

would much rather read a book or watch a movie

not motivation
open coding Axial coding Selective coding
group 1 (related & unrelated)
laziness time
unemployed money
location 2 hobby
not in the team location personality
not enough time
laziness 3 (different between women)
cricket not in the team perfer to watch sport TV
for a hobby for a hobby
exercise 4 exercise
not enough time
prefer to be other thing limited time
limited time time
probalby time
have a 9 to 5 job
money not enough time
time 5
watch sport on tv cricket
for a hobby
no exercise
have a 9 to 5 job physically exhausted
not enough time
physically exhausted 6
costs lot of money prefer to be other thing
watch sport on tv


costs lot of money

feel tired after work

not enough time

commute to work

too tired after working and commuting

prfer stimulate my mind
not really appeal to me

very shy
not have the confidence witour support of friends

not confident

lack of interest

not motivated

see no point of training

not overweight why do I have to
work a lot

very tired after work

no motivation

not fat

pretty lazy

Open coding Axail coding
don’t have time group1
hurts my knee hard to walk long distance or play don’t have time
afraid hurt my self again time
my friend not doing it not having enough time time of confidence don’t really have enough time
really busy
no reason finding the time
fees,money,lack of money time
time too busy don’t find time
work and play really busy
social activity
more interested in finding a job hurts my knee
just moved up here wouldn’t know where to start afraid hurt my self again
cost too much money
don’t really have enough time my friend not doing it
really busy
work full time 4
usaully exhasuted money
money lack of money
expensive joining gym cost too much money
finding the time and energy money
time expensive joining gym
expensive joining gym
too busy don’t find time saving for a trio
have fill time job
would relax with friends 5
don’t live close to any friends lack of confidence
expensive joining gym not motivation

really busy 6
saving for a trio jym fees are expensive no reason
prefer to go have coffee with a friend instead of exercise
would much rather read a book or watch a movie 7
not motivation work and play
social activity
more interested in finding a job
work full time
have fill time job
would relax with friends
don’t live close to any friends
prefer to go have coffee with a friend instead of exerc
would much rather read a book or watch a movie

just moved up here

usaully exhasuted
finding the energy
Selective coding
(related & unrelated)

afraid hurt self
not motivation
need more time with friend
not confidence

(different between sigle)

lack of confidence
prefer meet friends

o any friends
e coffee with a friend instead of exercise
her read a book or watch a movie

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