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Class 11 English (Hornbill) Prose Word Meanings

Chapter 2 We’re Not Afraid to Die if We Can All Be Together

Word Meanings Meanings (in hindi)
1 Voyage a long journey by sea or space
2 Leisure free time
3 Honing sharpen, improving
4 Seafaring regularly traveling by sea
5 hulled a watertight body of a ship
6 Gales A very strong wind ,
7 Mast a tall upright structure on a boat or ship , ए
8 Atrocious bad; of a very poor quality ,
9 Gigantic huge; of a big size
10 Jib a triangular staysail set forward the mast in a ship
11 Enormous a very large size
12 Lashed to hit with a lot of force
13 Mooring the ropes, chains
14 Loop a shape produced that bends round and crosses; bent
15 Stern the back part of a ship or a boat
16 Donned put on, wore
17 Oilskins heavy cotton cloth waterproofed with oil

18 Impending about to happen

19 silence unpleasant or threatening silence
20 Aft near the stern of the ship
21 Frightful very unpleasant or shocking
22 Crest reach the top of a wave
23 Tremendous very great in amount
24 Shook past tense of shake
25 Deck a floor of a ship
26 Torrent a fast moving stream of water
27 Smashed shattered or violently broken
28 Capsizing be overturned in the water
29 Hurled throw with a great force
30 Taut stretched or pulled tightly
31 Boom pole that controls the angle and shape of the sail
32 Scrambled climb; claw one’s way -
33 Hatch door
34 Timbers wood board used in building of a ship
side of a ship which is on the right side when one is facing
35 Starboard forward
36 Bulged swell .
37 Sloshed move through liquid with a splashing sound.
38 Bashed strike hard; hit
39 Deflected turned aside
40 Canvas a strong unbleached cloth
41 Debris rubbish
42 Wrenched pull suddenly, removed
43 Forestay a rope to support ship’s foremast
44 Dinghies a small boat for recreation with mast or sail ए
45 Optimistic hopeful and confident
46 Keel steel structure along the base of the ship
47 Pinpricks a prick caused by a pin

48 Abated something unpleasant to become less intense

Auxiliary small secondary engine used to board ships to operate a
49 engine windlass in the ship
50 Rigging the ropes and wires supporting the structure of the ship
51 Hull the framework of the vessel
52 Respite a short period of rest
53 Deteriorate get worse
54 Caricatures picture of a person; cartoon
55 head disarranged hair of the narrator’s son, Jonathan
56 Bunk bed
57 Dozed off went off to sleep
58 Bleak an area of land lacking vegetation
59 Stark sharply defined
60 Anchored moor a ship to the sea bottom
61 Offshore situated at the sea some distance from the shore
62 Ashore on the shore of the land

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