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Customer Service Foundations

with Jeff Toister

Five Questions That Build Rapport

You can improve your rapport-building skills by coming up with five questions ahead of time that can be used
to initiate conversations with customers.

Really good rapport-building questions have one or more of these characteristics:

• They get customers to talk about themselves
• They uncover additional opportunities to serve
• They fill dead air so customers don’t feel like they’re waiting very long

What questions can you ask to start a conversation and build rapport?
1. How has the holiday season been for you?

2. How is the day going?

3. Are there any suggestion for us or areas where we can improve? (Makes them feel like they are

4. How has your experience been with us?

5. Is this the first time you've tried this, and should I help you more with it?

Customer Service Foundations with Jeff Toister 1 of 1

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