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In my opinion, this is an issue worth thinking about.

I quite agree with this view but art subjects

are really good for every student. In fact, practical subjects will help students a lot in expanding
their knowledge and skills and increasing their ability to practice. Besides, It also helps students
have more fun and interesting new experiences. However, it is not the most important to us. Art
subjects bring each person creativity. Students will have more new and multi-dimensional
perspectives. It helps us to love beauty more, increase our aesthetic ability and see things in a
more abstract way. at the same time, discovering each student's artistic talent. that shows us the
role, meaning and importance of art subjects in education today. Therefore, art subjects are
extremely necessary for every student in schools and schools.

Most of us want to live a fulfilling and happy life. But what is a happy life, most people do not
understand. Happiness is an attitude of life that you choose and practice every day, not a
destination or an outcome. So what makes a person full and happy? Surely we all have heard the
phrase "work-life balance". This can be said to be the biggest challenge for man. There are 5
important factors that create a fulfilling life. It will help you to understand yourself more, find a
state of contentment. From there, enjoy life to the fullest. The first is work. It not only brings
financial stability, it is also a means to help us realize our dreams and find our worth in society.
The second is relationships. Because family, friends or lovers all play a particularly important
role in everyone's life. It helps us in both work and life. The third is health. Possessing a healthy
body and a refreshing mind will help you always be confident and optimistic. From there, you
will realize many ambitions in life. Fourth is spirituality. it is a feeling of connection between us
with some great spiritual value. It helps us find meaning and value in life. Finally, it's a hobby. It
brings variety and fun to life. it makes us feel happy and happy all the time. Only by having all
five of these elements can you go straight

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