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The Work Piles Up

This is Monday, a good new day.

A mountain high of the work piles up,
Atop my desk, it blocks out the sky grey.
I stare at it, my mind hangs up,
Don't know where to start, or when to end.

my shoulders slump, feeling overwhelmed.

feel like a chump, my head hangs low.
I want to scream, and cry,
then run away, and hide.

But I know I can't, I have to embrace it.

One task at a time, I tell myself,
One task at a time, and I'll get through the end.

So I start, think, and take a deep breath,

And slowly, but surely, the mountain starts to shrink.
And as I work, I feel a sense of accomplishment,
A sense of pride, and a sense of hope.

I know I'm not done, I know there's more work to be done,

But I also know that I can do it,
I know that I can overcome this challenge.

So I keep working, and I keep chipping away,

And slowly, but surely, the mountain starts to disappear.
And as it disappears, so does my fear,
And so does my doubt.

And in its place, there is only hope,

Hope for a better future,
Hope for a brighter day.

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