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“Still Functioning” When you feel like giving up,

people will start saying, “it’s okay, you can do it. Think about your dreams and
stand up.”
It’s true, it’s not that easy to start up
But don’t worry cause you always have a backup.
Life has been tough but for the sake of our loved ones and for our dreams, we
still have the energy to get through in this rough.
Sometimes we cough, expecting that we can get someone’s attention and make
us laugh because those times were the times that we cannot grip the stumbling
block enough.
And we just sat there, hoping that we can ease this hiccough.
Why? Why can’t someone be there for us when we feel not to finish something
we started?
Why can’t we just relax and watch our problems slowly fading away because of a
person that is kindhearted?
Why the obstruction in life seems unlimited?
And why it is so hard sometimes to get motivated?
In 16 years of living, I’ve realized a lot
but I can say that I’m still growing, making mistakes and keep searching on how
to escape the knot.
Then I learn how to manage my responsibilities like Aristocrats.
Escaping is not the answer to solve the problems, instead we need to reformat.
Reformat and start a new life
Take steps to face your fears
It’s okay, don’t hold back your tears
When the criticism begins, collect all the lessons and don’t turn a deaf ear.
Those negativities, you can turn it into positivities
In that way, we can survive and grab the magnificent opportunities
We shouldn’t let it pass and start fulfilling our duties
Believe in yourself that you can finish all of this.
It is natural to hear different kinds of stuff
Sometimes they bring compliments and we can’t tell if it is a bluff
I find it so hard to trust but I can’t control everything, so I just laugh
Laugh on the things that make me irritated until I cough.
Then I remember that I have the Lord who always got my back
Whoever tries to destroy me and make an attack
They can’t ruin my plans because it cannot be hacked
So all I need to do is to cherish my time and turn on my clock.
God says in His words,
So do not fear, for I am the Lord.
He can be our sword
And by that I can solve my life’s crossword
And I am here at the front, standing
After all the obstacles, I am still here, functioning
Even though, I feel like the world is shaking
I still put my faith to the Lord, who keeps on working

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