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The Importance of

& Loyalty
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and
working together is success." – Henry Ford

People engage in teamwork when they cooperate to

achieve a common objective. The objective could be
either professional or private. You can start a project at
work, play soccer, or move a couch up some stairs
together. DO THIS
It's easy to define teamwork, but it can be challenging
to know how to function effectively in a team. It takes
practice to build an efficient, high-performing team. and

Generally speaking, loyalty refers to a person's
TRUST- devotion or emotion of attachment to a certain
thing, which could be another person or group

WORTHY of people, an ideal, a responsibility, or a cause.

It seeks to align the faithful person's interests
with those of the object, expressing itself both
in thinking and behavior.

Perhaps one of the most fascinating interpersonal dynamics
is loyalty. It's simple to picture a human and a devoted
companion dog, with the dog sticking by its owner no matter
what. But when we observe packs of dogs, like wolves,
hunting together, we use the descriptive word "teamwork"
rather than "loyalty." Working together changes our
perception of how devoted people are to one another;
achieving a common objective appears to be more of an act of
cooperation than actual loyalty.

THE BEST TIPS Lead By Example

It frequently takes a tremendous Lead With Integrity

team of individuals to accomplish

something incredibly fantastic. Stay positive

Here are a few ideas you can put
into practice right away to foster Make giving
teamwork and loyalty. feedback a regular
part of your day.

Every leader needs to build trust with their team members in

order to gain their respect and loyalty. Be a person of your
word; be trustworthy and loyal to your community in both
good and terrible times.

Shaneal Nikolai D. Mayuga


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