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For internal training & circulation 1

“Teamwork makes the dream work”

You must have heard this phrase

countless times. What does it mean?

Simply that you can achieve your biggest

obstacles if you have a team that shares a
common goal and works together to
achieve it. A team that works together
performs and excels. They know what
their purposes are and how exactly they
can go about achieving it- together.

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Trust makes people feel safe. When they feel safe,

they open up. They let their team members know
about their strengths and weaknesses. They are
more proactive with their ideas, take risks, listen to
each other and then arrive at a consensus. As a
result, there’s more collaboration, communication
and team members aren’t afraid to expose their
vulnerabilities to each other.

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When employees work as a team, they

communicate. They talk to each other about the
task at hand and the best way to achieve the
desired result. They strategize, divide
themselves into smaller groups, hold discussions
and try to finish the task in the most efficient
manner. Communication also allows employees
to understand their roles and what their peers
are doing. When employees know what their
team members are doing, they can check up on
the progress made and help each other out if
someone cannot reach their goal.

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Teams share the workload. This means

that if one member has relatively less
work, she can help another team member
complete their work. This allows the
project to be finished faster, thereby
increasing productivity and improving the
overall bottom line.
The importance of team building is that it
improves the individual's and the
organization's productivity. Because
individuals work in teams, they can pick up
on new skills and sharpen their existing
skills. This improves team performance,
makes them efficient and over time, more
work gets completed in less time. As a
result, organizations can generate more
revenue when they achieve their targets
and deliver their best

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One of the most

important benefits of
team building is that it
When team member A
improves interpersonal
helps team member B,
relationships between
team member B is sure
employees. When
to return the favor at
people work together,
some point. Employees
they share experiences
team up together to
and both failures as
face adversaries and
well as victories. It
share the spotlight.
brings them closer and
makes them trust each

For internal training & circulation 6


Successful team building motivates employees to

learn from each other and build on each other’s
talents. As compared to working solo on a project,
teamwork allows room for fresh ideas and new
perspectives. It brings together individual experiences
combined with new, innovative ideas which makes the
work more fun and efficient.

As a result, everyone can bring something new to the

table and learn from each other.

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It’s proven that when you make a task

a competition, people achieve more.
In the workplace, conducting team
building activities can be a great way
to bring out the competitive side of
your employees. Team building
exercises are fun games where
employees participate in completing
their challenges while competing with
other games. The main objective of
conducting these games to inculcate
team spirit among employees, letting
them work with other teams and
acquire skills like problem solving,
communication and collaboration along
the way.

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The race to achieve success should be equal. Everyone should be given the same importance, resources,
and equal opportunities to reach their goals.  It makes them realize their preconceived judgment of an
individual is completely wrong and that that team member is a lot of fun to work with.

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When people work together, there are sure to be

disagreements. It's up to team members to
resolve the conflicts amicably and not let them
turn into full-blown disputes.

But conflicts aren't always a bad thing. Conflicts

can sometimes turn into constructive and
valuable work. The key to resolving such conflicts
is that people should be open to hear and accept
diverse opinions and perspectives. If team
members can group their diverse opinions, skills,
and experiences, they can achieve more than a
group formed on similar experience

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Team building is important. It enables employees to learn from

others and develop new skills. Working in a team helps
employees take on leadership roles and see their team
members fulfill their responsibilities. To perform and achieve
their goal, they need to arrive at a consensus before making
any decisions. This requires employees to hold discussions,
communicate and actively listen to each other. Teamwork
enables problem-solving capabilities, strategizing, and
decision-making skills. It also teaches team members to hold
responsibility and accountability for their decisions and actions.

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When teams work together, it fosters creativity

and innovation in the workplace. Employees
communicate and collaborate more. This
improves their performance and efficiency,
resolves conflicts and misunderstandings and
makes people more accepting towards each
other. More people start getting recognized
which motivates them and others to achieve
more and better the next time. This improves
the company’s overall bottom-line and
simultaneously fosters a positive and motivating
workplace culture.

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Thank You
Team !!

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