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Urgency and important are linked concepts. What will you do if you have an important meeting?
You plan ahead and act swiftly. You always perceive things as urgent and desire to address them as
soon as possible if you have a feeling of urgency. Someone with a sense of urgency: Takes action as
soon as feasible and does not wait for things to happen before doing so. One of the most crucial and
challenging life lessons is discipline. To exercise self-control and behave ourselves in a way that
benefits society and the people around us, it takes the utmost commitment and effort. The only way
someone can succeed in life is if they are disciplined. Focusing is largely maintained by discipline.

We can use our feeling of urgency and discipline when we perceive a phenomenon, such as
earthquakes. Our initial reaction to earthquakes is panic, but if you have a sense of urgency and
discipline, you will probably take the necessary action swiftly. When an earthquake occurs and a
family member advised you to stay outdoors if you are there. Try to hide behind some huge
furniture, stand in a doorway, or lean against a wall close to the middle of the room if you are
indoors (a desk or table). Avoid openings in outside doors and windows. Avoid electricity lines and
other potentially dangerous objects if you're outside. That person is an illustration of someone who
has both a sense of urgency and discipline.

It is indeed crucial to understand that "urgency" differs from merely "moving incredibly rapidly."
Speed is undoubtedly implied by feeling a sense of urgency, but it also carries with it a sense of
purpose and a focus on what matters most. Having focus on specific goals is crucial to convert that
sensation of needing to get things done into action that helps the organization advance. Too
frequently, people are confusing being frantic with being productive. Discipline gives people the
guidelines they need to lead productive lives. When you live a disciplined life, you may sacrifice
little things now for a better life afterwards. Discipline produces habits, which produce routines,
which produce everyday personas.

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