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Friday, March 3, 2023

Grade 11a, Mr. Neckin

Last week’s intro questions:

Briefly discuss whether it was fair that some

classes had the privilege to be present at school
and other classes hadn’t during the Covid

Or another example: Think of students of the

Gymnasiums. They have full history lessons
– no world studies from grade 6-10.

Pay attention to possible gaps in education that could occur.

Can we talk about a two-class educational system in Germany?

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and
subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United
States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall
make or enforce any law which shall abridge1 the privileges or
immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State
deprive2 any person of life, liberty, or property, without due
process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws.”
(The Equal Protection Clause, Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution)
1) cut 2) to take away
One of our last week’s goal was:
→ You know the case “Plessy v. Ferguson” and can explain it.
Brown v. Board of Education (1952-1954)
Today’s schedule:
1. Brown v. Board of Education (M13)
2. The political order of the USA

Our goal today is:

→ You know the case Brown v. BOE and can explain it.
→ You know Orval Eugene Faubus
→ You have made a mind map and a decision upon a controversy of a 1950s
1. Brown v. Board of Education


Watch the scene twice and summarize the political dilemma the POTUS has to face.
1. Brown v. Board of Education

executive power
judicial power
legislative power

respect/enforce verdict POTUS verdict

executive power
Governor of AR
(1955-1967) respect/enforce verdict
1. Brown v. Board of Education

The Supreme Court decision in favor of the desegregation of Eisenhower
schools was a great success for the Civil Rights Movement. Administration
However, some states, such as AR, refused to enforce the court
order (Brown v. Board of Education). The President now has to
decide what to do - impose the Constitution or ignore it to avoid

1. Discuss solid arguments for enforcing the law and solid

arguments for avoiding confrontation.

In doing so, make a pro and con mind map on the board.
1. Brown v. Board of Education

Further Task:
2. Let’s make a time travel. Eisenhower
You are in 1955 and you belong to the president’s team of political

Write a letter to the POTUS in which you discuss the two options a
president could choice in the case of Brown v. Board of Education
and the stance of some governors.

Advise the POTUS whether to impose the Constitution or ignore it to

avoid confrontation. Apply your background knowledge.

Study the names of the US Presidents from Eisenhower – Biden.

Know the years of their administration and their political party.

Be able to match historical events to the presedency of them correctly.

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