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1. Young people feel safer and protected 1. People tend to become too dependent on
if they can reach family and friends mobile phones.
2. People without a mobile phone are
2. It is a convenient means of keeping in thought of as eccentric and left out.
touch with anyone at any time.
3. Some people feel uncomfortable or
3. For many they have become an handicapped without their mobiles.
indispensable part of their daily lives.
4. Talking on mobile
4. It is easy to keep in contact with others phones can also be
at any time, even outdoors or in remote expensive because the
areas, where there are no telephones. roaming costs are high,
especially when abroad
5. Mobile phones enable us to call for help or overseas.
during times of emergency and saves
lives. 5. mobiles are believed by some people to
give out radioactive waves and some
6. In some cases the police made use of scientists believe that this radioactivity
the victims' cell phones to locate the
can cause brain tumors or damage our
kidnappers or other criminals.

7. Mobiles are not only a great time-saving 6. people can easily become addicted to
device, but they are a source of
mobile phones since they are now multi-
entertainment too.
purposed with different functions.

7. mobile phones can also cause a lot of

problems such as cheating in tests at
school or university.

8. Mobile phones affect students learning

abilities and concentration at school as
they may play games and send messages
during lessons.

9. Some children are known to use their

phones 6 to 7 hours a day.

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