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Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

Procedure for Changing or Cancelling a Booking:

1. The participant has the right to cancel the registration to Tibra Overseas Edu
Program a week before the class started. If you decide to cancel the course
within this period then you must inform us. Once we receive your cancellation, we
will refund your course fees 75% within 10 days.
2. If you cancel the program in less than a week (1-6 days) prior to the starting
date, Tibra Overseas Edu will refund your course fee 50% within 10 days.
3. If you login to the course, you will be deemed to have started the course and will
no longer be able to get a full refund.
4. If you need to change the start date of a course for any other reason, we will
consider this, and you will be able to change the start date without additional fees.
5. However, if the cancellation is due to our schedule availability, you will receive
100% refund within 10 days.
6. There will be no refund on payment made for all discounted course fees.
Effective Period
The IELTS Intensive Program is designed to be completed within a period of 10
meetings with 1 or 2 hours/meeting*.
In-Class Learning
1. The class will be conducted for 1 or 2 hours/meeting*.
2. There will be no replacement class or additional time for lessons missed by the
3. During the lesson, you have to activate your webcam. Having your camera on
during the lesson will make you more serious in the study.
4. You are allowed to have snack or beverage during the lesson.
5. We are not responsible for your internet problems during the class. However, if
the problem is ours, you can request for a make-up class.


If at any time, you are unhappy with the Tibra Overseas Edu service then please contact
us immediately at +62 857 7440 0065 and we will endeavour to respond as quickly as

*depends on your selected class.

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