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largely independent of explicit mathematical in u-

In this paper, we attempt to explore mathemat- ence.
ical structures of tonal music from the 18th and
19th centuries. We review the known mathemati- With the birth of post-tonal and atonal music at
cal/musical structures and, noting lacking features the close of the 19th century, the established har-
of this geometrical construct as a useful model of monic order failed. Theorists turned again to math-
tonal harmony, we propose generalizations that may ematics for organizing principles around which to
be better suited to tonal music. We bring sev- build a new theoretical framework. At the turn
eral mathematical devices to bear on the Tonnetz of the 20th century, one in uential direction (pre-
(or Tone Network) in new ways, including Cay- saged in the work of Leonard Euler two centuries
ley graphs and Coxeter hyperbolic representations. prior [10]) was that of Otto Riemann [1], whose
We conclude with three-dimensional geometric mod- two-dimensional geometric representation of fun-
els that represent the four-note seventh chords which damental harmonic structures, the Tonnetz, (Ger-
are ubiquitous in 18th and 19th century music. man for \Tone Network"), gave rise to a rich Neo-
Riemannian theory of set-theoretic transformations
in pitch-class space. This has proven to be ex-
The intellectual endeavor to codify and clarify mu- tremely fertile ground for music analysis. The group
sic in mathematical terms dates at least to the an- theoretical work begun by Lewin [3] has many con-
cient Greeks and the Pythagoreans. Composers of temporary scholars.
the Medieval and Renaissance periods developed
techniques that a modern mathematician would In the current work, we look for applications of Rie-
recognize by principles of symmetry and transfor- mann's Tonnetz to the tonal music of the common
mation. As late as the 17th and 18th centuries, practice period. We review the known mathemat-
great scienti c minds such as Newton and Euler ical structure of the Tonnetz and, noting awkward
turned their attention to music theory as well. How- features of this geometrical model, propose gen-
ever during the 18th century, music theory began eralizations and modi cations that may be better
to develop into an academic area independent of suited to tonal music. We bring several mathe-
its scienti c roots. With the work of Rameau [1], a matical devices to bear on the Tonnetz in novel
theory of tonal harmony gained strength and held ways, including Cayley graphs and Coxeter hy-
sway until the end of the 19th century. The mu- perbolic representations. We conclude with three-
sic of this era | known to musicologists as the dimensional geometric models that represent four-
common practice period or the tonal period | was note seventh chords which are vital in compositions
based upon a theoretical underpinning that was of the 18th and 19th centuries.
I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Eric Barth, for the
opportunity to do this research; I have entered a world of
research that I have found both enjoyable and educational. While mathematical constructs have been used to
His support and input was invaluable into this product.
study music since ancient times, the use of group
theory is a relatively new and powerful approach
to this topic [3]. We gather a few key de nitions
that will be used below [5][7].
Definition 1. Let G be a set together with a bi- alphabetically A to G and including A[; B[; D[; E[
nary operation that assigns to each ordered pair and G[. This collection is simply one octave of the
(a; b) of elements of G an element in G denoted piano keyboard. From a mathematical standpoint,
by ab: We say G is a group under this operation if we assign numerical values to the pitch classes and
the following properties are satis ed: work with modular arithmetic modulo 12. By con-
vention, we assign C:= 0; D[ := 1; : : : ; B:= 11: We
1. Associativity. The operation is associative; that refer to the interval between two pitch classes as
is, (ab)c = a(bc) for all a; b; c 2 G: the distance between two pitch classes, that is, the
minimum number of semi-tones between pitches.
2. Identity. There is an element e in G such that
ae = ea = a for all a 2 G: We call e the A chord is a collection pitch classes, and we assign
identity element. the names trichord for a three-note chord and a
tetrachord for a four-note chord. We will indicate a
3. Inverses. For each element A in G; there is collection of pitch classes by [x1 ; x2 ; :::] where each
an element b in G such that ab = ba = e. xi represents the numerical value assigned to that
pitch class.
Definition 2. If a subset H of a group G is it-
self a group under the operation of G; we say that
H is a subgroup of G. A group G is cyclic if it is
of the form hai = fan jn 2 Z g and we say that a is Major and minor triads are the basis of music the-
a generator of the group. ory, so studying how they are related can illumi-
nate more complicated musical structures. A triad
is a trichord where the intervals between adjacent
We will call the cyclic subgroup hai in the group G pitches comprise either three or four semitones |
the cycle generated by a: We will explore relations the minor third or major third intervals, respec-
between tonality and dihedral groups. tively. In the major triad, the pitches are arranged
so that we have a minor third stacked above a ma-
Definition 3. A dihedral group of order 2n is jor third. For example, the C-major triad contains
the group generated by two elements: a and b under the pitch classes C, E and G. Any permutation or
the three following conditions: multiplicity of these notes is considered a C-major
triad, (like [7; 0; 7; 4] or [4; 7; 0]), but out of conve-
 a = e;
n nience, we will consider CEG ([0; 4; 7]) the canoni-
cal C-major triad. A minor triad is the stacking of
 b2 = e; and a major third above a minor third. So the C-minor
triad is CE[G ([0; 3; 7]). In each case, we regard C
 abab = e; (or 0) as the root of the triad. By at, we refer to
an M-major triad as M and an M-minor triad as
where e is the identity element. We refer to the m, where M and m represent the pitch class name
dihedral group of order 2n as Dn : of the root of the chord.

Pitch is an auditory phenomenon in which the brain Approaching triads as stacking of thirds clearly
analyzes the frequency of sound heard and assigns shows a relation between the major and minor tri-
it a musical tone. For our purposes, the psycho- ads. They are related by a ipping, permutation
perceptual aspects of pitch will be neglected | we or \inversion" of the intervals. We will explore the
will consider a pitch to be characterized by its fre- e ects of ipping intervals using a polygonal rep-
quency. In Western music, we assign pitches a let- resentations around a tone clock. The tone clock is
ter, with or without an accidental (sharp or at), a representation of the 12 pitch classes of Western
and an octave. For our purposes, we will use pitch music arranged chromatically around a circle, anal-
classes, which ignore octave di erences between ogous to the hours of an analog clock [8]. We can
pitches, and an equal tempered scale, which consid- represent a chord of any size (up to twelve notes)
ers, for instance, D[ and C] as the same pitch. The as a single, simple (no edges intersect), convex (all
result is a collection of twelve pitch classes, labeled interior angles are less than 180 degrees) polygon
by connecting every pitch in the chord with ex- metic as:
actly two edges. We do so in such a way so that
an n-chord will have n edges and n vertices. P : [x; x + 4; x + 7]
$ [x; x + 4; x + 9] mod 12
We can represent our major and minor triads as L : [x; x + 4; x + 7]
triangles as in Figure 1.
$ [x 1; x + 4; x + 7] mod 12
R : [x; x + 4; x + 7]
$ [x; x + 3; x + 7] mod 12

These three re ections are chosen for their voice-

leading. Parsimonious voice-leading is when one
chord is transformed into another chord by mov-
ing only one pitch and by as small an interval as
possible. We see the di erence between C ([0; 4; 7])
and L(C ) = e ([4; 7; 11]) has one voice moving one
Figure 1: Tone clock representation of C
semi-tone. Any other re ection of a major trian-
(left) and a (right). gle other than the P; L and R re ection would
involve moving two or more voices, which is be-
yond parsimonious transformation. Here, we note
We can see that there is a relation between the that P moves one voice two semi-tones. We will
two triangles. If we re ect the C triangle across later show how P is the composition of L and R
the axis running through D and A[, which bisects transformations.
our major third interval between C and E, then
the result is an a triangle, the parallel minor triad.
There are two more relations we can nd | if we Theorem 1. The functions P; L and R under
re ect the triangle across the axis bisecting C and composition as they act on the major and minor
G, then we result in c; and if we re ect the triangle triads generate a group.
across the axis bisecting E and G, then we result
in the relative minor, and e: We take note of these
re ections over others because they result in trans- Proof : In the proof of this theorem we follow the
formations that are familiar to music theory from general scheme of Crans et al [5]. We rst take
the common practice period. note that P 2 (M ) = L2 (M ) = R2 (M ) = M and
P 2 (m) = L2 (m) = R2 (m) = m; thus we have an
identity function, which we identify as : Because
We give labels to the above canonical transforma- each of our generating functions are involutions,
tions that refer to their underlying musical rela- we can see that the inverse of any composition
tions: P is the parallel minor transformation, R, is the \reverse" composition, i.e. (P LR)(RLP ) =
the relative minor transformation, and L for the (RLRP )(P RLR) = : Thus every function has an
leading-tone motion, or moving the root of the ma- inverse. To show closure, we de ne a function to
jor triad down a half-step. These transformations be in the group if it is a composition of P; L and R:
hold for any major or minor triad and will always Because each function de ned has the same domain
relate to it parallel and relative minor transforma- and the range is a subset of the domain, each func-
tions and its leading-tone minor. We de ne these tion is well-de ned. Thus the set is closed under
transformations as the following: compositions. Because compositions of functions
are always associative, we have a group structure
P: M $ (m 3) generated by P; L and R under composition.
L: M $ (m + 4)
R: M $ m By convention, we will refer to the group gener-
ated by P; L and R under composition as the P LR
group. Now we will proceed to show that P is a
composition of L and R and thus the P LR group
It can be explicitly de ned through modular arith- can be generated by L and R:
Corollary 1. The P LR group is generated by
L and R: The common geometric representation of the P LR
functions is the Oettigan-Riemann Tonnetz, also
Proof : We must show that P is the composition known as the Neo-Riemannian Tonnetz [5]. The
of L and R: We observe that if we alternate R and Tonnetz is a two-dimensional array where the ver-
L; we cycle through all 24 major and minor triads: tices represent pitch classes and triangles represent
the major and minor triads. We will arrange this
C; a; F; d; B[; g; E[; c; diagram so each triangle is equilateral, horizontal
A[; f; D[; b[; G[; e[; B; a[; edges will represent an interval of seven semi-tones
E; d[; A; g[; D; b; G; e; C: (a perfect fth), and diagonal edges will represent
thirds, those in the north-east direction (/) repre-
The seventh iteration of this alternating function, senting a major third and in the south-east direc-
shown in bold above, gives us P; thus we note that tion (n) a minor third, as seen in Figure 2. The
P = RLRLRLR: Thus P is a composition of L and three pitches that form the vertices of a given tri-
R and thus the group can be simply be generated angle in the Tonnetz de ne a major or minor triad:
by L and R: CEG forms C , EGB forms e; etc.
Finally, we classify the P LR group as a dihedral The Tonnetz tessellates the plane perfectly, as is
group. the nature of equilateral triangles. Because pitch-
classes are cyclic (isomorphic to Z12 ) and because
Theorem 2. The P LR group is isomorphic to we are moving by perfect fths (equivalent to adding
the dihedral group of order 24, D12 : 7 mod 12), major thirds (adding 4 mod 12) and
minor thirds (adding 3 mod 12), the ordering of
major and minor triads will begin to repeat. That
Proof : First we will show that the elements of the is to say, anywhere a C is located, it will always be
P LR group are fR(LR)n ; (LR)n j0  n  11g: We surrounded by G, E, A, F, A[ and E[ in the very
determined that every element in the group can be same orientation. A parallelogram formed by 12
generated by compositions of L and R: Because L major and 12 minor triangles will be in the same
and R are idempotent, we only consider composi- arrangement in relation to the triangles around it.
tions where L and R are alternating (we may re- The edges of the parallelogram contains the same
place R  R or L  L with the identity function). We string of pitch classes: C-E-A[-C and C-A-G[-E[-C
have also discovered from the previous corollary in the diagram. If we glue the edges of the paral-
that (LR)12 is the identity function. Thus we will lelogram so that the edges \match up", we form a
only consider compositions of alternating L and R torus. Shared edges indicate two chords are related
functions that are less 24 elements long (we can by P; L or R: Speci cally, moving across the hori-
replace (LR)12 with the identity). Now, consider a zontal axis indicates a parallel relation, across the
function where the right-most component function major third diagonal (/) indicates a relative rela-
is L : (LR)k L: This function can be represented in tion, and across the minor diagonal (n) indicates
the way we want, where the the right-most function an L relation.
is R:
(LR)12 =  Following Waller [9], we represent this torus as an
undirected graph with vertices representing major
(LR)11 L = R and minor triads and an edge indicating a shared
edge as shown in Figure 3. The result: four concen-
(LR)k L = (RL)11 k R tric cycles with interspersed bridges between the
cycles. A close look at where the P LR functions
Thus the elements of the P LR group are are located reveals the concentric cycles are gener-
fR(LR)n; (LR)n j 0  n  11g. We have exactly ated by alternating P and L and the bridges rep-
24 elements in this group. As we recall from the resent an R function. We can adjust Waller's torus
de nition of dihedral group, D12 is the group gener- so that P and R form generating cycles (creating
ated by two elements, s and t; such that s12 = t2 = three concentric circles), as shown in Figure 4, and
 and tst = s 1 [5]. If we let s = LR and t = L; we most interestingly, alternating L and R which will
will satisfy these relations: (LR)12 = L2 =  and generate a single cycle (as L and R generate the
L(LR)L = RL: Thus P LR  D12 :
Figure 3: Waller's torus is a graphical rep-
resentation of the transformations P , L and

we notice that P L has order 3, P R has order 4 and

LR has order 12, as is seen in the Waller torus.
Figure 2: The Neo-Riemmanian Tonnetz de- Thus we have the following Coxeter matrix repre-
picts the pitch classes and resulting major sentation:
and minor triads (triangles) so that geomet-
ric proximity is related the transformations
P , L and R. 2 3
1 3 4
M = 43 1 125 :
4 12 1
entire group).
An alternate geometric expression that may indi- The value of the path between vertices corresponds
cate the existence of a more general group struc- to the angle between the mirrors in a kaleidoscope
ture, is the use of Coxeter kaleidoscoping [4]. A representation: the angle between mirrors ri and
Coxeter group is generated by n elements rj is =mij radians. So in our case, we have a
fr1; r2; : : : ; rng: Each generator has order two (ri2 = triangle of mirrors with angles =3; =4 and =12:
e) and the order of each pair has the following We notice that this totals to 2=3; implying our
properties: if the order of (ri rj ) is mij ; then the triangle is hyperbolic. What results is this model,
order of (rj ri ) is also mij ; mii = 1 and mij  2 represented using the Poincare disc model as shown
for i 6= j: It is common to represent the group in in Figure 5.
terms of a Coxeter matrix, a symmetric n  n ma-
trix with elements mij , or a Coxeter-Dynkin graph, Around each vertex in the three-functioned model,
a graph with n vertices representing the group el- we have cycles of 24, 8 or 6 triangles. These di-
ements and paths representing orders greater than rectly correspond to alternating L and R; P and
2. Because our generating functions (P; L and R) R or P and L as we noted earlier with the tradi-
are idempotent, we can explore the Coxeter group tional Tonnetz. We also note that the kaleidoscop-
structure generated by P; L and R: ing Coxeter group reveals a common arrangement
of chords into those separated by perfect fths, of-
Through the calculation of cycles in the P LR group, ten called \the circle of fths."
Figure 5: Hyperbolic Coxeter kaleidoscope
Figure 4: Three-ringed torus provides an in a Poincare disc of P; L and R. Major-triad
equivalent perspective to Waller's Torus. triangles are labeled with capital letters and
minor-triad triangles are labeled with lower-
case letters.
The two-dimensional Tonnetz, with associated graphs, The three-dimensional Tonnetz has three axes; the
hyperbolic representations, and group theoretic struc- rst two axes are the same as the traditional Ton-
ture are very rich in mathematics. Our objec- netz and the third axis along which tones progress
tion is that the implied musical content (for ex- by a minor seventh interval (10 semi-tomes). We
ample the nearness of C major and e minor, de- situate the third axis so that one unit is on the
picted graphically in the Tonnetz and functionally perpendicular bisector of one tone length along the
by the transformation L) does not match the musi- perfect fth axis. This, with many other extra di-
cal practice of tonal music, where the fundamental rections, creates a tetrahedral tessellation of Eu-
relationships involve cadences with chords whose clidean space that represent seventh chords, tetra-
the roots move by intervals of fourths and fths. chords that is composed of major and minor inter-
What is more, the restriction to major and mi- vals. In particular, we create six distinct tetrahe-
nor triads is much too limited to describe tonal dra of the following forms:
music, where tetrachords are ubiquitous. As early
as the beginning of the 19th century, the funda-
mental chord types in common usage were iden- 1. * CEGB[, with coplanar CEG and B[ above
ti ed by the descriptive music theorist Gottfried and between C and G
Weber: three triads (major, minor, diminished) 2. CEGB[ with coplanar CE and coplanar GB[
and four tetrachords (dominant, minor, major, and that are skew and CE is below GB[
half-diminished) [1]. In an e ort to bring these con-
siderations into better agreement, we explore gen- 3. * ACE[G, with coplanar CE[G and A below
eralizations of the Tonnetz to four-note structures. and between C and G
Edward Gollin in 1998 examined an example of 4. ACE[G, with coplanar AC and coplanar E[G
a three-dimensional expansion of the Tonnetz [6]. that are skew and AC is below E[G
In two dimensions, we have two axes along which 5. * CE[GB[, with coplanar CE[G and B[ above
tones progress by a major third and a perfect fth, and between C and G
respectively. A third direction, which can be spec-
i ed as a vector di erence between the two axes in 6. CE[GB[, with coplanar E[GB[ and C below
the plane, progresses by a minor third. and between E[ and B[
Figure 6: Three Dimensional Tonnetz show- Figure 7: Three Dimensional Tonnetz show-
ing two representations of the same domi- ing two representations of the same half-
nant seventh chord, described in cases 1 and diminished seventh chord, described in cases
2 in text. 3 and 4 in text.

Tetrahedra 1 and 2, which has the form of a ma- enth chords, there are exactly four operations that
jor third, minor third and minor third in ascending will move one voice exactly one semi-tone and will
order ([0; 4; 7; 10]), are both known as a dominant result in another element in the set:
seventh chord (C7) as shown in Figure 6. Tetrahe-
dra 3 and 4 have the form of a minor third, minor
third and major third ([9; 0; 3; 7]), and are called P1 : M7 $ M 7
half-diminished seventh chords (A7) as shown in
P2 : M 7$ 
M 7
Figure 7. The form of a minor third, major third
and minor third ([0; 3; 7; 10]) is a minor seventh R1 : M7 $ (M 3) 7
chord (C-7), which are the forms taken by tetrahe- R2 : M 7$ (M + 3)7;
dra 5 and 6, shown in Figure 8. Each of these forms
has a unique manifestation in three-dimensional
space and thus each quality of chord appears in
exactly two forms of tetrahedra. In this discus- or explicitly,
sion, we will consider only the rst of each variety P1 : [x; x + 4; x + 7; x + 10]
$ [x; x + 3; x + 7; x + 10] mod 12
Gollin explores how the dominant seven and half- P2 : [x; x + 3; x + 7; x + 10]
diminished seventh chords are related. Using\edge- $ [x; x + 3; x + 6; x + 10] mod 12
ips" and \vertex- ips", he discovers that transfor-
R1 : [x; x + 4; x + 7; x + 10]
mations of the 24 dominant and half-diminished
seventh chords create a dihedral group of order 24, $ [x; x + 4; x + 7; x + 9] mod 12
exactly isomorphic to the PLR group [6]. How- R2 : [x; x + 3; x + 7; x + 10]
ever, this treatment omits the minor seventh chord $ [x + 1; x + 3; x + 7; x + 10] mod 12:
which is very often seen in the common practice
period. Thus, we will attempt to nd relations
among all three varieties of tetrahedra. In this ex-
ploration, we attempt to maintain the quality of We consider one further (pseudo-parsimonious) func-
parsimonious voice-leading. In our set of 36 sev- tion, L; which transforms M 7 $ (M + 4)7: This
In conclusion, it would appear that there is some
sort of relational structure of the tonality repre-
sented in minor, dominant and half-diminished sev-
enth chords. The relations, however, do not paral-
lel the two-dimensional examples of the major and
minor triads. Although a group or graphical struc-
ture may not be immediately apparent through
parsimonious relations, the relation between the
chords is still rich for study and exploration.

Our work in attempting to generalize the

Neo-Riemannian Tonnetz has turned out to be a
deep and rich eld of exploration. We leave this
work with possibly more questions that we had at
the beginning of the project, leading us down av-
enues of greater exploration.
Figure 8: Three Dimensional Tonnetz show- We have implied that the parsimonious relations
ing the two representations of a minor sev- of the two-dimensional Tonnetz could be coinci-
enth chord described in cases 5 and 6 in text. dentally Class 1. So the question becomes, is there
a four colored edge-coloring of the edges 36 seventh
function moves the root of the dominant seventh chord vertices that corresponds to the musical re-
chord down two semi-tones and moves the seventh alization of parsimonious and potentially pseudo-
of the half-diminished chord up two semi-tones. parsimonious voice leading? And if so, what are
With these ve functions, we can create an edge- those functions and do they create a group with
colored mapping of the 36 seventh chords in our the operation of composition? Is it possible that
set with each function representing a unique color, the involutionary feature of P, L and R in the Ton-
each vertex representing a chord and each edge in- netz was merely a special characteristic of working
dicating a functional relation. This mapping, we in two dimensions or perhaps that we were only
will see, ts nicely on the surface of a torus, simi- relating two avors of chords? Could we possi-
larly to the Waller's Tonnetz ts around a torus. bly nd a relation that involved compound func-
tions that cycle through the three avors of seventh
The interesting point about the two edge-colored chords we are analyzing, and cycle in the reverse
maps we have seen, Waller's Tonnetz torus and the when the inverse function is used? For example,
Seventh chord torus, is the inconsistency in the what if function F transformed M 7 ! M 7 !
optimization of coloring. With edge-coloring we M 7 ! (M 4)7? Is this function actually rele-
call upon Vising's theorem: a graph can be edge- vant in the common practice period, or does it only
colored in either the maximum degree of the graph, make mathematical sense?
or one more than that [2]. The maps with the for-
mer coloring are called Class 1 graphs while the lat- We may also be curious about our other geomet-
ter are Class 2. We see that in Waller's torus, each ric representations of the P, L and R. Because the
vertex is degree three and the graph is considered major and minor triads are composed of stacked
Class 1. However, the Seventh chord torus has in- thirds, is there analogous representations using the
consistent degrees, dominant and half-diminished Tonnetz with other third-stacking chords, like sev-
seventh chord vertices are degree three while the enth chords? Can we nd some seventh chord ana-
minor seventh chords are degree 4. The way that logues to the tone clock, perhaps a tone sphere
the graph is colored according to our ve functions, and using tetrahedral chords? If we can nd invo-
it would appear that this is a Class 2 graph. Yet, lutionary functions relating these seventh chords,
there is a recoloring, pictured below, that optimizes is there some kind of hyperbolic three-dimensional
edge colors at four, indicating we truly have a Class kaleidoscope that could contain the re ections of
1 graph. the tetrahedron that is re ected across a hyper-
Figure 9: Graph of seventh chords edge-colored in ve colors.

Figure 10: Graph of seventh chords edge-colored in four colors.

bolic plane?

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