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Important Questions PPS

Very short type questions

1. Difference between -
• Compiler & Interpreter
• Low level & High level
• Linker& loader

2. What are the various component of Operating system?

3. Write the characteristics of an algorithm.

4. What is Token?

5. Differentiate between Associativity & precedence of an operator.

6. Differentiate between type casting and type conversion.

7. Differentiate between

• while & do while

• break & continue
• Actual & Formal Parameters

8. Discuss function prototyping.

Long Questions (Theoretical)

1. Draw and Explain block diagram of digital computer?

2. Explain the primary data types with size, range, format specifier.

3. Explain bitwise operator with example.

4. Discuss the different parameter passing mechanism in C?

5. What is recursion? Explain the principle of recursion.

6. What is storage class? Explain different storage classes in terms of keyword, storage, life & scope with example.
Programming Questions

1. WAP to find largest of three numbers.

2. WAP to check whether the given character is in upper case, lower case, numeric or symbol.

3. WAP for simple calculator using switch.

4. WAP to check whether the year is leap year or not.

5. WAP to find sum of digits of a N digit number.

6. WAP to check whether the given number is Armstrong number or not.

7. WAP to check whether the given number is Palindrome number or not.

8. WAP to print Fibonacci series up to N terms


WAP to find sum of Fibonacci series.

9. WAP to check whether a given number is prime or not


WAP to print all prime numbers from 100 to 500.

10. WAP to find factorial of a given number using recursion.


WAP to print Fibonacci series using recursion.

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