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Bobby Braun article on “Space Technology” is an essay aimed at persuading his reader to

believe that NASA is the leader in aerospace technology and their ability to retain that position
depends on their advanced technological developments and modest, consistent government
investments in space technology.

Bobby begins by letting the reader know that aerospace is a positive effect on the
nation’s economy. He explains to the reader the necessary procedures NASA needs to take in
order to remain “the leader in aerospace technology.” He goes on to explain the reason for
NASA’s groundbreaking success. He does this to make his reader not just know more about
NASA but also know what makes NASA one of the best in its field; this will make it easier for the
reader to support Bobby’s claim.

He explains to his reader the difficulties NASA is currently facing: from “chronic
underinvestment in basic and applied research” to insufficient advanced space technology.
Bobby explains this to his readers so they know why government’s investment in NASA is
important. He proceeds to explain the future obstacles that NASA is most likely going to
encounter while “beginning an exciting new chapter in human space exploration.” Some of the
obstacles are “maturation of multiple American vehicles for delivering astronauts and cargo to
low-Earth orbit and developments of a crew vehicle.”

Furthermore, Bobby goes ahead to explain the benefits that NASA will enjoy from
government’s investments. We can’t forget that not only NASA will benefit from this but
America’s economy will also benefit from this through the creation of high-tech jobs. Bobby
also explains the effect of these investments to the future of America.

Finally, we can see that Bobby uses a style of persuasion where he states the problem,
the solution and how the solution will help curb the problem. He also uses evidence when
explaining NASA’s budget and historical evidence when he describes NASA’s accomplishment
nearly fifty years ago. This persuasion technique helps the reader agree with the claim quite
easily because of the abundance of facts granted the reader.

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