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Research Article

International Journal of Advanced

Robotic Systems
July-August 2021: 1–11
Utilization of multilayer perceptron ª The Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
for determining the inverse kinematics
DOI: 10.1177/1729881420925283

of an industrial robotic manipulator

Sandi Baressi Šegota1, Nikola And̄elić1, Vedran Mrzljak1,

Ivan Lorencin1, Ivan Kuric2 and Zlatan Car1

Inverse kinematic equations allow the determination of the joint angles necessary for the robotic manipulator to place a
tool into a predefined position. Determining this equation is vital but a complex work. In this article, an artificial neural
network, more specifically, a feed-forward type, multilayer perceptron (MLP), is trained, so that it could be used to
calculate the inverse kinematics for a robotic manipulator. First, direct kinematics of a robotic manipulator are determined
using Denavit–Hartenberg method and a dataset of 15,000 points is generated using the calculated homogenous trans-
formation matrices. Following that, multiple MLPs are trained with 10,240 different hyperparameter combinations to find
the best. Each trained MLP is evaluated using the R2 and mean absolute error metrics and the architectures of the MLPs
that achieved the best results are presented. Results show a successful regression for the first five joints (percentage error
being less than 0.1%) but a comparatively poor regression for the final joint due to the configuration of the robotic

Artificial intelligence, artificial neural network, inverse kinematics, machine learning, multilayer perceptron, robotic

Date received: 11 August 2020; accepted: 14 June 2021

Topic Area: Robot Manipulation and Control

Topic Editor: Andrey Savkin
Associate Editor: Martin Grossman

Introduction necessary to position the tool at that location. While the

determination of the robotic manipulator direct kinematics
Determining kinematic properties of a robotic manipulator
is relatively straightforward, and there are methods such as
is a crucial step in any work relating to the use of the
Denavit–Hartenberg (D-H) that allow for the simple deter-
robotic manipulator. Before any further calculations can
mination, determining inverse kinematics is a more
be performed, direct and inverse kinematic equations need
to be determined. Direct kinematic equations allow the
transformation from the joint variable space into the tool 1
Department of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
configuration space, that is, calculation of the position of 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Žilina, Žilina,
tool in workspace from predefined joint rotation values.1 Slovakia
Inverse kinematic equations allow the opposite transforma-
Corresponding author:
tion from the tool configuration space to the joint variable Zlatan Car, Department of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Vukovarska
space, that is, if we know the position in the workspace that 58, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia.
we are trying to achieve, we can calculate the joint values Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

complex process.2 Determining the inverse kinematic robotic system. This article shows a successful application
equations for complex robots has high algebraic complex- of the ANN in use with robotic manipulators. Takatani
ity.3 Determining the solution numerically is an option, but et al.27 use a neural network to achieve determination of
it takes a comparatively long time compared to using a joint values. The authors propose the use of a complex,
direct solution, such as an equation. multi-ANN model to learn the inverse kinematics without
In this article, a method is proposed in which multilayer the use of evaluation functions. The results show that, for a
perceptron (MLP) is used to regress the equations for the 3-DOF, robotic manipulator solution like the proposed one
inverse kinematic equations for each joint. ANN is an arti- can provide satisfactory results. Dereli and Köker28 pro-
ficial intelligence or machine learning algorithm4 that can pose a metaheuristic artificial intelligence solution for
be used for solving various regression and classification inverse kinematic calculation. Multiple algorithms are
tasks.5,6 Artificial intelligence methods such as this have compared by authors (quantum behaved particle swarm,
a wide variety of applications. ANNs and other artificial firefly algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and artifi-
intelligence methods, such as evolutionary computing cial bee colony) and best results are shown when using
algorithms,7–9 have a wide variety of uses in robotics in areas quantum behaved particle swarm. Lim and Lee29 discuss
such as computer vision10,11 and path optimization12–14 and the number of points necessary for the inverse kinematic
navigation.15,16 ANN emulates the human neural system solutions. Their findings show that regression can be
using a structure of nodes, referred to as neurons, that are learned with as little as 125 experimentally obtained data
interconnected with weighted connections.17,18 By adjusting points.
this weight depending on the data, ANNs can provide the
ability to classify or regress the input data to a solution with
high precision.18,19 Robotic manipulator used is modeled Hypotheses
after a realistic six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) manipulator
This article is trying to prove three hypotheses and these are
ABB IRB 120.
as follows:

State-of-the-art  a MLP ANN can be used to determine inverse kine-

matics of a realistic 6-DOF manipulator instead of a
Villegas et al.20 use the dataset adaptation technique to more complicated method,
solve the inverse kinematic issue, by ANN retraining using  determine the best possible configuration of the
data points with higher error values. This approach shows MLP for determining inverse kinematics of each
promising results in rising the accuracy of the trained ANN. joint, and
Nemeth et al.21 show the use of machine learning methods,  a dataset virtually generated from direct kinematics
such as classification trees and clustering, in the process of can be used for ANN training.
detecting failures in production systems. The authors show
a successful detection of failures using these methods, The novelty of this article is twofold. First, it lays in the
using data collected from control program’s logged files. fact that an artificially generated dataset has been used to
Ghafil et al.22 attempt to solve inverse kinematics of 3-DOF train the neural network. Using an artificially generated
robotic manipulator using Levenber–Marquardt, Bayesian dataset, training of inverse kinematics networks for a new
regularization, and scaled conjugate gradient learning algo- robotic manipulator can be performed significantly faster
rithms. Results show that the best results are provided when than when an experimental dataset is used (provided that
using the Bayesian regularization algorithm. Demby et al.23 the results are satisfactory). This would allow for training
show the use of a reinforcement learning method, specifi- of the neural networks in such a case where the robotic
cally ANNs and adaptive neurofuzzy inference systems. manipulator is not readily available to the researchers to
While their methods show some ability to regress, the perform a large number of experimental measurements
authors conclude that the results are not accurate enough upon. The second part lays in the fact that only the x, y,
for use. Ghasemi et al.24 show the use of an ANN for the and z spatial positions of the end effector are used as inputs
determination of inverse kinematics on a simple 3-DOF without the orientations of the end effector. In case that
RRL robotic manipulator. The proposed solution shows satisfactory result can be achieved this way, the method
that ANNs have the ability to be used for kinematic deter- would show the ability to regress the inverse kinematics
mination for a simpler robotic manipulator. Dash et al.25 problem without the need for measurement of the Euler
attempt to regress the inverse kinematic equations using the angles, which define the orientation, simplifying training
ANN. The authors conclude that the results achieved are of such neural networks.
not satisfactory, as they have a very low accuracy espe- In continuation, first, the methodology will be pre-
cially for the second and sixth joint of the manipulator, sented. The method used for determining direct kinematics
most probably caused due to a low number of training data and the dataset generation will be explained. After that, a
and no hyperparameter variation. Zarrin et al.26 show the description of MLP ANNs is given, along with the methods
application of the ANN for the direct control of a soft for hyperparameter determination and solution quality
Baressi Šegota et al. 3

estimation. Finally, results are presented and discussed For a rotational joint, qk is treated as a variable, and for a
along with the drawn conclusions. translational joint, dk is treated as a variable.36 Values for
each joint are placed in the matrix
2 3
Methodology C Y k C ak S Y k S ak S Y k ak C Y k
6S C ak C Y k S ak C Y k ak S Y k 7
In this article, the methodology used in our research will 6 Y 7
T kk1 ¼ 6 k 7 (1)
be presented. First, the process of determining the direct 40 S ak C ak dk 5
kinematic equations of the robotic manipulator will be 0 0 0 1
described, followed by the description of a way those
equations were used to generate a used dataset. The over- Because of the size of the equations, the shortened tri-
view of the ANN will be given, along with the description gonometric format is used. When using this format, the
of chosen activation functions and hyperparameters used trigonometric functions are written using only the first let-
during the grid search process. Finally, the way authors ter of their name, so sine is written as S and cosine as C. In
evaluated the quality of the obtained solutions will be addition, the arguments of the functions are written as
presented. indexes. The kinematics matrix for the entire robotic
manipulator, connecting the base of the robotic manipula-
tor and the tool, is calculated as a product of the homoge-
Direct kinematic equation determination nous transformation matrices T kk1 of each joint. The
Direct kinematic equations are determined using the D-H 35,37
resultant matrix T tool
base is formatted as
algorithm. In the D-H algorithm, each joint is assigned a  
sequential number i from 1 to n, where 1 depicts the first RðqÞ pðqÞ
T tool
base ðq Þ ¼ (2)
joint of the robotic manipulator nearest to the base and n vT1 s
depicts the last joint of the robotic manipulator.30 Then, the
recursive D-H algorithm is started. In the first iterative part, in which vT1 represents the perspective vector, with the
each joint is assigned a right orthonormal coordinate sys- usual value of ½ 0 0 0, s represents the scaling coefficient
tem Lk, where k 2 ½ 0; n and k ¼ i  1 for each joint.31 At with the usual value of 1. The vector pðqÞ (3  1) repre-
the start of the algorithm, the base joint of the robotic sents the final tool position in the workspace.34 Matrix
manipulator is assigned the coordinate system L0 with the RðqÞ ¼ ½r 1 r 2 r 3  (3  3) represents the tool orientation
axes x0, y0, and z0. For the remaining joints, the axes of the matrix, where33,38
coordinate system for each joint are placed in such a way
 r1 is the perpendicular vector,
that axis zk equates the joint axis of the associated joint.
 r2 is the movement vector, and
Axis xk is placed in the cross-section of the axes zk and zk1 .  r3 is the approach vector.
If the axes zk and zk1 are not perpendicular, the axis xk is
placed in such a way that it is perpendicular to the axes zk Robotic manipulator tool positioning can be defined
and zk1 . The remaining axis yk for each joint k is placed in using
such a way that the right oriented orthonormal coordinate  1
system is formed.32,33 Once all the coordinate systems have w¼ ¼ ½x y zT T (3)
been formed, points bk for each joint k are placed. Point bk w
for each joint is placed at the intersection of axes xk and with x, y, and z being robotic manipulator end-effector
zkþ1 . If those axes are not perpendicular, point bk is placed positions in the tool configuration space, and F, Y , and
at the intersection of axis xk and axis perpendicular to both C being Euler angles (spin, nutation, and precession).33,39
axes xk and zkþ1 .34 With the coordinate system L and points Vectors w1 and w2 can be defined using the homogenous
b placed, the kinematic parameters can be determined. transformation matrix of the robotic manipulator
There are four kinematic parameters that need to be deter-
mined for each joint k: dk, ak, ak , Y k .32,35 These para- w1 ¼ pðqÞ (4)
meters represent and
 qk : the joint angle defined as the angle of rotation w2 ¼ r 3 (5)
around axis zk1 that makes axes xk1 and x k 3
parallel; where pðqÞ and r are members of the homogenous trans-
 ak : the angle of rotation around axes xk that makes formation matrix T tool
base ðqÞ, as described in equation (3).
axes zk1 and zk parallel;
 dk: translation along axis zk1 needed to achieve
intersection of axes xk1 and xk; and
Dataset generation
 xk: translation along axis xk1 needed to achieve To generate the dataset, first, the possible joint values need
intersection of axes zk1 and zk. to be defined. Figure 1 shows the robotic manipulator in
4 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

long time and would have added the problem of measure-

ment imprecision and errors. Generating dataset in the
manner described in this article was chosen by the authors
because of the wish to test the possibility of using an artifi-
cially generated dataset for ANN training.

Multilayer perceptron regressor

MLP is a type of a feed-forward ANN, consisting of an
input layer, output layer, and at least one hidden layer,41
consisting of one or more artificial neurons.42 The value of
each neuron starting with inputs is propagated to the neu-
rons in the next layer over connections. Each connection
has a certain weight, which signifies the importance of the
value of that neuron to the value of the neuron it is con-
nected to. The sum of values of all neurons of the previous
layer connected to the current neuron is then transformed
using the activation function of the neuron in question and
the new value of that neuron is calculated.43 The value of
the input neurons is weighted, summed, and transformed
over each neuron in the first hidden layer, and this is
Figure 1. Diametric view of the robotic manipulator with axes repeated for each following layer until the final, output,
displayed40 (Axes 1–6: Rotational axes of the robotic layer is reached and the values of neurons are weighted
manipulator). and summed giving the output value.44,45
From the above, it can be seen that the weights of the
Table 1. The upper and lower limits of each joint of the robotic connections play an important part in value determined as
manipulator for ABB IRB 120 robotic manipulator, obtained from
the output. Because of this property, it is important to set
the manufacturer’s product specification.40
connection weights as accurately as possible, which is done
Joint Lower limit ( ) Upper limit ( ) Range ( ) in the training stage during which the data stored in the
dataset are used to adjust the connection weights.43,45
1 165 165 330
2 110 110 220 Each of the inputs xi has a corresponding weight qn
3 70 110 180 stored in vector Y 0 ¼ ½ q 1 q2 q 3    qn T .46 Each layer
4 160 160 320 in neural network has its own weight vector Y in which the
5 120 120 240 number of elements represents the number of connections
6 0 360 360 from that layer to the following one.42 The input values of
the neural network can be defined as43
diametric view with joint axes displayed. The limits of joint z ¼ X  Y0 (6)
angle values for each joint are given in Table 1. On the
figure, axes 1 through 6 represent the rotational axis of where X is the vector of inputs described in equation (7) and
the corresponding joint of the robotic manipulator, with the Y 0 is the set of weights for the connections connecting the
arrows representing the directions in which the given joint input layer of the neural network to the first hidden layer.
is capable of rotating. The output value of the neurons is calculated as
A random value is generated for each joint within its f ðX k Þ ¼ FðX k  Y Þ ¼ Fðx 1  q 1 þ x 2  q2 þ    þ xn  qn Þ
given range. These values are generated with a uniform
random distribution. Then, the direct kinematic equations
are used to calculate the x, y, and z coordinates of the where F is the activation function of neuron and k is the
robotic manipulator end effector. Doing this yields a data- number of layers in ANN, with k ¼ 0 for input layer.43,47 In
set of 15,000 data points, which is a large enough amount to other words, neuron output value is the value of its activa-
attempt a regression analysis using artificial intelligence tion function for the weighted sum of its inputs. The value
techniques.29 Furthermore, analysis of the values in the of each neuron is calculated this way, with appropriate
dataset shows that all of the input and output values are weights, until the output layer is reached and its value is
unique, allowing for unique mapping from the inputs to calculated.44 Initially, the weights of the neurons are set to
outputs. While this dataset could have been generated randomly selected values.44,45 These randomly selected
experimentally, through robot positioning and measure- values, in most cases, do not provide satisfactory results
ment of joint angles, this would have taken an extremely and need to be adjusted.43,48
Baressi Šegota et al. 5

The error of the neural network is propagated back Table 2. Possible values for each hyperparameter used in grid
through the network (meaning, in the direction from the search for determining the best ANN architecture.a
output neuron to the input neurons), with the goal of adjust- Hyperparameter Possible values Number
ing the connection weights.49,50 Gradients are used to allow
the adjustment of values depending on their difference Hidden layers (3), (3,3,3,3), (3,3),(4,3,3,4), (6,6,6,6), 20
from the goal value, where error E ¼ 0.51 The connections (6,6), (7,6,6,7),(6,4,6), (6,12,12,6),
(10,10,10,10,10), (12,12,12),
that have a higher difference from the goal value will have
(10,20,20,10), (4,4), (4), (6), (100),
a higher adjustment value compared to those that are close (100,100,100), (100,100,100,100),
to the goal. Once the final gradient Y 0 (at inputs) is calcu- (30), (8,6,8)
lated, the gradient is updated using Activation Identity, ReLU, Tan-H, Logistic 4
Xn function
y i Þ2
ðyi ^ Solver Adam, LBFGS 2
a @

Y new ¼ Y old   2n
(8) a 0.5, 0.1, 0.01, 0.00001 4
m @Y a Adjustment constant, adaptive, inverse scaling 4
L2 0.1, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.01 4
where a represents the learning rate of the ANN52,53 and m
is a total number of data points. The higher this rate is, the First column gives hyperparameter values of which are defined in the
faster the weights Y will get adjusted,54 but a too large second column. Third column provides a total number of possible para-
meter values. For the “hidden layers” row, each tuple represents an
learning rate can cause issues with the backpropagation ANN setup, where each hidden layer is represented by an integer equal-
diverging instead of converging toward E ¼ 0.55,56 ing the number of neurons it contains.66
In addition to value of neurons, there is another value
taken into account in each layer. This value is referred to as
bias and marked with bi. Bias is the value that allows the
Solution quality estimation
adjustment of the origin point of the activation func- After the training using the parameters obtained using an
tion.43,57 This enables neural networks to be adjusted in a iteration of grid search, the other part of the dataset is used
way that allows solving problems, which have the solutions as the testing set. In testing, the trained MLP attempts to
near the origin point of the coordinate system of the solu- determine the value of the set inputs, which are compared
tion space.58–60 to the real outputs. The difference between this process and
training is that no adjustment is done in this part—there is
no backpropagation, just the forward. This enables the
Hyperparameter determination quality of the neural network to be determined, as the val-
In the previous sections, a number of values have been ues it predicts are compared to the values that have not been
mentioned, such as learning rate a, hidden layers, and the used in training and as such did not have an effect on the
number of neurons in each as well as the activation func- trained weights of the neural network. Once the predicted
tions. These values are parameters that describe the neural set ^y train is calculated, it can be compared to the actual
network itself, or more precisely, its architecture. To dif- result values of the training set y train .43
ferentiate these parameters from parameters contained Two values are used to determine the quality of the
within the neural network, namely the values of weights solution: coefficient of determination (R2) and mean abso-
Y , these parameters are named hyperparameters.61,62 lute error (MAE).
Values of hyperparameters determine how well the The coefficient of determination is defined as the pro-
ANN will perform the task it was designed to. The hyper- portion of variance in the dependent variable predictable
parameters of the neural network varied in this article are from the independent variables.70,71 This provides informa-
hidden layers (number of layers and neurons per each tion on how much of the variance in the data is explained by
layer63), activation function of the neurons, solver, initial the predicted data.72,73 Let vector y ¼ ½ y 1 y 2    ym  contain
learning rate, type of learning rate adjustment, and regular- the real data points yi, and vector ^y ¼ ½ ^y 1 ^y 2    ^y m  contain
ization parameter L2.51,64,65 The values of hyperparameters the predicted data, where each prediction ^y i corresponds to
used in the research are given in Table 2. the real data yi for each i.73–75
The total number of combinations, that is, ANN archi- With these two values, the coefficient of determination
tectures, can be calculated as a product of numbers of pos- R2 is defined by76–78
sible values for each hyperparameter, which means that the Xm
total of ANN architectures tested is 10,240. 2
ðyi  ^y i Þ 2
R ¼ 1  Xim (9)
The hyperparameters are tested using the grid search ðyi  yÞ 2
method.67 In grid search method, the combination of each
of the above parameters is given, and a neural network with MAE is defined as79
those hyperparameters is calculated.68,69 Additionally, each
combination of parameters is executed 10 times due to the MAE ¼ jy  ^y i j (10)
cross-validation process described in the following section. n i i
6 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

and it provides the information of what is the average dif-

ference between real values in vector y and corresponding
predicted values in vector ^y.
R2 is defined in range 0; 1, with values closer to 1 rep-
resenting better quality solution,80 that is, solution that pre-
dicts values, which have less unexplained variance.81
Solutions with an R2 value of 0.9 or higher are taken in
consideration where available. In ideal solution, that is, a
perfect regressor, MAE would equal 0.82,83 With this in
mind, solutions with lower MAE are taken as better during
To assure the stability of the ANN models across
various sets of data, cross validation has been applied.
Tenfold cross validation has been used. This process
splits the dataset into 10 parts (folds) randomly. Then,
the training is repeated 10 times. In each of these itera-
tions, one of these folds is used as a testing set, while
the other nine are used as a training set. This allows for
the entirety of the dataset to be used for testing, deter-
mining the quality of the achieved solution across the
entirety of the dataset.
Figure 2. Simplified schematic of the modeled robotic manipu-
lator with coordinate systems determined using D-H method
Results (Dotted circle: manipulator joint; L0–L6: coordinate system ori-
gins; x0–x6, y0–y6, z0–z6: coordinate system axes; b1–b6: x and z
This section represents the results obtained by the axes intersection points). D-H: Denavit–Hartenberg.
authors during the research. First, the kinematic para-
meters and direct kinematic equations obtained are pre-
sented, followed by the results obtained from ANN
training. Table 3. Kinematic parameters of the robotic manipulator
determined using the D-H method.
Direct kinematic properties k 1 2 3 4 5 6
Performing D-H method on the ABB IRB 120 robotic qk q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6
manipulator yields the schematic shown in Figure 2. On ak (m) 0 l2 l3 0 0 0
the schematic, each joint of the robotic manipulator is rep- dk (m) l1 0 0 l4 0 l6
resented with a dotted circle. L0 through L5 represent the ak (rad)  p2 0  p2 p
2  p2 0
origins of coordinate system of each joint, while x 0
through x5, y0 through y5 , and z 0 through z 5 represent the
axes of each coordinate system. With L6 being the end- 2 3
effector’s coordinate system, and x6, y 6 , and z 6 being the cosðq2 Þ sinðq1 Þ 0 l 2 cosðq2 Þ
normal, sliding and approach and vectors, respectively. 6 sinðq Þ cosðq Þ 0 l 2 sinðq2 Þ 7
6 2 1 7
Finally, symbols b1 through b6 represent the intersections T 21 ¼ 6 7 (12)
40 0 1 0 5
of the current coordinate systems x axis and the following
0 0 0 1
coordinate systems z axis.
2 3
For the observed robotic manipulator, the values of cosðq3 Þ 0 sinðq 3 Þ l 3 cosðq3 Þ
kinematic parameters are presented in Table 3. By inserting 6 sinðq Þ 0 cosðq3 Þ l 3 sinðq3 Þ 7
6 3 7
values from Table 3 into the homogenous transformation, T 32 ¼ 6 7 (13)
40 1 0 0 5
matrices of each joint using equation (1) matrices shown in
equations (24) to (29) are obtained. 0 0 0 1
2 3 2 3
cosðq 1 Þ 0 sinðq1 Þ 0 cosðq4 Þ 0 sinðq4 Þ 0
6 sinðq Þ 0 cosðq1 Þ 07 6 sinðq Þ 0 cosðq4 Þ 07
6 1 7 6 4 7
T 10 ¼ 6 7 (11) T 43 ¼ 6 7 (14)
40 1 0 l1 5 40 1 0 05
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Baressi Šegota et al. 7

2 3 and
cosðq5 Þ 0 sinðq5 Þ 0
6 sinðq Þ 0 cosðq5 Þ 07 T 33 ¼ 1 (33)
6 5 7
T 54 ¼ 6 7 (15)
40 1 0 05 Equations (31) to (46) represent each of the elements of
0 0 0 1 the matrix T 60 , defined in equation (30). Each of the ele-
ments l1 through l6 represent a length of a given link of the
2 3 robotic manipulator, starting from the base to the end effec-
cosðq6 Þ sinðq6 Þ 0 0 tor. Elements S and C represent a shortened form of trigo-
6 sinðq Þ cosðq6 Þ 0 0 7 nometric functions sine and cosine. The indexes of those
6 6 7
T 65 ¼ 6 7 (16) elements represent angle of the joints the trigonometric
40 0 1 0:147 5
function was used on. For example, sinðq1 Þ becomes S1,
0 0 0 1 or cosðq2 Þ becomes C2. When more than one number is
Multiplication of this matrix per equation (2) yields the indexed, it represents a sum of those angles. For example,
homogenous transformation matrix of the robotic manipu- cosðq1 þ q2 þ q3 Þ becomes C 123 .
lator as follows
2 3 Multilayer perceptron regression
T 00 T 01 T 02 T 04
6T 7 The results for the most successful models for each joint are
6 10 T 11 T 12 T 14 7
T 60 ¼ 6 7 (17) selected. As mentioned, models R2 and MAE performance
4 T 20 T 21 T 22 T 24 5
metrics on the training set are observed as the determination
T 30 T 31 T 32 T 34 of quality. The results are given in Table 5. Where possible,
where a simpler architecture with comparable results was chosen
due to a simpler architecture having better training times.
T 00 ¼ ððS 1 S 4 þ C 1 C 4 C 23 ÞC 5  S 5 S 23 C 1 ÞC 6 Shorter training times are apparent in the simpler neural
þ ðS 1 C 4  S 4 C 1 C 23 ÞS 6 networks (where simpler means a lower number of neurons)
due to the lower number of connection gradients and weights
T 10 ¼ ððS 1 C 4 C 23  S 4 C 1 ÞC 5  S 1 S 5 S 23 ÞC 6 that need to be calculated during the backpropagation stage
 ðS 1 S 4 C 23 þ C 1 C 4 ÞS 6 in training. The ratio of MAE and the total range for the joint
as given in Table 1 are also presented in Table 4.
T 20 ¼ ðS 5 C 23 þ S 23 C 4 C 5 ÞC 6 þ S 4 S 6 S 23 (20)
T 30 ¼ 0 (21) Discussion
T 01 ¼ ððS 1 S 4 þ C 1 C 4 C 23 ÞC 5 þ S 5 S 23 C 1 ÞS 6 The obtained results demonstrate a successful regression of
þ ðS 1 C 4  S 4 C 1 C 23 ÞC 6 the inverse kinematics problem. All the solutions achieve
the MAE, which is smaller than 1% of the possible joint
T 11 ¼ ðS 1 C 4 C 23 þ S 4 C 1 ÞC 5 þ S 1 S 5 S 23 ÞS 6 angle range. Only model which has an error larger than 1
 ðS 1 S 4 C 23 þ C 1 C 4 ÞC 6 or 0.1% of the joint angle range is the q6. The larger error of
the q6 can be explained by the fact that the dataset does not
T 21 ¼ ðS 5 C 23 þ S 23 C 4 C 5 ÞS 6 þ S 4 S 23 C 6 (24) contain the tool orientation data, which has a large influ-
ence on the joint in question. From Figures 1 and 2, it can
T 31 ¼ 0 (25)
be seen that joint 6 is the final torsion joint of the robotic
T 02 ¼ ðS 1 S 4 þ C 1 C 4 C 23 ÞS 5  S 23 C 1 C 5 (26) manipulator, meaning its direct influence is not exhibited
on the X, Y, and Z positioning of the end-effector position.
T 12 ¼ ðS 1 C 4 C 23 þ S 4 C 1 ÞS 5  S 1 S 23 C 5 (27) R2 scores achieved by the networks are above 0.9 in all
T 22 ¼ S 5 S 23 C 4  C 5 C 23 (28)
Table 4. Percentage error for each joint in regards to its
T 32 ¼ 0 (29) maximum movement range.

T 03 ¼  l 4 S 1 S 4 S 5  l 4 S 5 C 1 C 4 C 23  l 4 S 23 C 1 C 5 Joint MAE ( ) s MAE

Range ð%Þ
 l 1 S 23 C 1 þ l 3 C 1 C 2 þ l 5 C 1 C 23 q1 0.06784 0.01493 0.02056
q2 0.04062 0.01280 0.01846
T 13 ¼  l 4 S 1 S 5 C 4 C 23  l 4 S 1 S 23 C 5  l 1 S 1 S 23 q3 0.04883 0.01132 0.02713
(31) q4 0.12098 0.03151 0.03781
þ l 3 S 1 C 2 þ l 5 S 1 C 23 þ l 4 S 4 S 5 C 1
q5 0.02125 0.00656 0.00885
T 23 ¼  l 3 S 2 þ l 4 S 5 S 23 C 4  l 5 S 23  l 4 C 5 C 23 q6 1.56557 0.04419 0.43489
 l 1 C 23 þ l 2 MAE: mean absolute error.
8 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

Table 5. The best architecture found during the grid search process.a

Joint Hidden layers Activation function Solver a a Adjustment L2 R2 s MAE s

q1 (100, 100, 100, 100) Tanh Adam 0.1 Adaptive 0.001 0.98 0.02 0.07 0.01
q2 (100, 100, 100, 100) Tanh LBFGS 0.5 Adaptive 0.1 0.99 0.01 0.04 0.01
q3 (100, 100, 100) ReLU Adam 0.1 Adaptive 0.01 0.90 0.04 0.04 0.01
q4 (100, 100, 100, 100) Tanh LBFGS 1e-05 Adaptive 0.01 0.94 0.02 0.12 0.03
q5 (100, 100, 100, 100) Tanh LBFGS 0.5 Inverse scaling 0.001 0.99 0.00 0.02 0.01
q6 (10, 10, 10, 10, 10) Identity Adam 0.1 Constant 0.1 0.7 0.00 1.57 0.04

MAE: mean absolute error.

For each joint best hyperparameters and achieved performance metrics are given.

cases except for the q6 output, which can be explained in indicates a lack of information, due to it only being affected
the same manner as the high MAE for the regressed angle by the orientation of the end-effector data, which was not
value of the sixth joint. Except for the q6, the worst per- used in the dataset. This implies that modeling of similarly
forming network in terms of R2 score is the regressor for the configured robotic manipulators using the described
third joint q3, with R2 score of 0.9. Still, even with a com- method may require that data if a high precision is needed
paratively low R2 score, it achieves a low MAE of 0.04 . for the final joint.
Except for the q6, in terms of the MAE, the worst perform- Future work will include the testing of other methods,
ing regression model is q4, with MAE of 0.12 , still a which may yield simpler to use models, such as symbolic
relatively high R2 score is displayed (0.94) by the regres- regression, and the expansion of the dataset include obsta-
sion model in question. Standard errors across the 10 folds cle data.
of the algorithms are low for both metrics used, indicating
stable solutions for all the regression goals. Declaration of conflicting interests
Observing the hyperparameters, it can be seen that the The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
number of the hidden layers and neurons per layer tend respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
toward the higher end of the tested hyperparameters. Four article.
of the best performing networks (for the regression goals
q1 ; q2 ; q4 ; q5 ) have the largest tested number of neu- Funding
rons—four hidden layers with 100 neurons each. It should The author(s) disclosed the receipt of following financial support
be noted that all four of those networks used the hyperbolic for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This
tangent (Tanh) activation function inside the neurons and research was (partly) supported by the CEEPUS network CIII-
the LBFGS solver. Learning rate tended toward higher end HR-0108, European Regional Development Fund under the grant
of the tested parameters, except for the q4, which used a KK. (DATACROSS), project CEKOM under the
comparatively low starting value. Adaptive learning rate grant KK., CEI project “COVIDAi” (305.6019-
yielded the best results except for q5 and q6, which used 20), University of Rijeka scientific grant uniri-tehnic-18-275-
1447 and the project VEGA 1/0504/17.
inverse scaling and constant learning rates, respectively. L2
regularization parameter varies between the networks. In
the case of a higher L2 parameter being selected, it can be ORCID iD
concluded that those models (q2 and q6) had certain inputs, Zlatan Car
which had a high influence on the outputs, and that influ-
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