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Electric field | Electric charge, electric force, and

In general, there's an electric field around a charge. The force between
charges is equal to Coulomb's constant times the electric field. We can
calculate the field to determine the amount of force at any point around
the charge. The electric field can be defined as Coulomb's constant
times the charge creating the field divided by the distance squared,
where the distance is the radius of the charge.

 The force per charge is determined by the electric field.

 The length of the field can be determined by the distance of the
 The charge and length of an individual charge determine its
The units for electric field are newtons per coulomb. The electric field at
a point is equal to Coulomb's constant times the charge generating the
field divided by the distance squared. The force exerted on a point
charge is equal to the electric fields times the electric charge.

The electrostatic force from the charge becomes weaker as we move

further away. The electric field around a charge is powerful and efficient.
We need to be careful when explaining the force and ensure our
understanding of the electric field is clear.

Electric Field Lines

Electric field lines depict the electric field around an object. As you get
closer to the source of the electric field, the charge gets stronger. The
density of the field lines is one measure of the strength of the electric

 Positive test charge goes straight out away from our charge q.
 The vector falls off as you move further out from the source.
 Electric field vector is measured in newtons per coulomb.
 Vector of the electric field falls off.
 The force on an electron is the charge times the electric field.
If the electric field is not to the same place, you have to see it. The force
in general is just going to be the charge times the electric field. That's
what electric field would just be like. If there was a positive one, its path
is like that, and the field lines are like that. The negative one would just
go straight out and the field lines just come into that way. That one
would be naturally attracted to that negative charge.

Force = -1.5 x 10^10 x 10^-19 x 10^2 x -2 = -17N

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