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Mental health problems among teenagers

Mental illness is a growing concern among teenagers these days. Mental health refers to a
person's psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It influences what they feel and how
they think, and behave. Unfortunately, many people often ignore or misunderstand it and think
that it's not important because they think teenagers don't have any stress.

However, teenagers may face problems such as pressure from school, exposure to bullying and
neglect from friends and family. This can lead to mental health problems such as depression
and anxiety. These issues can cause unruly behaviour and thoughts of self-harm in them as they
struggle to cope with their emotions. Yet, mental illness is curable. Regular fitness exercises
like yoga and meditation have proved to be great medicine for curing mental health. Besides
this, it is important to have a balanced diet and enough sleep with an average of 8 hours every
night. One can also seek help from experts to overcome this illness.

‘A healthy mind is the greatest treasure to find’, mental health is just as important as physical
health. Both physical and emotional fitness is the key to success in all aspects of life. Thus, we
must balance ourselves to maintain both of them.

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