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(Limited Distribution)

International Atomic Energy Agency

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization



A.S. Okb El-Bab *

International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.


Our main purpose in this thesis is to study the convergence of exponentially

convex functions defined on foundation semigroups. In doing that it was realized that we
can also weaken the conditions of continuity and boundedness imposed on these functions.
Finally, we gave an example.

October 1992

Permanent address: Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University,

Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.

It is known that pointwise convergence of a sequence {<pn} °f continuous expo-

nentially convex functions to a continuous exponentially convex function (p implies uniform
convergence of {<fn} to <p on compact subsets of a locally compact group G.
Here we generalize this result to a wider class of topological semigroups, the so-
called foundation semigroups. Also, the conditions of continuity and boundedness imposed
on exponentially convex functions are weakened. To do that we replace these with some
certain measurability properties, continuity at the identity and boundedness with respect
to some weight function. An example is added at the end.

Let (5, •) be a semigroup with a neutral element e. A semigroup with involution

or simply a * semigroup (S, •,*) is a semigroup (5, •) together with a mapping * : S -+ 5,
called involution, satisfying:
i) (s-t)* = t* -s* for s,teS;

ii) (s*)* = a for s e S.

If (S, •) is equipped with a topology O, we call (5, -,C) a topological semigroup provided
the mapping (s,t) —• s • t is continuous from S x S into S. If S, in addition, has an
involution * we require s —*• s* to be continuous too.
A function / : S —• R is called w-bounded if there exists a constant C > 0 such
that \f(s)\ < C w(s) for s € S, where a; is a positive weight function denned on S and

u{.xy) <• ^{x) w

(y) ^d cu(ar*) = u>(x) for every x,y € S .

Now, if S is a * semigroup then the real valued function <p defined on S is called
exponentially convex if it satisfies

for all n e N, {$ x ,...s n } C 5, {c 1 ; ... ,c n } C R.

Also, a *-representation V of 51 by bounded operators on a Hilbert space H is
denned as a homomorphism x —> Vx of S1 into C(H), the space of all bounded operators
on H, such that Vx* = Fr* for every x £ 5. The representation is cyclic if there is a
cyclic vector £ € H such that the space of {Vi£|:r G 5} spans H; it is w-bounded if
||V"j;|| < k u?(x) for every x € 5 and some real A;. It is obvious that a ^-representation is
bounded iff ||VX|| < w(x) for every x E S.

m* -
Let us denote by Ma(S) the set of all regular signed measures /i of the form
Mi — 1*2 for which the mappings x —• x * /i and x —» // * x are weakly continuous, where
fii(i — 1, 2) are positive regular measures on S and x is the point mass of x € 5. Here the
convolution * is defined by

= / <p(xy) d^i{x) dv{y), /x,i/

9? is a continuous function defined on 5. Also, we can define Ma(s,aj) to be the set

M a (5) with elements of the form u> • fi. Finally, we call S a foundation semigroup if
\J {supp(fi)} is dense in S.

Most of the preceding definitions are to be found in [1, 3, 5, 6].


In the sequel S will denote a foundation topological * semigroup with neutral

element e and weight u>, and Pe(S,w) denote the set of all w-bounded ^-measurable
continuous exponentially convex functions denned on S.

Lemma For tp € Pe(S,u>) we have

\<p(x) - <p(xy)\* < u;2(x) <p(e) [p(C)(l + u\y)) - 2^(y)] (2)

for all x, y € S. If u < 1, then

\<p(x) - <p{xy)\2 < 2<p{e)[y>(e) - <p(y)} , (3)

for all x, y € S.

Proof From the w-boundedness of <p we can find a w-bounded cyclic ^-representation
V of iS by bounded operators on some Hilbert space H with a cyclic vector £ such that
M\\2 = V(e) and
lf(x) = <Vx(^>-(xeS), (4)

(see [2], 4.1.13). So, using (4) and [2], Proposition 4.1.12, we get

)\2 = I < VM > < Vte > I2

V(e) [(l+^ 2 (y)) V(e)-

and we arrive to (2). (3) follows directly from (2). //

Now, for each compact subset F of 5 , each a > 0 and <p0 € Pt(S,w), let

€ Pe(S,u;)\\<f(x) - <po(x)\ <a for all x € F} . (5)

It can be noted that taking all sets U as a basis for open sets we obtain the "topology of
uniform convergence on compact sets" or the U-topology of Pe(S, w).

Also, let

for each j = l,...,m and \tp(e) - <po(e)\ < 7 } , (6)

where fl(<p) denotes fs<p d /j,, / * i , . . . , ^ m € Ma(S,uf), f3,y are positive real numbers and
<po € Pe(S,u>).

If we take all sets of the type T as a basis for open sets we obtain another topology
(the ^"-topology) for Pe(S,u).

Theorem 1 For u < 1, the W-topology and the J^-topology are identical.

Proof Let <?o be a fixed function in Pe(S, a?). We have to show that every T-
neighbourhood of <po contains a ZY-neighb our hood and vice versa.

Let ^ftlt...,iim;i3,y(ipo) be any ^"-neighbourhood of y?o- We choose FQ as a compact

subset of 5 such that e € Fo and \u> • fij\(S\Fo) < rj for j = 1 , . . . ,m. Here 0 < r] <
7,»7max{||£ti|| w ,.. .,||/i m || w } < & < 2. Hence, we have

Now, let UF^(<PQ) be a ^/-neighbourhood of ip$. Since y>o is continuous at e, then

My)-¥>o(e)|<7<i (yeU). (7)

Using XJJ to denote the characteristic function of [7 and writing JJ, = v(U)~l Xyv, where
v is a positive measure in M a (5,uj) satisfying {/Hsupp^) ^ 0, we get the positivity of the
measure // in Ma(S, Q) with ^(5) = 1. Since the mapping x —> x */i from S into Mof^uj)
is || • || w -continuous (see [4], Proposition 4.7), it follows that the set

A = {x*fi\x € F}

is compact in Ma(S, LO) with respect to the || • \\w-topology.

Nx = {A e M o (5,w)| ||A - x * ^|U < <^ < 1}

for every x € F , we obtain a finite family {JV X l ,..., NXn } which covers A. Taking
XJ * n for j = 1 , . . . ,n we get WF^(y>0) C ^ . . . . . ^ ^ ( V o ) .

Conversely, for fixed x € F we have

||x * // — Xj * /i|| u < 6 for some j € {1,... ,«} .

For some 9? G J>1,...,^n;«,*(i^o) we have (by using Proposition 4.1.12 of [2])

\x * fi(tp) -x* fi(<po)\ = I I (tp(xy) - tpo(xy)) dfi(y)

< I / (<p(xy) - f(xjy)) dfi(y) + I / (<p(xjy) - fo(xjy)) dfi(y)

+ I / (Vo(x>y) - fo(xy)) dfi(y)

- Xj *

< <p(e)\\x * (i - Xj * / i | | w + 5 + | | x j * f i - x * (i\\u tpo(e)


Now, suppose that <p G ^>,7,7(^0)- Using (3) we get, for every x £ S,

\x * n{y) - tp{x)\ = / <p(xy) dfi(y) - / tp(x) djx{y)

I Js Js
< I l¥>Oy) - V>(x)\ dfi(y)
<(2^(e)) 1 /2 t[p{e)-<p{y)\ll
[<p{e) - tp{y)]

It is to be noted that we used Holder inequality. From (7) and fi(U) = 1, we get

/ Me) - ,p(y)] dtfy) < I / ^(e) - <p(y)} d^y)

Ju ' Ju
= 1 / [^(e) - Vo(c) + Vo(e) - <po(y) + <po(y) - <p{y)] dfi(y)
< / l¥>(<0 - ¥>o(e)| <*/x(y) + / l^o(e) - <Po(y)\ d(i(y) + \fi((p0) -
Ju Ju

\x *
Finally, for every ip € T^ ^ ^ ( ^ o ) H ^ ; 7 j 7 ( v o ) and every x € F we have

*) - fo(x)\ < \tp(x) -x* /i(y>)| + |z * /*(y>) - * *

+ \x * n(<p0) - <po{x)\ < (3/3 + 0/3 + P/3 = 0 ,

and we have tp £ WF,/?(VO), i-e.,

which completes the proof. //

Theorem 2 Let {<pn}%Li be a sequence of functions in Pe(S,u>), w < 1, such that

lim <pn( ) = ¥>(#) exists for all x € 5. If tp is continuous at e, then yp € Pe(S,ui) and the
lim ¥>„(#) = <f{x) exists in the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets of
Proof It is immediate from (1) that the pointwise limit of a sequence of exponentially
convex functions is an exponentially convex. Also, tp is evidently /i-measurable for every
fi G Ma(S,uj). Applying Proposition 4.1.12 of [2] we get

iVn(^)l < Vn(e) w{x) for every x€S and n € N .

Since y?n(e) —*• ip(e) we have |^(x)| < <p(e) u>(x) (x € S), which means that <p is w-
bounded. By the continuity of <p at e we have </? G P£(S7u)) and by the Lebesgue dominated
convergence theorem we get

(pn dp -+ i <p dp, for every // 6 M o (5,u) .

It is evident that <£>„-+<£> in the ^-topology of P e (5,aj) because ^ n ( e ) —»• <,p(e), Finally,
applying Theorem 1 completes the proof. / /

Example Let us take the semigroup given in [2], 4.19. Consider S = [0,1] with the
maximum operation. It is clear that 5 is a semigroup. The neutral element is zero and
the absorbing element is 1.

Under the usual topology S is not a foundation semigroup. Taking in mind

Proposition 4.4.18 of [2], we define

fn(x) = l-xn (x e S) for ever n6N .

Clearly, / „ converges pointwise to some function / on 5, where

/(x) = (l if x € [ 0 , l )
I0 if otherwise .
Here, / n , / belong to Pe(S,u>) with w = 1, but / „ does not converge uniformly to / on 5.

From this example we conclude that for a non-foundation topological semigroup
Theorem 2 is not fulfilled.


The author would like to thank Professor Abdus Salam, the International Atomic
Energy Agency and UNESCO for hospitality at the International Centre for Theoretical
Physics, Trieste.

[1] J.W. Baker, Measure algebras on semigroups, in The Analytical and Topological
Theory of Semigroups - Trends and Developments (de Gruyter, 1990) pp.221-252.
[2] C. Berg, J.P.R. Christensen and P. Ressel, Harmonic Analysis on Semigroups
(Springer-Verlag, 1984).
[3] H.A.M. Dzinotyiweyi, The Analogue of the Group Algebra for Topological Semi-
groups (Pitman, 1984).
[4] M. Lashkarizadeh-Bami, " Representations of foundation semigroups and their
algebras", Canad. J. Math. 37 (1985) 29^7.
[5] M. Lashkarizadeh-Bami, "Bochner's theorem and the Hausdorff moment theorem
on foundation semigroups", Canad. J. Math. 37 (1985) 785-809.
[6] A.S. Okb El-Bab and M.S. El-Shazli, "Characterization of convolution semi-
groups", Indian J. Theor. Phys. 35, No.4 (1987) 303 311.

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