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English Class Not

1. Grammar
Parts of Speech: English has nine parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, and articles.
Sentence Structure: A sentence consists of a subject, a verb, and an object. It can
also include modifiers and other elements like adverbs or prepositional phrases.
Tenses: English has various tenses, including present, past, and future tense. Each
tense indicates the time of the action or state of being.
Punctuation: Proper use of punctuation marks such as commas, periods, question
marks, and exclamation points is crucial for clarity and coherence in writing.
2. Vocabulary
Word Formation:jopokok;
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Idioms and phrasal verbs are expressions that have
figurative meanings beyond the literal interpretation of their individual words.
Understanding them enhances fluency and comprehension.
3. Reading and Writing Skills
Reading Comprehension: Techniques such as skimming, scanning, and inference can
help improve reading comprehension. Identifying main ideas, supporting details, and
author's purpose are essential skills.
Essay Writing: Essays follow a structured format with an introduction, body
paragraphs, and a conclusion. Developing clear arguments, organizing ideas, and
using appropriate transitions are important in essay writing.
Vocabulary in Context: Understanding how words are used in different contexts helps
to grasp the intended meaning. Using context clues to infer word meanings is a
valuable skill.
4. Speaking and Listening Skills
Effective Communication: Clear pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and accurate
grammar usage contribute to effective verbal communication.
Active Listening: Active listening involves paying full attention to the speaker,
asking clarifying questions, and responding appropriately to demonstrate
Remember to review and practice these concepts regularly to improve your English
language skills.

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