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Activity 1

1.)Have you ever used multimedia for personal purposes?Narrate your


Yes,and I sometimes use it socially,and usually use it to practice at home for

like possible school projects,in presentations,specifically “powerpoint”,in

order to better my delivery of informations,topics,incorporating

visuals,images,audios and animations.Also When looking for details on

specific topics,I access different websites.

2.)Do you think tutorials can replace the role of teachers in the

classroom?Explain your answer.

Well,as a student who mostly learns and gain knowledge from the internet I

would say,tutorials,lessons from social media has helped me very much in

understanding certain subjects or topic,But I woud say No,because I think

that having a person to person class or traditional way of teaching is still

much more effective.First reason is that there would be sharing of

ideas,arguments,and perspective which I think is a very good thing in

expaning a persons knowledge.Secon reason is that inquiries from the

student would be answered easily by the teacher.

3.)Share an instance in your life when you used social media for a good


One instance when I was in 6th grade,I joined online communities that’s

related to environmental conservation,and I engage in some of those

discussions,shared their campaign awareness to my facebook friends,and

to the public.

4.)What is the role of demographics in implementing ICT projects?

I think it’s the different characteristics of the people such as gender,age,

Level of education,literacy level,location,language preferences,culture are

some of the factors which I think help adjust,pre plan and help assess the

effectiveness of the projects implementations,and design them appropriately

in order to allign or adjust within the demographic. Like,in planning to place

internet connections,in order to have access to digital learning aswell.

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