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Activity 2

Explain the application of demographics and psychographics in the

following industries.


1.)Research -Demographic:It’s application can be in things like peoples

geographic location on where they reside in,their age and gender.

Psychographics:The application of this in the realm of research would be

the behaviors,preference or interests, of the people.

2.)Education -Demographic:It’s application woud be the students

age,gender,education level,and previous educations background.

Psychographics:In this application,it would be the way of learning ,interests

of subjects,and motivations of the students.

3.)Health Services-Demographic: Inorder to learn peoples health

needs,what would be considered would be the patients age,gender inorder

To know whats the concern in their health.

Psychographics:The application of this in health services would be,the

patients previous life styles,habits,beliefs in healthcare.

4.)Business -Demographic:The application of this in business would be

The group of age of the target customers,and where they live.

Psychographics:It’s application in business would be the target customers


5.)Hospitality Management -Demographic:Its application in the

management would be the various characteristics of the guests,families or

the family structures,and their marital status.

Psychographics:It’s application would be knowing the guests preferences,

and their Interests of place of comfort inorder to offer them their

amenities,activities and good accomodations.

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