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·~.s~:~:··. · · A meUlllic-Ulte diu, reported co llan llonrecl over Sanco Ancl, Calif., in 1165, - llae Subject of
. ' :. ~~
.. ,··
.;. . '•



UNTOLD STORY • : ••.• ...i

Though officials have long denied that they take 'flying

.••.• .

saucers' seriously, declassified documents now reveal I

. ..
extensive Government ~ncem. ov~ the p~enomeno1!:. ·: . ·f· ·.
. '. , ... -~, - ·- l .)',., W PIA 1 w "'.'\:. ,·'· •. ....:..·:
·ti . -: :.:~ . :;
';: !~;: ;
By Patrick Hanh• Operatiam Cmler]. Reliable
mWtary per....a at 1.orilll
tude. Sile peDllllll8I reported
the objeda •law u 2GO ft and
:~ ~·d!~'
AFB [Air Force Bue), Maine, said that as lbe interceptors
. .. .~t:~. . i: Wunsmitb AFB, Michipn,
Ma1mstrom AFB, (Moawla),
approacbed the lights went
out. After the IDCerceptors bad
Mmot AFB, [North Dakota), passed the HplS came OD
. and Canadian Forces SCatkln, apiD. One baur after the
:; Falcanbrtdp. Ontario, Cana-
! F-1111111 returned to bue, mis-
da, ...,,. YiSuaUy sigbred -
, . . ...
~ .. •:;:~~~,-, .
picious otijec:ls.
sile site,._. reported tbe
object increued to a hllb
Sighting over Oregon: OM of "Objects at Loring and speed, raised In alUtude and
Ille bal photCJSnrplliC records. Wunsmlth were characterized could DDt be di-mcl from
to be bellcopten. MluUe sile thesrars. ••• • 1.. '• '•.
The D e ' - Department personnel, security alert "J have a:pnaed my con-
message bears the classlfica. · teams and Air Def-pe.- cern to SAFOJ [Air .Force m.
lion CONFIDENTIAL. "Sub- nel at Malmstram Mantaaa re- formatiall · Olllce)' tJlat we ·.": ..
ject: Suspicious Unknown Air ported object wbich IWllded - up - ' with a pro- . . !'' -·.
Activity." Dated Nov. 11, 1975, like a jet ain:rafL FAA ad- pelled - to queries frmi
It reads: vised 'There were no jet air- the p..-s to prevwat overreac-
"Since 28 Oct 75 numerous craft In lbe vicinity.• Malm- tion by the public IO reports by
repons of suspicious objects stnnn -rcb and beiPt finder tbe media dial may be blown .
have been received at the radars c:anied tbe object ... out of pnpaniDD. To date ef. . ·: .
NORAD COC [North Ameri- , _ 9,0llD ft and 15,IOO ft at a tons by AJr Guard belicllpten, 1
can Air Defense Combat speed of seven knots. • ..
F·•'* scrambled from Malm-
SAC (Stratesic Air Command]
helicopters and NORAD
Potridr Huy1he is a freelwu:. strom could not make contact F-1065 bave falJed to produce
writer in New Yolit. due to darkness and low altl- positive JD...

.. I
.. ,... ~ .· - jectof U.F.0."8 bave emaa;;d - r'to the surveillance of ·"'
r:.'.i ••••
- tbe put few ,_rs wil.ll sever. 'rivate U.F.O. organi·
-... ·1 .: : ~~::~. die release of loa&·Wltbheld za~-4las many of their
~t _.obtained -mrs baft long Insisted)
throuP the Freadom of lldor- and to tbaKl'Utiny of dozens of
-tiaa Act. Tboup ..... llldlviduala -pec:ted of Sllb-
papas fail to ~ve die verslve U.F.O. activities.
U.F.O. eaJsma, tbey do mu- Perhaps most telling or all.
,•. ap to dispel many papular- the Govemmenl clocwnents on
tiaas about the U.F.O. cxmtro- U.F.O.'s re-1 that despite
wny, as -11 as give Sllb- official denials to the contrary, toa number of otbers. Federal qencies continue to
Official records - avail- maaitor the pbeaomenon to
able appear to put to rmt
doubts that Ille Govenlmeat
this day.
'Ille - t a l task or
knew _ . . about U.F.O.'s llMU'lhing t b l l - t batch of'

past 3Z
It bu
tllan It bu claimed over die
P..- the start,
records oa U.F.o. '• from a bu-
naucracy that bas for years
denied tbeir lllllstence can be
- ' U. .O. li&btlals CDUld be traced to the efforts of a hand·
aplaJned ID t8lms of misidm- fUI of Allqullitlve individuals
tlfiad balloaas, cloud fonna- who, armed wlCh the Freedom
tiaas, ~.Nii llFlllill&. of lnformatloa Act, set off In
_ . . llDd lltba' ll&lllral tbe mid-'J'O's an a paper chase
pllll a-a of U.S. Goveniment docu-
But Cha papen also ~ menu Oii U.P.O.'s. They in·
that the Gcwwnment remains elude ..,,_ S. Maccabee, a
perplaed about the aaatnc Silver Spda&, Md., pbysieist
l'9icllae of mnpl•lned U.F.O. 1llOltial far tile Navy. who bas
iflb&IDp, wbic:h . - t to• llllUlllpd to obtaiD &be release
~ •• peramt of all of _ . . tllall 1,JOO pqes of
U.F.O. llPdnp npaned. Do donm ts ca U.F.O.'s fnlm
.··, dley ,_a *-t to~
-.Uy? AN dley just a ~
tbe F.B.I.; W. Todd ~I of
Prairie du Sac, Wu.; Robert
ay-loclldac - fDr - air- Todd of Antman, Pa.; Larry
barae 5oYlet s - - ? E._ W. 8f7&lll of ArtiDpm. Va.; . •.
->'~ ........... Cbe .-sllllli'Y tbat Cbme - and Brad C. Spartm, a INdent
~ c:auld lie evldeace of in utropbylic:s at Berkeley
N - cllily ...... ......~, 'Visltadans . . _ five.yeu panull of the
:epc die Jamt Cbiefs of Staff 11a1 11ema st- _ . . au- C.l.A. 's U.F.O. file eventually
'lformed of u..e lncunlam tlan In Gowi~ drc:lea. provided the fOundatton for a
•Y U.F.O. '1 In tbe fall of 1175. . Wblle offtclal . . . . . . In ~Freedomof
:~pr111rt1Uftl of tbe 0. lnfmmatlon laWIUit filed by
U.F.O. 'I bu long been thoupt
latel1ipDc:e Alf/lll:Y and
.:Ille to lie strtc:dy die aincem of lhe Ground Saucer Watch
w National Sacurlty Apncy Air Force, the bulk of whole (G.S.W.), an Arlaana-baled
• well as a llandful of Giber ~bu"-' open to pu~ U.F.O. orpnDadOD.
_ , desks recetved lie view for - l y a decade, At U. reci-t of G.S.W. di·
DPI• of the Nau-I MWcary the ncmcly releued papen rectar William R. Spauld.ln&,
:ommand c.ter'a npons Gil on U.F.O.'s lndica&e oeber- Ptar- Gemen. an auorney In
:ae lncldlats. One npon aid wise. The DepaJ1meatl of die the New Ylll't ftnn of Roth-
1at an ualdeaUfted object Anny, Navy, State and De- a
blatt, Rodlblatt Selju, filed
Jmbimtaaled a clear inceat , _ , and the Def- JntelU- a civil acdan against tbe
. Che-paas l&Onp ana." pnce Apacy. the Nadoaal C.l.A. In December lt'n cle-
hOqh Air Force .-ds Security Aamt:Y. the Jolllt 11111111i118 all U.F.O. records In . '·:
Chiefs of Staft, the F .B.l., the die apncy's sias-ston. Tbe
··- that the C.l.A. - lllltl- C.l.A. and even the Atom1c suit ~ to haft acllieved
ed .,,.... u - of theee
:'lletl'atima over nuclear aus. Enel'JY Commission prodllC9d its goal wt.I late last year the
.le and bombar ...... die U.F.O. - U over the years• apncy releued abou1 400
Many of a- apnc:iel still docunwnll- - r l y IOO pages
do, and many of their docu-
o ae IUda DCldftcation. Sable- ments remam classified. But of - · that
spoadeace reports and corre-
attest to tbe
_ , lmestlptlml by lbe Air
It Is the C.l.A. that appears to agency's Ion& invalvemenl In
:-ce llllD tbe8ilbdllP at Lor- have played die key role In die U.F.O. mauen. But the civil
···; Air Force Bue, Maine,
~.andmayewenbe action has aot · - Its final
here tbe nmarlrable Mries 1'91pC11111ble for the Govern- day ID c:oun.
: '!vellts began, clld DOt rewal ment'• conduct In u.F.O. tn. By Gemen's account, Che
cause for tbeallhtinp. ,,..,lpti- throughout the agency has ar111trartly with-
years. . held doclaents, made dele-
U.F.0.'1 baw been the prov- tions witlDlt merit, and failed
Despite ottlcial , , _ _ ince of the nation's inlelli- to -.duel a proper •arch for
·ents for .s-des dlat
F.O.'s were llClltblna _,..
an mlstdendfled aerial •
S - cemmunlty e¥er since
tbe ........Ins of tbe cold-r.
when the nodon took bold dial
U.F.O. malel'lals. The agen-
cy's current actions, be says,
perpetuate Its 30-year policy of
-:ts and u such were no some Dying saucers mlpt ac- deliberate decepdon and dis-
•use for alarm, ramtdy • tually represent a secret, tech- honesty about U.F.O.'s .
;.. ,· .... .ASSlfted U.F.O. ~from
"C.l.A., the F.B.I. and other
nolosically advam:ed. foretp
weapons system... Every time
.. What bu been releued IO us
seems to have beml rather
oderal epndel lndtcate we were concerned," recalls carefully selected,.. says Ger·
at, elrerlince U.F.0.'s made Hertien SCOYille Jr., a former sten. "We suspect thal the
~r appeuuc:e in our skies cllief of the C.l.A.'s Office of apncy ls Witbboldilll at least
the 1940'1, the , . _ _ _ Scientific lntelllpnce, "It WU 200 more documents than the
is aJOll89d mudl ~ be- because we wanted to know: 57 they have admitted Chey are
~- Did the R1111lans do It?" keepiJa& from us to protect tn.
lligeace community's pro.
in of-
·ial drcles. Details of tbe in- As the cold war gave rise to
the fears of the McCanhy era,
telllgenc1: -rces... Victor
Marchetti, a former executive
- t y dlt~tor. agrees. with :
Gersten. ~· :· :entire exercise,
seeretweapoM. HI~~~
reassurances were ob· .!"' ·"· .....·~
~~ ·;
· .. ·.
Man:hettl~ote ..-illy 1n a that this was not so. ·..... '.
·.,,,. magazine article, "has lhe By the end of the summer,
I~<~· ~;. ·l~
'.····t· ·.' ;i.
- e aroma of lhe agency's
previous messy efforts to hide
Its Involvement In dNgS and
the F.B.I. had "failed to re-
veal any Indication of 111.bver·
sive lndlvlduaJs being 1nwlWd
mind-control operations, both in any of the reported sl&ht·
prime examples of a Suc:ceA- inp." A RESTRICTED Army
ful Intelligence cover-up." letter that fOUlld lts way to
Hoover's desk said that tbe bu-
D reau's services actually had
Tiie first sighting to be la- been enlisted to relieve the Air
beled a "Dying saucer" by the Forces "of the task of trac:lllll&
press occurred on June :U, down all the many Instances
1147, when an Idaho busi.-. which turned out to be asbcan
• !.~.; .. man Dying his plane near covers, toilet seats and what·
Mount Rainier observed~ not." Incensed, Hoover moved
disc-shaped objects ma quickly to discantlnue the bu- ..
undulatlng motions " a reau•s U.F.o. investipUGas.
saucer sklpptna over -ter." In September of that year,
As early as World War II, the Commanding General of
Allied bomber pilQlS had told the £I e ---'ved
of "balls of light" that fol- Army ... r .,orce · - a
lowed their nights over Japan :~i: :=t.~J'=:.
and Germany. A U.S. Eighth Twinlng,saylngthat''tbephe-
Army Investigation coru:IUlied nomenon reported Is of -
that they were the product ol thing real and not visionary or
"mass hallucination." fictitious, .. that the objects ap.
T'llele and other Incidents peared to be disc.shaped. "as
were reported In a 1973 book by large as man-made aircraft."
David Michael JACObs, "The and "concrolled either ma1111-
UFO Controversy In Amer- ally, automatically or remoce-
ica," which untll the recent re- Jy." At Twinlng's ~.
i - of Govemmenc docu- project "Sip" wu 8llab-.
.,.· ments wu the most compre- lished. ,, ·.
1-lve ,_.IJ'UCtion of the "Slpi"falledtofiDdanyeri-
Government's U.F.O. Involve- dence that the objects were
ment. . ' Sov" and ......
When Scandinavians re- · 1et secret weapons .,....

,.• :! ':':!: .... ·~

poned cigar-aha~ Objects in I ~c::. ~~:t~~
11M6, U.S. Army mtelllaence i t"
suspected that the RusslanS I .. I lf"ed TOP SE-
ion, c ass •
bad developed a secret - p o l l CRET. wblc:h Indicated that
wlththehelpofGermanlcien-1 U.F.O.'s were of interplane-
tistS from Peenemiinde. The tary origin. The ~te

•• C.1.A., then known as the cen- : nentually reached Air Force

tral lntellia- Grwp se- : Chief of Staff Gell. Hoyt S.
bs l Vandenberg, who rejected It
•• cretly began keeping &a on J for lack of proof. "Slpi's" In-
the subjeet.
W1- the unkMwn objects . conclusive final report re-

•• returned to the sides, this time : malned classified for tbe next
over the United S&ates In the ! 12years.
summer of 1947, the Army Air I After "Slpi," the Air Force
••• -1cs.
Force set out to determine . continued to collect U.F.O.
what the objec:IS were. Within : da&a under the code name
Brig. Gen. George F. i "Grudge... This Six-month

•• ScbuJpn of Army Air Corps ' project found no evidence of

Intelligence requested the : foreign IClentific development
F.B.L's assistance "In local- ' and therefore DO direct threat

ing and questioning the indl· . to national security. It did,
vlduals who first sighted the · however, stress that the re-
so-called O)'i11& discs.••. " Un- ' ported siptlngs could be dan-

doubtedly swayed by Oaring ; gerous. "lbere are indications
cold-war tensiOns, Schulpn ; that the planned release of re- ·
feared that "the first reported : lated psychological propa.

••• sightings might have been by : ganda would cause a form of
individuals of Communist · mass hysteria," tbe report
sympathies with the view to 1 stated. "Employment of lhese
causing hysteria and fear of a II methods by or apinst an
secret Russian weapon." J. enemy would yield similar re-
I Jidaar Hoover •&reed to coop- 1 suits ••• aovemmental agen-
I erate but insisted that the bu- : cies interested In psycholoei-
I reau have "full access to discs I cal -rrare should be in-
I recovered." formed of the results of this
I The Air Force's behind-the- study."l
scenes Interest contrasted ; A press release following the
sharply wilh Its public stance termination of "Grudge" al.

that the objeccs were products lowed the public to believe that
of misldentlficatlons and an the Air Force was no longer in-
Imaginative populace. A se- terested in U.F.O.'s. But tbe
curity lid was imposed on the Air Force continued to collect

subject in July 1947. hiding a repons throu&h normal intelll-
situatlon" the I
"embarrassing gence channels until e dra-
following matic sighting of a U.F.O. at
month, when both the Air the Army Signal Corps radar :.

•• Force and the F.B.1. began 1 center in Fort Monmouth

suspecting they might actu- l N.J., in 1951 led to the rea~

• ;
•• .... "." •..; .•_· 1 ;·..·-1 .... , '•:··~·'• '-1- l".o•.":!•••.: · • ~ •1 •.:..· "'·~ ·•• ·,. · •· •,•·"o :.:,~.:·.:.:~.J..''•:..: .. ·. •·•· ;·:;• '•?·
.... · ·1

.. .. . . . . .. . . .. . ·.. . ..... ,.;c'lf~.j;~~ :a;:t<aiJ:!W~Jifb':,,,>~r :._;Y' ..'.; ,_Jt:; c;. /-:- .. :~W!'~'· 'llit•::'f>--.~:J:.!''''L"' ·~ ...:~;~. t' ._.-;.w.,..._ _

1 11 1
·1 1~11 1n mJiU1n~1n,1,111,~1iiJ!il:,,!1m,111m11m n· mm
1 1
~ i I;- • a.I ·. is.iJ I ;~t,i ,,' '(i ;s Plf~ ta._ I . fa.a~
aJ jjP a.J: .t"

-- - . u ••. ~.O ··•-ta--• • n :fhlJ, II ~ •t· ~1 rt,;I ~·o .-

llrl i;J1 :~,;,:1a1f !u J! ~Jlrl rll
l'li'll.~ , 11111!i~ 1 1 :la!i1tk i~
- t -

.., ... f• . . . ..

;~i!i!!jI!f!Uli.i!liIt!~ r1~ 1i ~it! i!IJIIP'Pli i~l~J ~111i1 ~!ll(Uj liiJf3l!!J1111mnn

,1I{!i~!!Iiii!fJfif:ili! ~Iifi: t~ll1!1! il~iii ~i!I:i i!!~~ !!r i!ti!fli~l1fit~
11 1 1 11
·~! U~l•v~lhr1!ht11H1ll.11l1ur1l,1,MMl1.L.L~l1!tl,i! ,dl1h~hiil,J1hfil
·------------ •• •_j

·~:p t. -~-.· ~;~~-.~._.._;


•. ,-1;:~~-·-· • ~""ti ...... , I.. .. ~~.. ,} f 1•.r ~~ 1,;._~~. '~~~~·\..

.·.·· ..... · ...... • •' •• •·· '.•. • •.· • • .- • I .•.-~~:~:: ....... ·• ·.•'.'.·.···· ··:. L•. • .••.·.'· • ' : ., :: :• '• .: ··<· ·.;.;:... ... ·.... •\.·•·:
U.F.0.'1.~-...---~ ~l .:~·;
.... Ull('"' !11 lilliUClled die flller -~~
or -..•.iilaaany
free ..-c:h. Accanllllc to -
tbor David Mk:lmel laealls, In -~ :
1153 die Air ~ ,._....
Look . . . . . . . . latopublilllin&
cttscl••rnen &bnlu.lllout an ar-
ticle by ..ini11 Maj. Dlmalcl E.
ICeyboe eadtJed .. Jl'lyiDa Sau-
cers Frgn Guler Spece." Thm.
apill, In 11185, die Army-ID a .
prepublication rewiw
denied~ fora U.F.O.-
nlal9d udcle by - of us
-~. Larry w.
• c.c:bnk:al edllGr, lllldl be took
t11ei..tomun. I . ··\.
M--iiile, the C.l.A. lfnd
the F.B.I. proceeded .-tlnely
In &he 8Ul'VeWuxe of U.F.O.
oraen•nt&ana and U.F.O. en-
tbusias&s. P9ople witb U.F.O.
interests were claecUd out by
tbe F .B.I. at the ..,_.i of tbe
C.l.A.. the Air Force, or pri-
.~· vate citizens lnquirinc abaut
poalble subvenive activities.
Nonecamed u mucb _.....
;.,:· nation u the CMe of Najar
. ~. . ~.. .. ... KeyM9 and the orpnizatilln
,. he diracted, tbe Natiaaal ....
:..· vestip&ioas c-mitcee 1111
, .• \
; "!
1be C.l.A. appean to baw
. ,,. ··~~ !

~·~.~:·:~ ~ .. . ',J·'· bad • pr'tltJ'ac:a.d . . . _ in .

.. ..
. ;;
,. ·,,.
~~·\.':·. ···:•r . :
......... 1•
NICAP, wbic:b was balded In
and utillaed by Keya- as
an orpnlzatlaaal IOol for cbal-
·>·~··;'. ··l.1 Jenailll lbe alJeaed Air Force
. ·z•. .: '.' cover-up on O.F.O. 's. Botb tbe
:'... ~;:,.: ·. .-·:~:\ .. :·.:. C.l.A. and the Air Force -
~,I , .,
----- ...-t by NICAP's widNalla-
JDc u.n-. Jts pnstiplus
board of dlnctan IDcl1lded.
a-a odlers, Vice Mm. ao.-

cue HillenlroeUer, tbe flm
C.J.A. Director (1t47-1150).
''Tiie Air Force rein-ta·
tlYeS believe tbat lllllCb of tbe

trouble ••• witb Major ICeyboe
! • • • c:auld be '"'alleviated.''
states a C.1.A. - clal9d
May 1e, 1•. "If t11e MaJor did
not haw such lmponant per-
_ , _ as Vice Admiral R.H•
... • Hilleakoetter, U.S.N. (Ret.)
• •• on tbe board••••"The Air
Force suggested tbat If tbe Ad-
miral were al-.. tbe SE-
CRET panel report be mtpt
understand and take "appro-
priate actlans." Whether or
not tbe Air Force aot dlnlu&b
to tbe admiral, Rll~
..,._. fnim NICAP la 1111.
T1le Ws • • hutMr C.1.A.
llllelWt ID NJCAP. After a
flurry of ....................
lllPtinP ID .... die ..-:J.
caacacted NICAP about MeinC
:lame of its cue Wes on tbe
matter. IUc:harcl H. Hall, tben
NICAP assistant director,
c:balted witb a C.l.A. apnt In
the NJCAP office about the
siptinp. NICAP's method-
ology, and Hall's baclrgnund.
The apnt's memo on the visit
sugests tbat the C.l.A. had
some role in mind for Hall,
predicated upon bis beina
granted a MCUrity ~­
Natbing apparently came of
tbe suggestion. A laler let of

.• lkJlilcwYoftT•..,..,M
C.l.A. paper:"'»:WCDIS an Inter• tary directives still ex1s1-· "F
e5t in NICA .:;•.orpnizat6-I reportin& U.F.O.'s. '"•..!
,• stNCture ariil•notea that "this The C.l.A. is still - r y of'Gie
group included - n.C..l.A. possibility that U.F.O. •s. may
and Derense lmellla- types be of Soviet origin. ''Tiie agen.
who advise on lnveatipllve cy•s interest," Mys Katherine
techniqua and NICAP-Gov- Pherson. a public-affairs offi· .. :
emment relations." There are cer for tbe C.l.A., "'lies in Ill
presently three former C.l.A. responsibility to forewam
employ.- on lhe NICAP principally of the possibility
board of directors, lncludln& that a foreign power might de-
Charles 1-tbard, a congrw- velop a - weapons .,.iem
si-1 aide to Smlalor Barry that might exhibit pheucmena
Goldwater, wbo Is himself a that some might categorize as
NICAP board member; and a U.F.O. But there Is no pro-
... retired U.S. Air Force Col. Jo- gram to actively collect infor.
malion on U.F.0.'1." The
he did back in 1959 when •1
seph Beyan Ill. Bryan feels, as

joined the board, thal U.F.0.'1

agency's interest cannot ~
denied, however, as two 1976
. •\.
are inlerplaneiary. NICAP's memos reveal.
CUIT'elll presldenl Is Alan Hall, The first, dated April 26.
a former C.l.A. coven - states: "It does not seem lbat
p&oyeefor30years. the Government has any for.
mal program in progress for
0 the identification/solutian of
In 1166. mounlln& en-tent the U.F.O. phenomena. Dr.
from members of the press,• (name deleted] feels that &hf!
l Congaws and the scientific efforts of independent re-
j community compelled the Air searchers, (phrase deleted). ·
1 are vital for further progrms :
Force to commillion an J8.
~- momh scientific study of in this area. At the sw-it 1·
U.F.O.'s Wider lhecllrection of time, there are offices and per·
..., Edward U. Condon. prof-r - · within the apncy who
; of physics at lhe University of are monitoring lhe U.F.O.
Colorado. Tbe politically ex- phenomena, but apin, this is
pedient lludy, in which - not currently on an official
third of the 91 cases examined basis."
remained unidentified, relier· Another memo, dated July
ated official policy wilh - 14, and routed to the deputy
- I twist: U.F.O. 's "educa-
ti-lly banned" scl-'c:llil-
clren wbo.,..... allowed to -
chief In the Office of Dewlap.
ment and Engineenna, rads:
"As you may recall, J men.
. · .:. 'J'
Kie.- lllldy lime to reed · tioned my own interwt in the
books and .mapzine articles subject as well as the fact that
about U.F.O.'s. Candon DCD [Domeslic Collection
wamed teachen to withhold Division) has been receiving
cncllt from any student U.F.O. related material from
U.F.O. project. The Air Force many of our S I< T (Science
took the cue and dilbanded and Technolol)r) sources who
project "Blue llocik" in 1•. a re presently conduclin& re.
&.as than a decade later, Ille lated research. T1-e scien-
White e-, perhaps In an at- tists include some who have
tempt to make pod Jimmy been associated with the
caner's campeip promiM to AaencY for years and whose
tell all allout U.F.O.'s, 11111- credentials remove them from
tbe'DUl~variety." . ~·. ;, :
pstecl via - - - advisor 0 ,............
Frank Paws that pmllbly
NASA c:uulcl undertake a ....
vi- of any lllpiftcant new If nothing else, the suc:cms
findlnp since Condon'• study. or the U.F.o. paper c:bue may
NASA examined the offer, but have lent U.F.O.'s a - . . .
AW no way to attack the pr• or respectability tbat bas
lem on a sc:lelltlflc buts wi&ll- eluded the subject for the past
out physical evidence. Tiiey lh1rd of a century. Thou&h It
envisioned a public-relations appears that DO U.F.O. si&ht·
nighUnare If &hey were to ac- ing has ever rep..-lecl an
cept IUCh a project, and 10 .... airborne Soviet or fanrian
jected ll. A frank, ift.houle threat, the pmsibillty lbat
evaluation of NASA's opticms, such an event could occur re-
- - . . . naced that a bands- mains foremost in the cold-
ofl altitude only beaaecl the war.conscious Government
qumion. So in pod spirit. the mind. Should that threat come
space qency offered 10 exam- to pus, military officials be-
ine any piece of physical evi- lieve, our nation's sophisti· ....
.,_. dence brvu&hl to II.I attention. cated defense system would
Thllt position led one Federal know about it before someone
aviation official to comment: gelling a glass of milk in the
"II you aet a piece of the thin&, middle of the night sees the
fine. But don't botber me with threat hovering outside the
anythJn&elle.'' kitchen window. Or so we are
made w understand the Air
0 Force's SMmingly nonchalant
Ti- clays, the Air Force advice·to the public: "If you
admits to nothing more than a see a U.F.O. and you feel the
"transitory Interest" in &be situation warrants it, call your
~. althou&h mili- local police."•


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