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Indirect-object pronouns • The body

Indirect-object pronouns
Indirect-object pronouns (IOPs) work in the same way as their direct object
counterparts, but are used when expressing an action indirectly, to or
towards a person or thing. They answer the questions: To whom / what? or
For whom / what?, after a statement: I give the book. I give it to whom? To
her. In Portuguese, some of the IOPs are identical in form to the DOPs.

There are no spelling changes take place with IOPs and verbs.
In English, it is not always clear that an IOP is required, due to
omission of the word to: I gave him the book (I gave the book to
Refer always to “test” questions:
I gave what? the book (it) = direct object
I gave (it) to whom? to him = indirect object
Many Brazilians tend to use lhe, lhes, and vos quite infrequently, often
opting instead to say things such as para ele, para vocês, etc., and thus
avoiding the IOPs altogether.
To avoid confusion in the third-person singular and plural (lhe/lhes), it
is possible to use ao senhor/à senhora in the polite forms.
Further clarity or emphasis can be added by using a ele/a eles / a nós,
Often, both DOPs and IOPs are simply omitted altogether, provided the
meaning of the sentence remains clear within the context.
Although it is possible to combine DOPs and IOPs (e.g., I gave it to
her), that is for more advanced study.
For more on the position of both DOPs and IOPs, see Chapter 45.

Verbs often used with IOPs

Typical verbs which can be used with IOPs include:

Watch out for verbs in Portuguese which require an IOP where they don’t
in English. Common examples are:

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of

the IOP. Follow the clues in English in parentheses.

1. Não (me) ____________

Me querem servir mais vinho.
2. Os nossos netos escrevem –(to us) ____________
nOS cada mês.
3. Posso perguntar-(you, sing., pol.) ____________ uma coisa?
4. Damos-(to them) ____________ as chaves da casa.
5. Mando-(to him) ____________
The um cartão para o dia dos namorados.
6. Apetece-(me) ____________
me comer uma boa feijoada!
7. Não (to them) ____________ empresta dinheiro.
8. O Manuel oferece-(you, sing., fam.) ____________ uma prendinha
(small gift).
9. Conto-(to you, pl.) ____________
VOS todos os meus planos.
10. Aquela blusa não (her) ____________
Ihe fica muito bem.

Choose an appropriate verb from the list below to complete

each sentence. You may need to conjugate the verb.
~ ~ ~ ~ -

v M ~ ~

1. Não sei onde fica o banco. Importa-se de me ____________

mostra no mapa?
2. Sabes, Ana Paula, que esse chapéu não te ____________ muito bem.
3. Quero ____________-lhe o Diretor de Marketing, o senhor Mauro
Pereira. – Muito prazer.
4. A minha mãe ____________-vos
compra a todos um pacote de caramelos.
apete co sair.
5. Tudo bem, Mariana? Sim, tudo bem, mas não me ____________
6. Eles nunca devolvem as canetas dela, por isso é que ela não lhes
empresta mais.
7. Desculpe por ter incomodado a senhora, mas preciso de lhe
pedia os seus documentos.
8. O meu número é 22786552—o senhor pode ____________-me
mandamos a encomenda o mais rápido
9. Façam favor de nos ____________
10. Para o Natal, os pais ____________-lhes às crianças novas bicicletas.


O corpo (The body)

Using expressions from the Vocabulário, indicate who has
got what ailments. Follow the example.

docte o tornozelo

dos-the os olhos

doi -
me o
doem-thes as costas

do-the o ouvido

doi-te o
doem-vos os dedos de pe

doi-nos a cabeca

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