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Phytochem. Anal. 12, 91–95 (2001)

DOI: 10.1002/pca.569

Determination of Marker Constituents from

Cissus quadrangularis Linn. and their
Quantitation by HPTLC and HPLC

Manisha Mehta, Navneet Kaur and K. K. Bhutani*

Department of Natural Products, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), Near
Chandigarh, India

Four marker constituents, namely, onocer-7-ene-3a,21b-diol, d-amyrin, d-amyrone and 3,3',4,4'-

tetrahydroxybiphenyl of an Ayurvedic crude drug Cissus quadrangularis Linn. are defined for
standardisation purposes. 3,3',4,4'-Tetrahydroxybiphenyl has been isolated for the first time from this
drug. The contents of the marker constituents were quantitatively determined by HPTLC and HPLC
methods in samples collected from five different geographic zones of India. Copyright # 2001 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: HPLC; HPTLC; marker compounds; Cissus quadrangularis.


The roots, young shoots and stem of the climber Cissus

quadrangularis Linn. provide an important Ayurvedic
single crude plant drug used in the treatment of fractured
bones, dyspepsia, indigestion and asthma in the Indian
System of Medicine (Chopra et al., 1986). This plant is
found throughout the hotter parts of India and Srilanka
(Anonymous, 1950). Earlier, we had reported the
presence of two new unsymmetric tetracyclic triterpe-
noids, namely, onocer-7-ene-3a, 21b-diol (1) and onocer-
7-ene-3b, 21a-diol (2) alongwith d-amyrin (3) and d-
amyrone (4) (Bhutani et al., 1984) in this plant.
Subsequently, another unsymmetric tetracyclic triterpe-
noid, 7-oxoonocer-8-ene-3b, 21a-diol (5) has been
reported (Gupta and Verma, 1990). Apart from these,
seven alicyclic lipid constituents were also reported
(Gupta and Verma, 1991).
Because of our renewed interest in the development of
Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial standards, a standardisation
study on this plant was conducted and to the best of our
knowledge this is reported for the first time. It was marcs obtained from hexane extraction. Compound 6,
observed that compounds 1, 3 and 4 were present in non- being a product of a specific enzyme system of catechol
polar (hexane) fractions derived from all randomly oxidases (Kandaswami and Vaidyanathan, 1973) is an
collected samples from different geographic zones of interesting marker constituent for this plant. The contents
India, and these compounds could be considered as of 1, 3 and 4 were quantified through HPTLC, and an
marker constituents. In addition a new constituent, HPLC quantitation method was developed for 6 as a part
namely 3,3',4,4'-tetrahydroxybiphenyl (6), was detected of this study.
and isolated for the first time from this plant. This
compound was found to be present in all of the
sequentially prepared methanolic extracts of the plant

* Correspondence to: K. K. Bhutani, Department of Natural Products, Plant material, extraction and isolation. The whole
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Sector plant materials (samples A–E, respectively) were col-
67, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), Near Chandigarh 160062, India.
lected from different wild locations in the central, south,
Contract/grant sponsor: Department of Indian System of Medicine, Ministry north, east and west geographic zones of India by the
of Health and Family Welfare (Government of India). Regional Research Centres of CCRAS located at Jhansi,

Received 30 September 1999

Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 7 April 2000
Accepted 1 August 2000
10991565, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by UNIFAL - Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Wiley Online Library on [25/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Figure 1. Outline scheme of the isolation procedure for onocer-7-ene-3a, 21b-diol (1), onocer-7-ene-3b, 21a-diol (2) d-amyrin (3)
and d-amyrone (4).

Trivenderum, Patiala, Guwahti and Junagarh, and were F003, F004 and F005 were further processed as they were
pooled zone-wise. The identities of the collections were comparatively higher in yield and less complex in
confirmed by conducting macro- and microscopic studies mixture. Fraction F004 (600 mg), on storage in hexane
in our laboratory, and authenticated by comparison with at room temperature, deposited a crystalline material
standard reference samples. The voucher samples are which was separated and recrystallised from n-hexane to
maintained in the Department of Natural Products, yield white crystals of d-amyrin (3; 108 mg).
NIPER, India. Fraction F003 on TLC showed the presence of one
For preparation of the extracts, the roots and aerial major compound, and was re-chromatographed over
parts were powdered and each powdered sample (100 g) silica gel, eluting with pure hexane and hexane: ethyl
was exhaustively extracted with hexane (750 mL) in a acetate mixtures. Sub-fraction F012 (Fig. 1) showed a
soxhlet apparatus. The hexane extracts were evaporated single spot on TLC and, on storing in ethyl acetate
(in vacuo) to dryness and amounts of 5.29, 5.69, 3.78, overnight at room temperature, yielded a crystalline
3.19 and 3.52 g were obtained from the central, south, compound (80 mg) which was later identified as d-
north, east and west geographic zone samples, respec- amyrone (4).
tively. A portion of each extract was preserved separately Fraction F005 was also further subjected to column
for quantitation purposes whilst the remaining portions chromatography to yield a total of 39 subfractions (Fig.
were combined for over silica gel (60–120 mesh) 1); two of these subfractions, F017 (500 mg) and F018
phytochemical studies. The combined dried extract (109 mg), exhibited single spots on TLC and were further
(10 g) was subjected to MPLC eluted with hexane, recrystallised to yield onocer-7-ene-3a, 21b-diol (1;
hexane: ethyl acetate mixtures, and pure ethyl acetate in 300 mg) and onocer-7-ene-3b, 21a-diol (2; 60 mg),
increasing order of polarity. A total of 64 fractions were respectively. All four isolated and purified compounds
collected and those fractions showing identical TLC (1, 2, 3 and 4) were characterized by comparison of TLC,
patterns were combined (Fig. 1). The bulked fractions melting point and IR with authenticated samples, and by

Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 12: 91–95 (2001)
10991565, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by UNIFAL - Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Wiley Online Library on [25/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

co-chromatography and mixed melting point with was 14.4 min. The contents of marker constituents were
authentic standards (Bhutani et al., 1984). estimated by using pure reference compounds (1, 3, 4 and
The plant marcs, after preparing hexane extracts, were 6) as external standards. Compound 2 was found not to be
further subjected to exhaustive extraction with methanol present in most of the extracts and was thus excluded for
(750 mL) in a soxhlet apparatus. The methanol extracts estimation purposes. The content of marker constituents
were evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure and was calculated by linear regression, and mean percen-
amounts of 8.86, 7.53, 12.52, 10.48 and 10.82 g were tages were calculated from three separate experiments.
obtained from central, south, north, east and west
geographic zone samples, respectively. Again, a part of Assay validation. The precision of the experiments was
each extract was preserved separately and the rest of the expressed by coefficients of variation. The R f values were
material was combined for isolation purpose. The determined and the precision for each of the standard
combined methanolic extract (10 g) was fractionated by marker constituents (1, 3 and 4) was evaluated in
MPLC over silica gel (60–120 mesh); six broad fractions triplicate using 1, 2 and 3 mg quantities. The efficiency
were obtained using hexane, and hexane and chloroform of the HPTLC assay procedure was determined by
mixtures as eluent. Fraction F001 (900 mg) was subjected separately adding individual marker constituent (0.5 mg)
to further column chromatography, eluting with hexane: to the plant material (2 g) and subjecting the samples to
chloroform (95:5), to yield needle-shaped crystals from the optimised extraction procedure (described above).
ethyl acetate in minor amounts (20 mg). The compound The recovery of the individual marker constituent was
was characterized as 3, 3', 4, 4' - tetrahydroxybiphenyl (6) then calculated by a densitometric method. The detection
on the basis of spectral data (MS, IR, NMR) and limit for each individual marker constituent in the assay
comparison with reported values in the literature (Joulie procedure was also determined. The efficiency of HPLC
et al., 1994), and with the fragmentation pattern of 6 as assay was determined by estimating the recovery of 6
given in the mass library of Shimadzu GCMS Model QP from a sample of plant material (5 g) to which 1 mg of
5000. exogenous 6 had been added prior to defatting. The
content of marker compound 6 was calculated by
HPTLC conditions. A Camag (Muttenz, Switzerland) comparison with an unspiked control sample.
HPTLC system equipped with a Linomat IV sample
applicator was used to analyse the sample on aluminium-
backed TLC plates (20  20 cm) precoated with silica gel
60F254 (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). For developing RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the plates, a Camag twin trough development chamber
was used in which the vertical development of the plate Consistent quality for products of herbal origin can only
was performed using hexane:ethyl acetate (6:1) as the be assured if the starting plant materials are defined in a
mobile phase. Visualisation of the plates was performed rigorous and detailed manner. Characterisation of a
by treatment with 10% methanolic sulphuric acid for 30 s herbal drug is, therefore, essential to allow specifications
followed by heating in an oven at 100°C for 10 min. to be established which are both comprehensive and
Detection was carried out at 366nm using a Camag TLC relevant. In the present study, we have tried to define
scanner 3 and associated integration software (Cats 4.03 multiple characterising compounds, generally referred to
version). as marker constituents, for the identity and authentication
of Cissus quadrangularis Linn. with a modified chemo-
HPLC conditions. An HPLC system supplied by Waters profiling approach. In this approach, the sampling of
Corporation (USA) comprising delivery pump model 600 crude drugs was randomly performed to include the
with four channel online degasser and a Rheodyne obvious inherent variations such as temperature, humid-
sample injector (20 mL loop) was used. The column was a ity, soil etc., available in five geographic zones of the
Novapak C18 (250  4.6 mm i.d.) held at 27°C. Isocratic Indian sub continent. Whilst collections were not
elution was carried out with acetonitrile:water (1:1) at a controlled with respect to age of material and other
flow-rate of 0.5 mL/min; detection was at 233 nm using a environmental factors, the botanical identity of each of
Waters PDA detector (model 996). Millennium V 2.10 the samples was established with total certainty in our
software was used for integration and calibration. laboratory. For convenience, the chemical constituents
were partitioned into non-polar (hexane), moderately-
Calibration curves. The calibration curves were ob- polar (methanol) and polar (aqueous) extracts using
tained using six data points (0.5–5 mg) for compound 1, successive exhaustive extractions. Qualitative TLC
using seven data points (0.25–5 mg) for compounds 3 and fingerprints of the hexane and methanolic extracts were
4, and using four data points (0.0625–0.25 mg) for established, and a general gross similarity with regard to
compound 6. the presence of the constituents was observed.
Compounds 1, 3 and 4 were found to be present in the
Estimation of marker constituents in the plant. Each hexane extracts of all collections, whereas compound 2,
of the dried hexane extracts (20 mg) and methanol although isolated from a combined extract, was absent in
extracts (20 mg) were dissolved in 1 mL of chloroform or most of the samples. Therefore, onocer-7-ene-3a, 21b-diol
methanol, respectively. Aliquots (5 mL) of chloroform (1), d-amyrin (3) and d-amyrone (4) could serve as non-
solutions were subjected to HPTLC, and aliquots (20 mL) polar marker constituents for this plant. An HPTLC
of methanol solutions were injected into the HPLC. The method for the standardisation of these compounds has
HPTLC plates were developed to a distance of 10 cm been found to be suitable. TLC chromatograms of these
from the point of application, dried, subjected to the reference standards and of the hexane extracts prepared
derivatisation procedure and scanned. HPLC analyses from different zone-wise collections are shown in Plate 1.
were continued for 20 min since the retention time of 6 All experiments were performed in triplicate and results

Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 12: 91–95 (2001)
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Table 1. HPTLC calibration plot data and precision measurements of marker constituents

Calibration plot dataa Precision measurementsa

Mean area
Amount Amount of (coef®cient of Mean Rf (coef®cient
Marker constituent (mg) Mean area SD standard (mg) variation) of variation)

Onocer-7-ene-3a, 0.50 2250 128.34 1 4234 (3.19) 0.25 (2.28)

21b-diol (1) 1.00 4234 135.11
2.00 5669 155.81 2 5669 (2.74) 0.24 (2.37)
3.00 6673 225.96
4.00 7819 382.06 3 6673 (3.38) 0.25 (0)
5.00 9082 355.68
d-amyrin (3) 0.25 1931 72.75 1 3813 (4.28) 0.39 (2.56)
0.50 2707 129.06
1.00 3811 163.19 2 5486 (4.22) 0.39 (2.99)
2.00 5436 229.22
3.00 6561 172.29 3 6561 (2.62) 0.41 (2.44)
4.00 7857 258.39
5.00 9131 402.05
d-amyrone (4) 0.25 1228 79.00 1 3445 (2.29) 0.82 (1.22)
0.50 2209 104.50
1.00 3445 79.05 2 4281 (2.47) 0.80 (0.72)
2.00 4281 105.88
3.00 5886 227.18 3 5886 (3.86) 0.81 (0.71)
4.00 6883 348.62
5.00 8572 317.96
n = 3.

are expressed as mean  SD; good linearities of the tetrahydroxybiphenyl (6). Incidently, this compound has
calibration curves were obtained for compounds 1, 3 and been detected and isolated for the first time from this
4, and their correlation coefficients (r) were found to be plant. Being highly sensitive to UV detection, compound
0.991, 0.993 and 0.979, respectively. The calibration plot 6 could serve as moderately polar marker constituent of
data and precision measurements obtained for there this plant. HPLC chromatograms of this reference
compounds are given in Table 1. The regression equations standard and of all of the methanolic extracts are shown
used for quantitative determination of 1, 3 and 4 were in Plate 1 and were used for quantitation purposes. All
y = 1380x ‡ 2381, y = 1462x ‡ 2058 and y = 1425x ‡ experiments were performed in triplicate and results are
1435, respectively. The coefficient of variation for these expressed as mean  SD. A good linearity of the
three compounds was found to be <4.28 in area counts calibration curve was obtained for marker compound 6,
and <2.98 for R f values. These values indicated that the and the correlation coefficient (r) was found to be 0.999.
assay method was fairly reproducible. Further, the The regression equation used for the quantification of 6 in
recovery percentages for 1, 3 and 4 were found to be the plant material was y = 12143089x ÿ 726.354. The
97.2, 96.0 and 97.5% in the plant samples and their zone- mean coefficient of variation for the peak areas was
wise content varied in the range of 38.8  10ÿ3– <3.70, and for the mean retention time was <1.15. The
71.6  10ÿ3, 28.1  10ÿ3–109.7  10ÿ3 and 40.2  10ÿ3 mean recovery of the reference standard 6 was found to
ÿ143.7  10ÿ3, respectively (see Table 2). be 98.62% (SD = 1.140) in the plant samples, and its
One minor constituent was found to be present in all of zone-wise content varied in the range of 0.11  10ÿ3–
the defatted methanolic extracts available. This com- 4.87  10ÿ3 (Table 2). All of these results suggest that
pound was targetted for isolation from the pooled this HPLC method is fairly reproducible for this new
methanolic extracts and was characterized as 3,3',4,4'- marker constituent of the plant.

Table 2. Percentage (w/w) of marker compounds 1, 3, 4 and 6 in crude drug samplesa of Cissus quadrangularis

Percentage (w/w) mean  SD (10ÿ3)

Sample code 1 3 4 6

A (central zone) 71.6  2.4 105.4  3.29 110.7  3.95 0.29  0.0054
B (south zone) 42.3  2.1 109.7  4.87 143.7  71.3 0.11  0.0053
C (north zone) 44.0  1.9 39.5  1.71 59.0  1.71 4.87  0.11
D (east zone) 38.8  1.9 28.1  1.82 56.3  2.79 3.62  0.08
E (west zone) 44.2  1.9 31.6  1.80 40.2  0.79 3.91  0.17
Identi®ed by geographical origin (see Experimental section).

Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 12: 91–95 (2001)
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Phytochem. Anal. 12 (2001)

Plate 1. Showing the HPTLC and HPLC chromatogram of marker compounds 1, 3, 4 and
6 together with hexane and methanolic extracts of Cissus quadrangularis (A±E)
identi®ed by geographical origin (see the Experimental Section).

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In conclusion, four marker constituents for C. quad- Acknowledgements

rangularis have been determined and defined by employ-
ing a randomized collection approach; the possibility of The authors are greatful to the Department of Indian System of
finding more marker constituents for this plant remains Medicine, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Government of
India) for financial support, and to the Director of NIPER, Dr C. L.
open. Kaul, for interest in this work. Thanks are due to K. Prasanna
(JTA) and Vipin Sharma (Project Assistant) for their technical


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tetracyclic triterpenoids from Cissus quadrangularis. Electrochemical control of bridging ligand conformation
Phytochemistry 23: 407±410. in a binuclear complexÐa possible basis for a molecular
Chopra RN, Nayar SL, Chopra IC. 1986. Glossary of Indian switch. J Chem Soc Dalton Trans 799±804.
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Gupta MM, Verma RK. 1990. Unsymmetric tetracyclic chol in plants; puri®cation and properties of the 3,4,3',4'-
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Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 12: 91–95 (2001)

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