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Course : Operation Management ( CA-SCOMT)

Course Instructor: GHAYDA YOUSIF

Submitted by: Nadim Shams

Student ID: 668323192

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Q:-1 Organizational Approaches to Product Development.
The four organizational approaches to product development are as follows,
· Strategic approach.
· Logistics approach.
· Functional approach, and
· Integrated approach.
The integrated approach is generally viewed as the best as it embodies the other types of
organizational approaches in one. An integrated approach allows for the product to go through
a shorter lifespan thereby increasing productivity and efficiency. This will in turn decrease
operational errors, time, and labor that goes towards product development.
Q:- 2 Just In Time (JIT)
The philosophy is designed to produce or deliver goods just as they are needed. JIT is a strategy
that controls the flow of inventory of a business. This method of controlling the flow of
inventory allows for reduced inventory levels in which stock levels are replenished close to the
time of when needed.
 JIT cuts the cost of quality, less OH inventory, reduces costs of inventory investment and
 JIT improves quality, it keeps evidence of errors fresh and creates an early warning
system for a quality problem with a vendor or within the company.
 Better quality means less inventory and a better, easier-to-employ JIT system, if
consistence quality exists, JIT allows firms to reduce all the costs associated with
inventory. Higher inventory protects against poor production performance
Q-3 Implementing JIT
Just-In-Time deliveries is a materials management system that has been successfully
implemented in various commercial organizations. to implement JIT in the purchase, the
purchasing team must be trained and committed to implementing their procurement orders
accordingly. This means understanding the benefits of how JIT can work in the favor of their
company. Sufficient data and research should also be provided on how JIT will be integrated into
the operational management for their inventory flow.

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Q-4 Lean Producer
Lean production supplies the customer with their exact wants when the customer wants it
without waste.
The lean producer is used to optimize and simplify production systems to eliminate wasteful
activities. Shifting the day-to-day operations that can be replaced by automation is how lean
producers can be used. The objective is to shorten the production cycle, improve autonomy,
speed up response time and reduce unnecessary inventory.
Lean operations emphasize understanding the customer

Q-5 Types of Layouts

Seven layouts strategies mentioned are as follows:
1. Office layout.
2. retail layout.
3. Warehouse layout.
4. process-oriented layout,
5. product-oriented layout,
6. fixed-position layout,
7. Work cell Layout.

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