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Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

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Tom Clancy's HAWX – Guide and Walkthrough
Xbox 360 
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Guide and Walkthrough (PC) by warfreak

Version: 0.5 | Updated: 03/26/2009


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Author: Warfreak
Version: 0.5

1 of 43 02/09/2022, 13:55
Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

Date Started: 19∕3∕09

NOTE: This Guide will Contain Spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! 
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*~~~~~~~~~~~Watch In Awe, Watch In Awe, Aeria Gloris, Aeria Gloris~~~~~~~~~~~*

Warfreak's Top Tip: Use Ctrl+F to quickly navigate this guide.

Table of Contents
§1 Introduction
[1.01] Introduction
[1.02] Version History

§2 Operations
[2.01] Ghost Rider
[2.02] Adder
[2.03] Cobalt
[2.04] Blacklight
[2.05] OFF Certification
[2.06] Glass Hammer
[2.07] Backfire
[2.08] Ulysees
[2.09] Stiletto
[2.10] Red Eagle
[2.11] Torchlight
[2.12] Iron Arrow
[2.13] Typhoon
[2.14] Backhand
[2.15] Thunderbolt
[2.16] Wildhorse
[2.17] Javelin
[2.18] Twilight
[2.19] Monarch

§3 Hangar
[3.01] Weapons
[3.02] Perks
[3.03] Planes List
[3.04] The Real Life Comparsion

[A] Contact Information

[B] Credits
[C] Webmaster Information
[D] Copyright Notice

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now, Let the Guide Begin (o.0)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

[1.01] Introduction

This is my 48th guide, yeah, it is moving very close to the 50 mark isn't it.
Anyway, this is a Multi-Platform guide, which means it is a guide that is
built for the PC, XBox 360 and PS3 version. This is built on the PC version
so if there are problems, ask Ubisoft for the PC port o.0

There are challenges, but unless someone submits them to me, I won't do them
because I'm generally not a multiplayer person.

[1.02] Version History

Version 0.1 [19∕3∕09]

Started guide. Took a day of Total War for this.

Version 0.2 [20∕3∕09]

Another update.

Version 0.3 [21∕3∕09]

Completed Storyline.

Version 0.4 [22∕3∕09]
Completed most of the guide, only the self interest part to go.

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Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

Version 0.5 [26∕3∕09]

Guide complete. 
[2.01] Ghost Rider
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Your first mission, Operation Ghost Rider gives you three wingmen and you
are going to bomb Mexico.

You start off easy enough, you get to play around with your new plane, so this
is more or less a tutorial. You need to get used to firing missiles and using
the controls, so get comfortable, because things can get harder, though it
might not.

You start off fighting a few vehicles, you need to take down AA, MLRS and
Tanks that are attacking friendly forces. This is quite easy, just get the lock
on and fire away.

After the first wave, you get another wave, with slightly more enemy forces,
so you might need to fly back and bomb them again. Increase the throttle
to increase the distance, then decrease the throttle as you make the turn,
giving you more time to lock on.

The next wave is a set of two. You have two groups, so you will need to do
a few missile runs to take down the enemy. When you move in close to the
enemy, you might want slow down to get more locks and fire on the enemy.
Destroy both waves and that will complete the easy part of the mission.

Now, you need to support Ghost Recon, they are trapped and they need a Heli
Evac. They are pinned down with a fair amount of ground forces. Now, this
is different, you will have some targets that are blocked by buildings so
you will need to fly in from a different angle. But after destroying the
ground units, you have a different threat.

Enemy helicopters will move in, and engage from about 8000ft. Lock on and
fire, move onto the next one and do the same thing. After those helis are
down, you need to give more ground support, again, multiple flybys will
be needed if you want to win that area.

Then more helis, and after they are down, you get more ground forces and
then another wave of helicopters. The problem is that the rebels aren't
smart enough that Helicopters cannot take down a fighter jet armed with
100+ missiles (its to eliminate landings) and they keep sending them,
but after that wave, things get more interesting.

You will need to fight 3 waves of Su-27 planes. They come into elements of
2, so you will need to dogfight them. Now, you always want your throttle to
be extremely high, this is because you want to make sure you are always on
their tail. Release two radar locked missiles to destroy them, they always
need two hits.

As the waves come in, they get progressively hardly, they will start to
fire back at you. Wow, they actually don't like getting shot down. Once you
get a missile lock, either shoot flares, but one solution that I find works
well is to have sharp turns with an increased throttle. You are fighting at
a high altitude so you can trade height for speed.

Finally, after those three waves are down, you will have successfully
protected the Evac Heli for the Ghost Team from enemy fighters, and that is
this mission down.


Normal = 200 XP
Hard = 300 XP
Elite = 400 XP

Unlocks the Adder Map

Unlocks the Su-25 Frogfoot

[2.02] Adder

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Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

Now, this is where you have joined Artemis, and you get to choose what type

of plane you are going to use. The game recommends the Su-25 Frogfoot, so 
you might as well choose that one. We don't quite have access to the best BOOKMARK
planes, such as the Raptor or the Typhoon yet. Given your level, you won't
have access to other weapon kits, so we have to play with basic.
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Fly towards the refinery, and here, you need to protect it from enemy attacks.
First, there will be a set of tanks that you need to take out, there are two
sets of three tanks, and soon they will be supported by 4 AH-64 Attack
Helicopters. You need to take down the Helis first since they are the fastest

Soon, you will get Jaguar fighters moving in to the refinery, so make sure
that you take them out. Use your wingmen if need be, they should be on the
attack until enemy fighters turn up.

More tanks and helicopters will move in. This is where your wingmen are needed
to help you give enough strength to intercept the enemy forces. Again, the
helicopters are the most important targets since they are the fastest
followed by AA, which will join in the fray alongside the tanks. There are
soon going to be a hell of a lot of enemies.

You need to really start to worry about the AA, they may spray their ammo
everywhere but you still need to take them out. Enemy bombers will soon join
in and basically, unless you do really effective bombing runs, you will
be overwhelmed. You need to target units closest to the refinery first.

This is hard, enemy AA won't do much damage, but there are a lot of enemies,
that is the hard part. But that isn't the end. You need to move in to
intercept the Badger Bombers, and you have just over 3 minutes to do this.
Move in with full throttle to shoot them down.

This is another dog fight, you are facing several Mig 21s. This aren't too
good against air, but keep your eye on where missile lock is. Your Frogfoot
will have 7 flare pods, so that should be enough. Once the lock goes crazy,
launch flares and hope.

The bombers will require 4 missiles to take down, so slow down and target
in on them to get off 4 missiles, since you only have 2 launchers. You need
to take them all out, which isn't all that hard either.


Normal = 200 XP
Hard = 300 XP
Elite = 400 XP

Unlocks the Cobalt Map

Unlocks the F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel

[2.03] Cobalt

Set in Africa, you can see from the mission stats that you will be facing a
large amount of ground forces, with a babble of fighters and enemy naval

The recommended fighter is the F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel, since it is able
to use free-falling bombs. The only other plane will probably be the Corsair
at this early mission. That is practical, since the Wild Weasel is a good
fighter jet against ground targets, and you aren't exactly controlling a
stealth bomber.

Now, you are facing a fair amount of well, rebel depots and this is where your
free-ball bombs are being used. You need to have the little circle in front
of your plane to enclose what you want to bomb, but you don't need to lock
on, for once, since it basically destroys everything in the circle.

You have just over 20 minutes to destroy all the rebel bases. You need to
use free-ball bombs against the buildings, and your missiles to take town 
the enemy trucks, since they are mobile and bombs aren't exactly good against
moving targets.

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Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

Practice with the bombs and you realise that if you slow down, which does

increase your chances of getting hit by AA, you can easily take out an entire 
camp with a single bomb. What the hell do they put in those bombs I wonder? BOOKMARK
Anyway, continue and blow up all 17 bases.

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Along the way, Guide?are Yes boats inNo
patrol the river, so a little practice Hide 
on them won't go astray, but if you are on elite, you don't have too much
ammo to play with, so you might even use your cannon. You need your bombs
so don't waste them.

Soon, you need to intercept the General, and he is protected by 5 F-5A

Freedom Fighters, so destroy them, they require two missiles each before
they will go down. There are 5 of them that you need to take down, so
hopefully you still have your flares because things tend to get a little
hairy here.

Remember, on this level, you have 20 minutes, which is quite a lot of time
to complete it, so you aren't in a rush. Intercept the general by getting
close to him and finish this level off.


Normal = 200 XP
Hard = 300 XP
Elite = 400 XP

Unlocks the Blacklight Map

Unlocks the Mig-29 Fulcrum

[2.04] Blacklight

This is another mission that apparently suggests bombing but you are facing
a lot of enemy fighters and air defence. You are going to need a plane that
has Multi-Target AA missiles. This is basically a weapon that allows you to
lock on to a maximum of 4 enemy aerial units. If there are 4 helicopters in
a group, you can lock on to all of them, and destroy all of them in a single
go. Handy to say the least.

The game recommends you use the Mig-29 Fulcrum, but I prefer the F-2 but it
is your choice. Pick a plane that you like and move into battle.

Now, this is an escort mission, so basically you need to protect the plane
from enemy fighters, which all seem to be MiG fighters. These are easy to
take care of because of the Multi-AA missiles, they can take down a plane with
a single shot, compared to your all-purpose missile which takes two shots.

If the enemy misses, you probably are going to have a missile lock on you so
you want to keep and eye out and target them. Note that if you shoot down a
plane with a lock on you, the lock is gone, obviously.

There are several waves of enemy fighters, all of them are vulnerable to your
Multiple AA missiles. Since they come in groups of 4, your Multi AA missiles
will be able to take down at least 2 of them, three, maybe even four with some
luck on your side.

Now, after a cutscene, you need to deal with SAM sites. This is actually quite
hard because what you need to do is when you see the buildings where the SAMs
are, you need your plane to be facing the entrance to the little cave, and
then fire your missiles at it. You will die a few times, mainly from flying
too low, but practice makes perfect.

After all that, just clear out the rest of the AA sites there to make way for
the bomber. Clear the path and that should just about do it.


Normal = 300 XP
Hard = 400 XP
Elite = 500 XP 

Unlocks the OFF certification Map

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Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

Unlocks the F-15 Active

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* 
[2.05] OFF Certification BOOKMARK

You don't get to choose what plane you are in this time, you automatically
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start off with Guide?
F-15 Yes which isNo
Active, the version before the F-15 Eagle, Hide 
which happened to be the father to the F-15 Strike Eagle.

This is another tutorial how to fly without the assistance that you have
had for a while now. This is an extremely hard tutorial but you will get
the hang of it sooner or later.

Soon, you need to fight drones. They aren't that hard, the first wave will
be basic target practice. The second wave will be harder, they will move
around. They all take a single hit to remove. The third wave will be armed
with missiles and they will shoot back. They won't do any damage.

After that, this mission is over, and all is ready for the next mission.


Normal = 300 XP
Hard = 400 XP
Elite = 500 XP

Unlocks the Glass Hammer Map

Unlocks the Su-27 Flanker

[2.06] Glass Hammer

Well, the situation in Brazil isn't going well, and you get to fly some more
missions. The recommended plane is the Su-27 Flanker, and given that at least
half the enemy forces are going to be air units, it isn't such a bad idea,
it is a decent plane. However, there is a fair amount of ground units as well
so do be mindful of that. You also get to choose what type of control type
you have, Normal or Expert. Choose which one you want, but most will choose
Normal, simply because it is quite easy to fly in.

This is quite a hectic mission, you need to defend the city using your
team and you need to beat all the landing crafts and tanks that the game
requires you to deal with. You also need to take out enemy bombers, and
this is the part where your Multi-AA missiles come in extremely handy, but
don't use all of it.

There is going to be a lot of AA fire going on, so you really need to watch
your back less you get shot down by unfriendly enemy units. You will have a
hell of a lot of missile locks on you so you need to pop flares rarely and
brake more often to avoid more missiles.

After you have destroyed all that you are supposed to, several enemy aces
in Su-47s will engage you and fight you. Use your multiple AA missiles to
deal some damage, and continually use them for the rest of the engagement.
Do not get hit and avoid when there is a missile lock.


Normal = 500 XP
Hard = 700 XP
Elite = 1000 XP

Unlocks the Backfire Map

Unlocks the Mirage 5

[2.07] Backfire

The recommended plane for this mission is the Mirage 5 plane, but of course,
you can choose whatever plane you feel like. Still no F22 Raptor to play with.
But that can be fixed, sooner or later. 

You start off moving to the Helicopters, and from there, you need to move

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Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

ahead and knock out the SAM sites. Unlike the ones in the previous mission,
there isn't a need to bore in on them. After two sites, you need to take out

a few enemy fighters, so no big deal there either. 
Defend the helis from further SAM sites and more fighters, and then clear
the SAM site at the insertion point for the Helis. From there, you are going
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to be providing YesGhost Recon.
air support to No Bomb them, and take out the Hide 
targets that are closest to the Ghost Team.

But you aren't done yet of course. You need to protect the helis, so you
will need to cover them with your missiles. But about half way, you lose
all your weapons systems except for your cannons. The whole aim here is to
distract the enemy long enough, killing them if you can with your guns, to
let the Helis escape. Its hard, but it is all about distraction.


Normal = 500 XP
Hard = 700 XP
Elite = 1000 XP

Unlocks the Ulysees Map

Unlocks the Mig-33 Super Fulcrum

[2.08] Ulysees

The recommended plane for this mission is the Mig-33 Super Fulcrum, so you
might as well choose that as your starting plane. Now, the enemy fleet is
rather easy to deal with, you face some speedboats, helicopters and enemy
fighters are don't even fight back.

Just follow your orders and it shall be very easy. The only real resistance
is at the end where the enemy fighters actually decide to do something and
they will fight back. Just make sure that you protect the US fleet as long
as you can.

As a plot twist, it seems that your employers don't want to side with the US
anymore, and they send in their Task Force to attack the US fleet. You now
side with the US to attack your former employers and your objective is clear,
to take down the enemy Flagship.

Now, you really want to take down the enemy air aces, your former allies. Take
them our, and the move onto the frigates. You have 8 minutes, but that is more
than enough time. Take down most of the frigates so you have a relativelyy
clear path towards the enemy flagship.

You need a hell of a lot of missiles to sink the flagship. You need a hell
of a lot. You also need to worry about the frigate's missiles as well as the
heavy AA fire that you are going to be receiving so you cannot afford to
slow down and make yourself a sitting duck.

Take down that flagship, order your wingmen to attack it as well. They won't
get killed, so that makes them rather useful killing tools.


Normal = 500 XP
Hard = 700 XP
Elite = 1000 XP

Unlocks the Stiletto Map

Unlocks F-14A Tomcat

[2.09] Stiletto

The recommended plane for this mission is the F-14A Tomcat. This is because
it has radar guided missiles, but if you want to forgo that, you should get
the Super Fulcrum, the Mig-33 because it is a nice plane. The Radar Guided
missiles are nice since it has an extremely long range. 

The first job is to find and destroy three radar beacons. You need to avoid

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Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

the red circles, that will not be one of the things you want to hit. This
is why you have no wingmen, you are going to be doing some really tight

turning. 
After that, you need to find the radar hub. Follow the little radar scanner
that you have closely, they will lead to the radar hub. The stronger the
Would you recommend
signal, the this Guide?
closer Yesfollow the
you are, so Nogreen light, whilst avoiding the Hide 
red circles. Once you get to the hub, stay close and let loose on the guns
and blow it up. That should deal a blow to Artemis. Note that you have a set
amount of time to get to the radar hub, before the enemy realises that someone
has blown up their beacons.

You want to destroy as many SAM sites along the path as you can, because this
will mean that you have to avoid less missiles later on as your need to
protect the US bombers.

Destroy the radar hub, and then move in to protect the incoming US bombers.
You will need to take down SAM sites and most importantly, enemy Mirage
fighters. There will be a lot of them, so if you are in the Mig, you will
have the multi-AA missiles to play with, giving you an extra advantage. Trust
me, it is harder to eliminate a group of 4 fighters than a single SAM site
and the single missile you need to avoid. That is why the Multi-AA is better
than the lone Radar Missile.

The most important are the enemy fighters, since they can continually harass
your bombers, but the SAM sites will dish out a fair amount of damage so that
can also be a problem. You are alone in this mission, which is the worst
part of this mission. Wingmen could be useful, but alas, you don't have any.


Normal = 500 XP
Hard = 700 XP
Elite = 1000 XP

Unlocks the Red Eagle Map

Unlocks the F-16A Fighting Falcon

[2.10] Red Eagle

In this mission, you need to defend the United States of America from a
rogue Private Military Contractor. The recommended outfit for this mission, is
again, the previous unlock, which is the F-16A Fighting Falcon. I still
prefer the Super Fulcrum is you have access to it, since you are going to be
facing a large amount of ground forces, which is nothing your all purpose
missiles can't deal with, but the more important is the bomber and fighter
threats, which your all purpose missiles can get down easily.

You start off this mission quite quickly, without all the usual briefing and
such. You are now above Washington DC, and you need to defend it from the
attacking Artemis forces. Sure, it does sound fun to fight against the pilots
you used to fly with, but they are nothing but turncoats, no loyalty.

The enemy has taken command over the city, so you and your wingmen are the
only offensive unit the US has in the battlefield right now. This is going
to be a hell of a battle. There are a hell of a lot of enemy fighters, so
you and your team are going to be using a hell of a lot of missiles. But don't
use too many, because this is just the beginning.

After you have taken down all enemy fighters, you will need to defend the
perimeter of the city. The circle means nothing can come inside. Target the
Cargo Planes first, that will stop the tank reinforcements. However, if tanks
move inside the perimeter of the defence on the ground, target them and
destroy them.

With the Cargo planes, use cannons if you can, or Multi-AA missiles if you
have any left. For your all purpose missiles, it requires two sets of two
missiles to take down the cargo plane. Don't worry, it won't attack.

You need to defend the ground at all costs. You need you at least wipe out 
the entire tank brigade, which is normally at least 2 tanks in the group,
with a single run, else you will lose this mission. You need to hold out

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for 6 minutes until reinforcements from Edwards AFB arrive to help you take
out the rest of the targets. I wonder what happened to Andrews AFB?
 
This is a hard mission, you are facing heavy air battles in the beginning, BOOKMARK
and air to mud work later on. This is the reason I perfer the Super Fulcrum
for this mission, long range radar missiles are useless in this battle,
Would you recommend use at least.Yes
thisa Guide?
MultiAAs have No Hide 

Normal = 500 XP
Hard = 700 XP
Elite = 1000 XP

Unlocks the Torchlight Map

Unlocks the F-15C Eagle

[2.11] Torchlight

This mission recommends the F-15C Eagle, which isn't a bad choice for once
but the problem is that all enemies on this map are enemy fighters, so you
want one with Air Domination. For me, the best plane is still the Super
Fulcrum, since Multi AA missiles are extremely handy against enemy fighters,
wiping them out with extreme easy. No other fighter comes close to this bad
boy yet. The reason against the F-15 Eagle is because it doesn't come with the
Multi AA missiles, using radar missiles instead, which is useless.

Your goal in this mission is to protect Air Force 1, the plane of the
President. This is going to be one hell of an air engagement. First of all,
they send small groups of FA-18s at you, and they are easily wiped off the
map. Engage them by moving inside their circle and keep them away from Air
Force 1. Use your wingmen well to make sure that they don't get a good shot
at the President.

More groups will keep joining the frey, and you really need to move quickly,
double tapping and firing all your missiles to kill a target. After several
waves and plenty of kills, you will get a small break, so reform on your
escort target and keep moving, and look at the scenery and how crap the rain
is to rain on your parade.

After a while, a second wave of FA-18Cs move in, getting killed against before
they can lay a hand on Air Force One. This isn't hard, but you don't to stray
too far away from Air Force One or else you will have to travel a hell of a
lot to keep up. Soon, DeWinter calls and thinks he can kill Air Force One.
That means he has to get pass HAWX first.

The third wave is going to be harder. There is enemy jamming, and your
missiles will take a longer period of time to lock on, and that isn't very
fun at all. Hopefully, if you have MultiAA missiles, now is a good time to
bring them out and play with them.

The third wave is nothing special, and soon, you will have Air Force One
at November 4, and that means you complete another mission.


Normal = 700 XP
Hard = 950 XP
Elite = 1150 XP

Unlocks the Iron Arrow Map

Unlocks the FA-18E Superhornet

[2.12] Iron Arrow

As usual, you can guess the recommended plane, and that is the Superhornet,
and it isn't a bad plane to choose to be quite honest, you are going to need
those All Aspect missiles against air units as well as your normal multi-
purpose missiles that you play with. 

Your main aim is to stay inside the circle around the AWACS plane, and that

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will reveal all the jammers. Your all purpose missiles can easily disable all
the jamming stations when they are detected by the AWACS and for every
station destroyed, it makes it easier on you by increasing the circle, 
allowing greater operating range. The circle around the AWACS basically BOOKMARK
removes the effect of the jammers against your plane.

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Meanwhile, enemy fighters Yesengage, so
will Noyour All Aspect missile is extremely Hide 
useful, since they can achieve a lock on without having to target them, which
is quite useful when you are flying down to take down a jammer.

When 5 of the jammers are down, you realise that this mission is going to go
from air to air to air to mud. You need to assist the ground forces by
attacking the enemy tanks. Most of the early defenders are easy targets, but
the last few defenders are surrounded by buildings and you need to head and
attack from a high altitude to make sure that they are through.

Your first job is to attack all the enemy tanks engaging your US tanks on
the ground, so take them out first. They will advance to where the last
jammer is, and they will attack the remaining defenders, who are behind
buildings, so take them out. After that, they will capture the building and
take some time before they can take down the last jammer. That would be the
easy part.

The last part is to defend the attack group until the jammer is down. The
enemy tries to attack with its helicopters, but a single missile from any
of your weapons will easily destroy it. There will be a few of them, so
take them down and head off the Japan.


Normal = 700 XP
Hard = 950 XP
Elite = 1150 XP

Unlocks the Typhoon Map

Unlocks the F-14B Bombcat

[2.13] Typhoon

The recommend plane for this mission is the Bombcat, but given the large
range of enemy air units, I suggest that you pick an Air Superiority fighter
like the Super Fulcrum or the Eagle. Those will be handy given the amount of
aerial fighting that will be going on.

This is another hectic battle, you need to protect the aircraft carrier fleet
from the enemy attacks. They mostly come in the form of enemy air forces,
and this makes the Eagle one of the best planes for this missile. At long
range, you can easily take out targets using your radar missiles, and then
engage with MultiAA missiles when they come within 20000 ft.

You aren't Crenshaw in this mission, rather a fighter group from the Aircraft
Carrier. Still, you fight like him, so take down all the enemy fighter groups
and protect the carrier at all costs.

After they are down and the 10 minutes is up for the carrier to finish being
resupplied, you will need to destroy the Atremis fleet blocking the
harbour. This means you need to first protect the carrier and then you need
to assault the enemy carrier.

Your Dragon team, the Japanese Self-Defence Force fighter team will attack the
naval units, so you need to take out the enemy Harriers and the helicopters
that the enemy will send to attack and try to destroy the carrier. Use all
your remaining AA missiles on them.

Now, the naval units are left. There are a lot of SAM sites onboard the
destroyers, so if you still have radar missiles, use them now because they
will dish out a fair amount of damage. Otherwise, your normal missiles will
suffice. You need 4 hits to sink a Cruiser, 5 to sink a Destroyer.

To kill a vessel, just centre them on target, fire the first wave of 
missiles. For destroyers, slow down and let loose another pair of missiles.
and then kill them with your cannon. This is a good mission for cannon kills

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if you can do that. Cruisers need two waves of missiles, or one with cannon
 
After the escorts are down, focus on the enemy aircraft carrier. This is the BOOKMARK
perfect piece of cannon firing, mainly because the enemy is slow and is a
very large target. After that, you are back in the boots of Crenshaw and you
Would you recommend this Guide?
need to recapture Yes Base. No
Norfolk Naval Hide 

Normal = 1000 XP
Hard = 1200 XP
Elite = 1500 XP

Unlocks the Backhand Map

Unlocks the F-117A Nighthawk

[2.14] Backhand

There are a large range of enemy ground forces, so the Nighthawk isn't such
a bad idea since it is probably your best weapon against enemy ground units
at this current time. However, the plane is extremely hard to handle, so if
you want, the Bombcat is another good alternative, one that I'll be using
on this mission.

This is not an easy mission to say the least. First, you need to take out
three Radar systems, and you need to fly using the ERS system, which is
like flying through some hoops. This is hard because you are going to be
making very tight turns using ERS, and stepping out of it will pretty much
kill you from all SAM missiles. The ERS path will disable the threat of the
SAMs, so any missile lock while in the ERS path will be rendered moot.

You need to do this three times, the first two times, the ERS will take you
back outside the SAM envelope and you need to fend off some enemy fighters.
This is the easy part, following the ERS is the hard part of this mission.
After that, its air to mud.

You need to use your free-fall bombs to wipe out groups of enemy units
including tanks, MLRS and most importantly, AA gun. You need to move and
support all three task forces while they being their assault on Norfolk.
Move in, take out as many unit groups as you can with bombs, and then take
down the survivors with your missiles. This is the easier part of the mission,
the ERS was crazy.


Normal = 700 XP
Hard = 950 XP
Elite = 1150 XP

Unlocks the Thunderbolt Map

Unlocks the Eurofighter Typhoon

[2.15] Thunderbolt

The Thunderbolt Map recommends the Eurofighter Typhoon, but this map has a
nice mix of ground and air units, more ground then air. For me, I still
prefer the Eagle with the Long Range Interception III kit, since I have radar
missiles, Multi-AA Missiles and my normal missions, and is overall a faster
plane than the Typhoon. It is again, your choice.

Your mission here, without the aid of your wingmen, is to move and destroy
three sets of generators, and this is actually not as easy as it seems. You
need to fly such at when you reach one of the nodes, your altitude needs to
be below 3000ft for insurance. That may sound like a lot, but it really isn't
so you really need to stick close to the ground. The maximum limit is 3600ft,
any higher and you will be hit by the EMP field.

The first node that you target will be easy, there are no enemy forces there 
and all you need to do is to fly low and destroy the 5 generators. Between
you and the second node is a patrol of Su-47s, but I won't worry about them,

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my Eagle took all four birds down with a single salvo. Not bad eh?

Move onto the second node, and here it gets a bit hairy. You will face SAM 
sites and AA guns protecting each of the generators, so here, your Radar BOOKMARK
missiles will shine like the sun. You can engage them from a distance, and the
good thing is that you don't have to avoid missiles, because it will be hard
Would you recommend this Guide?
to avoid missiles Yes no spaceNo
when you have to avoid them in. Pop flares if Hide 
need be.

After the second node is down, you have 7 minutes to take down the last node.
There are more enemy patrols flying around, so you either avoid or engage.
They are still using the Su-47s, so if you avoid them, it is quite easy, or
you can move in fast and multi-missile them into the next life.

The third node is the same as the second node, they are still protected by
SAM sites and AA guns, so again, use your Radar Missiles to get an long range
kill on the SAMs and the AA guns, and missile the Node to finish it off. This
is quite easy, but the crazy flying is hard.

Remember, you can head into the EMP field for a short period of time if you
need to make a turn. However, stay there too long and you will be killed,
and that isn't what you want. Next stop, Florida.


Normal = 700 XP
Hard = 950 XP
Elite = 1150 XP

Unlocks the Wildhorse Map

Unlocks the Rafale C

[2.16] Wildhorse

The recommended plane is the Rafale C, which is a good plane, but the
existing kit sucks. I still prefer the Eagle with the Long Range Interception
III kit, mainly because it has Multi-AA missiles and Radar Missiles, though
the Superhornet and the Super Fulcrum isn't a bad choice either. I used the
Eagle, but you really need a plane with Radar Missiles, that is a definite.

Now, what you first need to do is to defend the shuttle. There are going to
be several cargo planes, dropping all sorts of ground units onto the
battlefield. It is imperative that you taken down the enemy cargo planes, and
you don't have time to muck around. They are perfect cannon kills, but since
time does not permit, let loose a single radar missile and it will go down.

Use your strike missiles to take down the tanks and APCs, they usually come
in pairs of two, so it is easily handled by a single salvo of those missiles.
If enemy units get too close to the shuttle, you want to quickly engage and
take down those units, regardless of whether you are busy attacking the cargo
plane or not. Just being inside the radius allows them to damage the shuttle,
and you cannot afford to let the shuttle go down.

During this, enemy fighters and attack craft will move in to attack the
shuttle as well, using A-10A Thunderbolt IIs and Eurofighter Typhoons against
the shuttle. Your Multi-AA missiles will work well here. The Typhoons are
faster, so it may be harder to target, but the Thunderbolts are slower, making
perfect sitting ducks.

After all 5 cargo planes and their associated forces are down, it is time
for the shuttle launch. If you think that the mission is way too easy, you're
right. A group of fighters along with an AWACS plane has moved in, aborting
the launch from the AWACS jammers. Your HUD is going to be bad, you cannot
see what is what going on.

However, you can still target the enemy, so you will have to go by the sound
of the lock on and fire. MultiAA missiles are good here mainly because they
have a lower lock on time and they are also instant kills on the enemy
fighters. Once the fighters are down, you can see the lone AWACS plane, and
you can shoot it down. I'd advise against cannoning the plane, mainly because 
it is hard to see how far away you are.

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Finally, the shuttle is lifted off, but still, not finished. You need to
take down two cruise missiles that have been fired at the Shuttle. This is

where you need to use your Radar Guided Missiles. Lock onto the cruise 
missile, and keep the lock on when you use your Radar Missiles. This will BOOKMARK
always give a 100% instant kill if you lock on the entire time. Do this
to both of the missiles and finally, the shuttle is free, and the SLAMS
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network is back online. Yes No Hide 

Normal = 1000 XP
Hard = 1400 XP
Elite = 1600 XP

Unlocks the Javelin Map

Unlocks the A-10A Thunderbolt II

[2.17] Javelin

The recommended plane is the A-10A Thunderbolt II, which is a fine plane to
fight with, given that 93% of targets are ground forces. An alternative
can be found in the F-14B Bombcat if you want one, but try out the Warthog
if you want. The Thunderbolt has a nice range of weapons, but they are going
to be air threats and the Thunderbolt isn't specifically good unless you
have the Multi-AG and Multi-AA kit ready to go. The A-10 is quite slow, so
that could be a problem.

Your main mission here is to assist all three strike groups and the
periodical bomber fleets. The three strike teams relatively far apart, so you
really need to hit the throttle on this mission. Cluster bombs will be a
useful tool here, as well as free fall bombs, they can wipe out several enemy
units in a single shot.

You need to save Alpha Team, and then move on to save Bravo team. After that,
the bombers will arrive and guess what, they will assist you but they need
some help, so you need to defend them from the Mig-29s that will attack it
and the occasional Su-47 that is sent to target you. That is the whole point
of wingmen.

Save the bombers and then save Charlie team as they advance, but then, you
really need to be all over the place. After saving Charlie team, you will
need to save the next group, which is Bravo team, so assist them. Take
down the enemy units, and you don't really need to assist Alpha team until
you finish off the enemies attacking Bravo team because some bombers will
fly in and finish off the enemy attackers for Alpha team.

You only have 10 minutes, so you really need to scramble in this mission.
If you do fail, you'll realise how intricate this mission is. After all
the enemy firebases have fallen, your three ground teams advance on the
base and they will attack it, and you have the job of providing fire

Again, bring out the Cluster bombs and literally pound every unfriendly unit
there is on the battlefield without mercy. Target all the enemies, flying
low and dangerous if need be, and target them and take them all out to
finish this mission, and then, its off to LA. AND YOU GET THE RAPTOR!


Normal = 1000 XP
Hard = 1400 XP
Elite = 1600 XP

Unlocks the Twilight Map

Unlocks the F-22 Raptor

[2.18] Twilight

The recommended plane for this mission is the F-22 Raptor, and who doesn't 
want to fly the best plane that the USAF currently has to offer, well in
2009 anyway. You are best to use this plane since you are practically fighting

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air units, with 88% fighters and the rest a gaggle of ground units.

We start off this mission with the goal of escorting the AWACS bird, and you 
have to protect it for just under 11 minutes. Not that hard I hope. There BOOKMARK
is just going to be a lot of enemy fighters here, so you really need to
engage them and defeat them. There are many Mig-23 fighters as well as Su-34s
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that will attempt Yesthe AWACsNo
to take down plane, so engage with your Raptor Hide 
and show them who's boss.

They aren't too hard, but don't let them get too close to the AWACS bird
because that will result in the loss of this mission. You need to protect
it until there is about three minutes left in the timer, and that will be
when all the enemy reinforcements will stop turning up to engage your

With a few minutes to go, the AWACS bird finds the source of the radiation
and where the nuke is hidden, but the problem is that you haven't done enough
and you are forced to use the ERS mode and follow it to successfully take
down the nuke.

After some hairy flying, you should be able to take down the nuke, and that
means the end of the war between Artemis and the United States, with their
nuclear weapons gone, SLAMS back online and HAWX taking down all their
targets and knocking out Artemis successfully, the war is over.

But the game ain't over yet. We still need to take down DeWinter, and by
take down, it means eliminate, for good.


Normal = 1000 XP
Hard = 1400 XP
Elite = 1600 XP

Unlocks the Monarch Map

Unlocks the YF-17 Cobra

[2.19] Monarch

You don't get a choice for this mission, you automatically start off with the
F-22 Raptor and you are here on a black ops mission, meaning that you
pretty much are doing this one alone and you have no backup as of yet. Your
goal is to assassinate DeWinter.

Right now, you need to fly extremely low, below 1600 ft in altitude, and you
need to do this for a long, long distance. This is easy if you don't move
your controls at all, adjusting for pitch and turning left and right by
simply moving the pitch.

After you reach the checkpoint, you want to move extremely fast. This is
where controls are necessary. It is too hard to destroy enemy AA because that
involves moving higher and you risk getting detected if you do. That is a
problem, so move fast and avoid all enemy AA units. Throttle up and move to
the nav point.

Once you reach the nav point, you can fly up now. Your single goal is to
destroy DeWinter's hideout, and that pretty much wraps it up. You have
completed the storyline.


Normal = 500 XP
Hard = 500 XP
Elite = 500 XP

Unlocks the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Unlocks the XA-20 Razorback
Unlocks the Ground Assault II Weapon Pack for XA-20 Razorback
Unlocks the Close Air Support III Weapon Pack for XA-20 Razorback
Unlocks the Precision Bombing Weapon Pack for XA-20 Razorback 


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[3.01] Weapons

There are many weapons available to your jets, and they will all perform 
the same, so you might as well figure out how to use them properly now and BOOKMARK
their best use.

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--==Cannon==-- Yes No Hide 
Engagement Range = 3000 ft

The cannon is one of your weakest weapons, and it has infinite ammo, though
it does take some time to reload all the ammo you have spent. This is a
last resort, and only if you want to either save ammo or you have no ammo.
As such, the cannon is best used against stationary ground units, such as
buildings, or against slow moving enemy air units, such as the Cargo Planes.

There aren't any tricks to it, you need to move the centre of your HUD over
to a little reticle that is in front of a target when you are within the
engagement range. Target the reticle to score hits, but this is hard if you
have a sensitive plane. However, if you hit, they do decent damage, dealing
about 3-6% damage depending on the target.

--==Cluster Bomb==--

Engagement Range = Variable

The Cluster Bomb is like a free-fall bomb, you have a little rectangle on the
ground, and this is where the bomb will destroy everything inside that little
circle. As such, cluster bombs are good against stationary ground targets
because they don't move.

Cluster bombs are harder to use than the free fall bomb, mainly because of
their blast radius. However, they are as powerful as the free fall bomb and
planes can generally carry more of these cluster bombs than they can with
your normal free fall bombs.

If you want to use this, as well as the free fall bomb, you want to level
your plane and have your plane as slow as possible, which gives enough time
to lock on to all the targets and bomb the crap out of them. Make sure that
all enemy AA is out of play before you do this.

--==Free Fall Bomb==--

Engagement Range = Variable

The little brother of the Cluster Bomb, this weapon has a large circle on
the ground, and this circle determines what objects will be destroyed. Like
the cluster bomb, there are good against stationary ground objects, but if
you want to target ground units, you need to compensate for movement.

Free Fall bombs are easy to use, available to you in the third mission, and
they are quite fun. You can easily take out an entire group of enemy buildings
or units with a single bomb, and normally, you don't get too many for a
mission, so you don't want to be wasting them.

Like a cluster bomb, you want to being at throttle down, at about 540 knots
and you want your plane to be level, therefore, it will get the best position
for a bomb run. Two bombs are more than enough for a large cluster of enemy

--==Joint Strike Missile==--

Engagement Range = 8000 ft (air units), 12000 ft (ground and naval units)

This missile is your all purpose missile, it will target everything and
everything, as long as you get within range of the target you want to
blow up. They are your mainstay weapon, all planes will carry these.

These will destroy a ground unit with a single missile, so tanks and AA guns
don't stand a chance, neither would SAM batteries. Tougher units such as

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naval vessels will take at least 4 hits to take down, some will take more.
Air units, such as interceptors and fighters will take two before they are
destroyed, while bombers and cargo planes generally take 4 hits before they 

To use these, it depends on the target. Ground units generally move in

Would you recommend this and
groups of two, Guide?
since thisYes
is a fire No
and forget missile, target one, Hide 
lock on, fire, change target, lock on, fire. They should take down both,
and you want to slow down so you have enough time to lock onto both without
crashing down.

For air units, once you get the lock on, double tap to fire both missiles.
These are generally good missiles to use if you want to take out survivors
of the Multi AA missile, mainly because of the benefits that one has over
this. These are missiles that you will be using all the time, they are the
everything missile.

--==Multi Target AA Missile==--

Engagement Range = 20000 ft

This is a very powerful AA weapon. This can target up to four targets in

a single go, and that could mean wiping out an entire air squadron of
fighters or helicopters in a single go.

These are easy to use. You have a long engagement range, and since enemies
tend to use Joint Strike Missiles, you have an easy shot at taking down
most of them before they even come close. The best place to use them is
to attack the enemy from the side or back, this is because they don't have
room to fly around to dodge it.

Air aces will use flares, so you need to quick switch back to the JSM and
take them out quickly. As such, these are ideal against weaker enemy
fighters, and best of all, helicopters. Helicopters usually get to travel
is groups of four, and this can target four missiles. Move to about 20000
ft, and lock on to all four, and fire. All four helis will be shot down.

The best thing about this missile is the damage. Given that you normally
need 2 shots to down a fighter, if one of these hits an enemy fighter,
that is more than enough to down it, so you really want these to hit and
not miss.

--==Multi Target AG Missile==--

Engagement Range = 24000 ft

This is the ground varient of the Multi Target AA missile, where you can
target up to four ground targets with a single missile. Again, this is
very useful, though you won't be getting four targets, you normally get
about two given that enemies tend to travel in pairs. On open fields, you'll
get your four targets.

Again, these are easy to use, they have a long engagement range, so you can
easily take down those SAM sites before they even get to look at you, but
generally speaking, this is for ground units, I've got something else against
those pesky SAMs.

These missiles are quite slow, but they are fire and forget, so once you
let loose the missiles, just fly off, so the enemy can't give a good lock
on you and counter attack to make life a bit more difficult.

--==Radar Guided Missile==--

Engagement Range = 40000 ft

My favourite missile, though the hardest to use, this is the very advanced
version of the Joint Strike Missile, where it can target all units. This is
not however, a fire and forget missile. 

To use this missile, you have a large reticle in front of you. Lock onto a

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target, and you must have the lock on for the entire time, you have to be
locked on the entire trip of the missile to hit. That is important. However,
this compensates for having an extremely large engagement range as well as 
dishing out lashes of damage. BOOKMARK

This is best used as a first shot against enemy aircraft, as well as an

Would you recommend this to
excellent tool Guide?
wipe Yes SAM sites
out enemy No and AA guns from a distance, Hide 
without the fear of getting shot down in response. These will basically
wipe everything off, except powerful naval vessels, with a single missile.

This is hard to use initially, but once you get the hang of using this
missile, you'll appreciate the usefulness of this missile.

--==Rocket Pod==--

Engagement Range = Variable

This is like the ground attack version of a cannon, basicaly put the target
on the centre of the screen and fire and hope for the best. I dislike this
weapon mainly because it replaces a more useful weapon such as the Multi
Target AG missile or the Radar Guided Missile.

This is more of a last resort weapon, so I don't use it much. Your Joint
Strike Missiles do a far better job and have a much longer range than this


Not really a weapon, but it still shows up as one. Flares are only useful
when you have a missile lock, and you can't brake and turn or throttle up
and fly away from it.

Flares aren't that useful, it is quite easy to break the missile lock on
a plane, and as such, you don't need to bother with flares. I only use
flares when I get shot down too many times and I can't afford to take
any more damage. However, these are extremely effective, and they will
dodge the missile for you.

[3.02] Perks

The planes in HAWX have perks, that is, benefits and disadvantages to flying
each one of them. These are important because they can drastically change the
course of a battle to your favour.

Air to Air Specialisation - Plane locks very fast on air targets

Dual Cannons - This plane is equipped with two on board cannons

Electronic Warfare - This plane has access to an Electronic Warfare weapon

pack in versus.

Fast Recovery - Airplane recovers from stall fast

High AOA - This plane can achieve a high angle of attackwithout the use of
thrust vectoring

Increased Payload - This plane carries an increased load of ammunition

Low Payload - This plane carries a reduced load of ammunition

Slow Recovery - Airplane recovers from stall slow 

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Stable - Airplane enters stall slowly

 
Stealth - The plane is harder to lock by the enemy BOOKMARK

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Thrust Vectoring - This planeYes
has thrustNo
vectoring Hide 

Unstable - Airplane enters stall fast

Versatile - Plane locks on fast on both air and ground targets

[3.03] Planes List

Here is a list of all the planes that can appear in the game, as well as
the three pre-order planes, which can be obtanied via the necessary codes.
If you want to have a looksee, the cheats page on GameFAQs will have it, or
the boards. Search for your platform however.

I won't list the stats, you can easily see that yourself, but I've give a
brief history of each plane later on for interest.

MiG-21 Fishbed - Start

Su-23 Frogfoot - Complete Mission 1
F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel - Complete Mission 2
MiG-29 Fulcrum - Complete Mission 3
F-15 Active - Complete Mission 4
Su-27 Flanker - Complete Mission 5
Mirage 5 - Complete Mission 6
MiG-33 Super Fulcrum - Complete Mission 7
F-14A Tomcat - Complete Mission 8
F-16A Flying Falcon - Complete Mission 9
F-15C Eagle - Complete Mission 10
FA∕18E Superhornet - Complete Mission 11
F-14B Bombcat - Complete Mission 12
F-117A Nighthawk - Complete Mission 13
Eurofighter Typhoon - Complete Mission 14
Rafale C - Complete Mission 15
A-10 Thunderbolt II - Complete Mission 16
F-22 Raptor - Complete Mission 17
YF-17 Cobra - Complete Mission 18
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter - Complete Mission 19

XA-20 Razorback - VIP Plane

Saab 35 Draken - VIP Plane

A-12 Avenger II - Pre Order Bonus, Level 21

F-18 HARV - Pre Order Bonus, Level 33
FB-22 Strike Raptor - Pre Order Bonus, Level 30

MiG-25 Foxbat - Reach Level 2

A-7B Corsair II - Reach Level 3
EF-111A Raven - Reach Level 4
F-5A Freedom Fighter - Reach Level 5
F-2 - Reach Level 6
A-6A Intruder - Reach Level 7
AV-8B Harrier II - Reach Level 8
Mirage 2000 C - Reach Level 9
F-20 Tigershark - Reach Level 11
F∕A-18 RC - Reach Level 12
EA-6B Prowler - Reach Level 13
Mirage F1 - Reach Level 14
F-5B Tiger II - Reach Level 15
Mirage IV P - Reach Level 16
YF-12A - Reach Level 17
Mirage III - Reach Level 21
JAGUAR - Reach Level 22
Mirage 2000-5 - Reach Level 23 
F-14D Super Tomcat - Reach Level 24
F-15E Strike Eagle - Reach Level 25

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Su-32 FN - Reach Level 26

F∕A-18C Hornet - Reach Level 27

F-16C Fighting Falcon - Reach Level 30 
X-29 - Reach Level 31 BOOKMARK
Su-34 Fullback - Reach Level 32
Sabb 39 Gripen - Reach Level 33
Would you recommend
Su-35 Super this Guide?
Flanker - Yes
Reach Level No
34 Hide 
YF-23 Black Widow II - Reach Level 35
Su-37 Terminator - Reach Level 36
Su-47 Berkut - Reach Level 40

[3.04] The Real Life Comparsion

This section is dedicated to the planes in the game. I will put them in terms
of their manufacturer, as a comparsion between the planes in the game and
their real life comparsions. Note that only one single plane in the game
doesn't exist, the XA-20 Razorback.


XA-20 Razorback

The Razorback is the only plane that doesn’t actually exact in real life or
was considered as a prototype. If it was in production, it will be classified
as the A-20 Razorback, because the X stands for eXperimental. If it is to be
designed, it will be an attack plane such as the Thunderbolt II and designed
to provide close ground support. They are air to ground aircraft, mainly to
assist with missions such as ground support, suppression fire. There is no
mention of who designed this aircraft either. A shame, it is a nice aircraft,
armed with stealth capabilities.

Basic Stats



Mirage III
The Dassault Mirage III is a French built interceptor aircraft, designed to
basically fight against enemy aircraft, both fighters, and most importantly,
bombers. One of the oldest planes in the game, it was in active service in
1961 and still in service as of today. This plane compares well with many of
the new jet engine aircraft, given that this is designed just after the
Korean War. This plane has spawned several variants such as the Mirage 5 and
the Mirage IIIV.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = km∕hr
Combat Range = Unknown
Wingspan = 8.22 m
Height = 4.5 m
Length = 15 m
Weight = 7,050 kg

2X 30mm DEFA 552 Cannons
Rocket Pods
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ship Missiles
2X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity Unknown)

Mirage IV P

The Dassault Mirage IV P is a design that modified the original Mirage IVA,
named Mirage IV P with the P standing for penetration. They have all been

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disbanded. They were originally built off the Mirage IV which was a
supersonic strategic bomber and reconnaissance aircraft that is capable of
supersonic speeds. This was designed by the French to carry their nuclear 
deterrent, or their nukes and drop them on unsuspecting enemies. Only 62 were BOOKMARK
ever built, and although they have been produced after the Mirage III, they
are still in service, unlike the Mirage IV, which have all been retired.
Would you recommend this Guide? Yes No Hide 
Basic Stats

Crew = 2
Max Speed = 2,350 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1,240 km
Wingspan = 11.84 m
Height = 5.65 m
Length = 23.50 m
Weight = 14,500 kg

Sensor Pod for Reconnaissance

Mirage 5
The Mirage 5 is an attack variant of the Mirage III that has been listed. The
Mirage III was successful enough so that several variants have been produced,
such as this one. Again, this plane was designed and completed in the 1960’s,
so any current operators of this plane will not fair well against any modern
aircraft. This plane is designed to take down enemy ground units, something
that the Mirage III could not do, due to the construction of the Mirage III
as an interceptor aircraft and the Mirage IV based as a strategic bomber.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,350 km∕hr
Combat Range = Unknown
Wingspan = 8.22 m
Height = 4.5 m
Length = 15 m
Weight = 7,050 kg

2X 30mm DEFA 552 Cannons
Rocket Pods
Air to Air Missiles
2X Drop Tanks (Capacity Unknown)

Mirage F1
The Mirage F1 is the successor to the Mirage III, based as an air-superiority
fighter and attack aircraft, basically a normal fighter aircraft. This is the
most successful of the second generation of European aircraft, though
thoroughly useless in modern times due to the advances in avionics. The
Mirage F1 has had many, many export variants built, more so than most of the
modern planes which are all based on a few variants. One of the more famous
battles was one between an Iraqi Mirage F1 and an unarmed EF-111A Raven, and
somehow, the Raven won and shot down the enemy Mirage F1. This was the only
EF-111A aerial kill ever recorded.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,573 km∕hr
Combat Range = 425 km
Wingspan = 8.44 m
Height = 4.49 m
Length = 15.33 m
Weight = 7,400 kg

Weapons 
2X 30mm DEFA 553 Cannons
Rocket Pods

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Air to Air Missiles

Air to Ship Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles 
Reconnaissance Pods

Would you recommend this Guide? Yes No Hide 

Mirage 2000C
This is another fighter aircraft based on the Mirage III. It seems that the
Mirage III set the standard for many of the future Mirage fighter aircraft.
This is a multirole fighter aircraft, designed to provide air defence and
ground support. This plane is a competitor to the F-16 Fighting Falcon, and
it has since been replaced by the Rafale C in the French Air Force, though
many of these planes still remain in service in nations that the plane has
been exported to. This has led to the development of the Mirage 2000-5,
though they share many similarities.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,480 km∕hr
Combat Range = Unknown
Wingspan = 9.13 m
Height = 5.30 m
Length = 14.36 m
Weight = 7,600 kg

2X 30mm DEFA 554 Revolver Cannons
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Rocket Pods

Mirage 2000-5
To compete with the might of the USAF, the Mirage 2000 was improved in order
to compete with the newest variants of the F-16 Fighting Falcons. The Mirage
2000-5 is a direct improvement from the Mirage 2000C, making the initial
fight in 1991. The Mirage 2000-5 was designed as a fill in between the Mirage
2000C and the Rafale C, both designed by Dassault. The Mirage line of
fighters are all Dassault owned and made. With new technology built into the
Rafale C, the Mirage 2000-5 Mk 2 has been designed to remain in service until
the French Air Force decides to entire it.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,480 km∕hr
Combat Range = Unknown
Wingspan = 9.13 m
Height = 5.30 m
Length = 14.16 m
Weight = 7,600 kg

2X 30mm DEFA 554 Revolver Cannons
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Rocket Pods

Rafale C
The Dassault Rafale C is a modern multirole fighter designed for the French
Air Force and the French Navy. The C variant of the Rafale is a single-seat
fighter, compared to the Rafale B which is a twin seater and Rafale A, an
aircraft carrier based fighter. This fighter has been compared with the
Eurofighter Typhoon and the US Navy’s F∕A-18 E∕F Superhornet. More variants
of the Rafale have been since designed, Rafale D, a semi-stealthy plane,
Rafale M which is another carrier aircraft and the Rafale N, a two seater
which has been cancelled. This is the best that the French Air Force has to 
offer built specifically by them.

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Basic Stats

Crew = 1 
Max Speed = 2,390 km∕hr BOOKMARK
Combat Range = 1,852 km
Wingspan = 10.80 m
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Height = 5.34 Yes No Hide 
Length = 15.27 m
Weight = 9,500 kg

1X 30mm GIAT 30∕719B Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Air to Ship Missiles
Nuclear Missiles
SPECTRA electronic warfare system
Infrared tracking system


Eurofighter Typhoon

A fighter designed by European communities, hence the name Eurofighter, is a

multirole fighter, capable of air-to-air duties and air-to-ground duties. It
was designed as something as a competitor to the US Navy’s F∕A-18 Hornet, and
has evolved as one of the best aircraft of the fourth generation of fighter
jets, pushing it into the 4.5 generation, but not making it to the fifth
generation, thanks to the F-22 Raptor. It is capable of defeating most fourth
generation aircraft in mock combat tests, but has yet to face off against the
Raptor, however, given combat tests against Su-35, the Raptor has kills of
10.1:1 whilst the Typhoon has kills of 4.5:1

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,495 km∕h
Combat Range = 2,900km
Wingspan = 10.95m
Height = 5.28m
Length = 15.96m
Weight = 11,000 kg

Mauser BK-27 Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Laser Designator


A-10A Thunderbolt II

The Fairchild A-10A Thunderbolt II is a close air support, ground attack

aircraft, one of the toughest planes in the US arsenal, enabling it to take
several hits from armour-piercing rounds and explosive projectiles and still
return to base. These aircraft are designed to take down enemy tanks with
their cannons, as well as provide ground support to ground forces. The
Warthog as it is called by the pilots due to the design. Designed as a
replacement for attack aircraft shot down during Vietnam, the Thunderbolt II
is to stay in the USAF until 2028 where it will be replaced by the F-35
Lightning II.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 833 km∕hr
Combat Range = 467km 
Wingspan = 17.53m
Height = 4.47m

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Length = 16.26m
Weight = 11,321 kg
 
30mm Avenger Gatling Cannon
Rocket Pods
Would you recommend this Guide?
Air to Air Missiles Yes No Hide 
Air to Ground Missiles
Electronic Countermeasures
Laser Designator
2X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 600 Gallons)

--==General Dynamics==--

F-16A Fighting Falcon

The General Dynamics F-16A Fighting Falcon is the first of the many variants
produced of the Fighting Falcon. Originally created by General Dynamics and
Lockheed Martin, this is a single engine multirole fighter. This is somewhat
one of the weaker planes in the USAF. The versatility of the F-15 Strike
Eagle, F-22 Raptor and the Navy’s F∕A-18 Hornet has now removed much of the
need for the Fighting Falcon. However, it still remains as one of the most
heavily produced fighter planes among Western nations. Built as the first
fighter to sustain 9-g turns, it is planned to remain in service with the
USAF until 2025, when it being replaced by the F-35 Lightning II.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,414 km∕hr
Combat Range = 550 km
Wingspan = 9.8 m
Height = 4.8 m
Length = 14.8 m
Weight = 8,670 kg

20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Air to Ship Missiles
Infrared Decoys
Electronic Countermeasures
Laser Designators
3X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 300-370 Galleons)

EF-111A Raven

The EF-111A Raven is an electronic warfare plane that is based on the

venerable F-111 Aardvark, an plane so old that it will probably be older than
most of the readers, it was designed in 1964. This plane has been retired,
replaced by the EA-6B Prowler. Only 42 of these planes were ever built, and
their main aim is electronic warfare which was basically a plane for ground
mapping as well as, most importantly, jamming systems that basically moot the
effect that radar guided missiles pose to friendly fighter aircraft. Though
it is not armed normally, it is capable of actually carrying weapons if need
be. However, given that this is a support aircraft, it will, more often than
not, be escorted by friendly fighters.

Basic Stats

Crew = 2
Max Speed = 2,985 km∕hr
Combat Range = Non-Combat
Wingspan = 19.2 m
Height = 6.1 m
Length = 23.17 m
Weight = 25,072 kg 


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Possible Air to Air Missiles (Sidewinders)

Possible 2X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 600 Gallons)
 

Would you recommend

F-14A Tomcatthis Guide? Yes No Hide 
The Grumman F-14A Tomcat is the result of experimentation to improve the
performance of the F-111 Aardvark. Introduced in 1974, and retired only
recently in 2006, the Tomcat is one of the most common planes in the game,
with three variants, the Tomcat, Bombcat and the Super Tomcat. The F-14A
variant of the Tomcat is the all-weather interceptor variant of the Tomcat.
Like the F∕A-18 Hornets and their variants, the Tomcat was only used by the
US Navy, and Iran, and not the United States Air Force interestingly enough.

Basic Stats

Crew = 2
Max Speed = 2,485 km∕hr
Combat Range = 926 km
Wingspan = 19.55 m
Height = 4.88 m
Length = 19.1 m
Weight = 18,190 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Precision Strike Munitions

F-14B Bombcat
The Bombcat is an upgrade of the original Grumman F-14A Tomcat, this was
built to improve the performance of the Tomcat. It was built with better
radar systems, which increases the performance of its bombing runs, and
instead of being designed as a interceptor, is has changed into the role of a
multirole fighter, capable of taking down both ground and air targets. The
improvements over the original Tomcat is that is has much better fuel
efficiency, making it easier to take off and land on aircraft carriers, as
these were carrier aircraft, given their operation by the USN.

Basic Stats

Crew = 2
Max Speed = 2,485 km∕hr
Combat Range = 926 km
Wingspan = 19.55 m
Height = 4.88 m
Length = 19.1 m
Weight = 18,801 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
2X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 267 Gallons)

F-14D Super Tomcat

The Super Tomcat is the last variant of the Tomcat, being the most advanced
of them. Built with better jet engines and radar systems, as well as a better
structure as well. Updated with modern technology, the F-14D Super Tomcats
are the ones that were last retired by the USN. Armed with a Multirole
Fighter role in mind, this is the premier of carrier strike craft until the
introduction of the F∕A-18 Hornet. Only 50 or so were built, and 18 were
upgraded from the F-14A Tomcat to the F-14D Super Tomcat.

Basic Stats

Crew = 2 
Max Speed = 2,485 km∕hr
Combat Range = 926 km

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Wingspan = 19.55 m
Height = 4.88 m
Length = 19.1 m 
Weight = 18,950 kg BOOKMARK

Would you recommend
1X 20mm M61 this Guide?
Vulcan Gatling Yes
Cannon No Hide 
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
LITENING targeting pod
2X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 267 Gallons)

The X-29 was a product from Grumman and it was an experimental aircraft,
based on the existing F-5A Freedom Fighters. They were developed from the
Freedom Fighters and built to test out cutting edge technology to apply to
newer aircraft designs. This plane became the first forward swept wing
aircraft to reach supersonic speeds, and NASA continued using the X-29 until
1991. If you are interested, there are several X-29s, well, only two, on
display, the best one would be in the National Museum of the United States
Air Force.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,770 km∕hr
Combat Range = Unknown
Wingspan = 8.29 m
Height = 4.26 m
Length = 14.7 m
Weight = 6,260 kg


A-6 Intruder
The Grumman A-6A Intruder is the first variant of the Intruder. This is an
attack aircraft, and they only remain in service as the EA-6B Prowler, the
electronic warfare plane, because these have been retired since 1997. Armed
with the DIANE system, it allowed this plane to operate in all weather
conditions, a situation that has plagued aircraft engineers for a long time,
given that planes used to operate only in clear conditions. This is the
first of the variants, and the only one available to you in game, so you
don’t get more advanced variants.

Basic Stats

Crew = 2
Max Speed = 1,040 km∕hr
Combat Range = 5,222 km
Wingspan = 16.2 m
Height = 4.75 m
Length = 16.6 m
Weight = 11,630 kg

Air to Air Missiles
Rocket Pods
Land and Sea Mines

A-7B Corsair II
The Corsair II is a carrier based attack aircraft, capable of supersonic
speeds and used to replace the A-4 Skyhawk. It was originally designed to
operate in the US Navy, but it was later adopted by the US Air Force. The
A-7B is an improvement over the original Corsair armed with newer engines
and only 196 were constructed. The A-7B has seen service since 1967, and used
to train pilots for the then upcoming F-117 Nighthawk. The Navy was so 
impressed by the Corsair II that they even custom made their own plane with
newer equipment.

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Basic Stats
 
Max Speed = 1,123 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1,150 km
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Wingspan = 11.81 m Yes No Hide 
Height = 4.90 m
Length = 14.06 m
Weight = 9,033 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Rocket Pods
Nuclear Bombs

EA-6B Prowler
The Grumman EA-6B Prowler is a variant and the only existing version of the
A-6 Intruder. This is designed as an electronic warfare plane, and it is
different to the EF-111A Raven because it is allowed to carry weapons
compatible to its goal of electronic warfare, armed with HARM (High-Speed
Anti Radiation Missile) and tactical jamming pods. Although it is old, it is
still in service with the USN to this day and it is bound to replaced by the
modification of the F∕A-18 Hornets, the EA-18G Growler.

Basic Stats

Crew = 4
Max Speed = 1,050 km∕hr
Combat Range = 3,861 km
Wingspan = 15.9 m
Height = 4.9 m
Length = 17.7 m
Weight = 15,130 kg

HARM Anti-Radar Missiles
Tactical Jamming Systems
5X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 300 Gallons)

--==Lockheed Martin==--

F-117A Nighthawk
The F-117 Nighthawk is the first of the Stealth Bombers designed by the USAF,
and it popularised the term of stealth bomber and its image with synonymous
with a stealth bomber. The problem is that the designation was wrong, it
should be B-117 Nighthawk due to the F prefix leads to air to air fighter,
whereas B stands for Bomber. The USAF wanted to keep this plane a secret to
the point where that all planes where hidden inside from Soviet satellites,
giving it the nickname of Cockroach. Also of note that pilots of these planes
would be known as Bandits X, where X was the order of the pilots who have
flown the Nighthawk. They have since been retired and replaced by the B-2
Spirit. It was replaced due to the excessive amount of money to maintain the
stealth technology.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 993 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1720 km
Wingspan = 13.20 m
Height = 3.75 m
Length = 20.08 m
Weight = 13,380 kg

Bombs 

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F-22 Raptor
Currently the best plane ever designed, the Lockheed Martin∕Boeing F-22

Raptor is the first of the fifth generation aircraft, being a stealth air 
superiority fighter. They are exceptionally deadly, given their stealth BOOKMARK
properties and their abilities to shoot down enemy aircraft and bomb ground
units. The technology of the Raptor is a secret such that even allies of the
Would you recommend allies are Yes
this Guide?
US, long-standing not able toNo
purchase the F-22 Raptor. The Raptor Hide 
has high expectations to meet, given it is to replace the venerable F-15
Eagle. It is currently the best aircraft in the world, defeating all current
aircraft with relative ease.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,410 km∕hr
Combat Range = 759 km
Wingspan = 13.56 m
Height = 5.08 m
Length = 18.90 m
Weight = 19,700 kg

1X 20mm M61A2 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
4X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 600 Gallons)

FB-22 Strike Raptor

This plane is still a concept plane, designed as an interim between the
current B-1 Lancers and the B-2 Spirits with the future 2037 Bomber. This is
another stealth bomber, armed as a mixture of their normal Air Superiority
fighter as well as the current bombers. This is built as a regional bomber,
replacing the tactical role of the F-111A Aardvark. It is designed with an
accurate GPS system, apparently making a small bomb as lethal as a 2000 pound
bomb. Technology is currently underway to develop a larger internal capacity
for the Raptor, given that it hides its armaments to avoid detection.

Basic Stats (Based on the F-22 Raptor)

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,410 km∕hr
Combat Range = 759 km
Wingspan = 13.56 m
Height = 5.08 m
Length = 18.90 m
Weight = 19,700 kg

1X 20mm M61A2 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
4X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 600 Gallons)

F-35 Lightning II∕Joint Strike Fighter

The F-35 Lightning II is a stealth multirole fighter, designed to be the US
Navy’s version of the F-22 Raptor. This is the result of the Joint Strike
Fighter program by several leading Western nations. This plane has been
questioned since it is considerable less powerful than the Raptor, which is
of concern to several participants of the program. This plane is designed as
a carrier based aircraft, with some variants having a vertical takeoff and
lift function, similar to the Harrier. This plane is designed to replace the
F-16 Fighting Falcon, A-10 Thunderbolt II, F∕A-18 Hornets, F∕A-18 E-F S
uperhornets and AV-8B Harrier II. It has big expectations, it will be
introduced in 2011. Time will tell about its performance.

Basic Stats (Predicted)

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,931 km∕hr 
Combat Range = 1,090 km
Wingspan = 10.65 m

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Height = 5.28 m
Length = 15.37 m

Weight = 29,036 kg 
1X 25mm GAU-22∕A Gatling Cannon
Would you recommend this Guide?
Air to Air Missiles Yes No Hide 
Air to Ground Missiles

F-16C Fighting Falcon

This is an improved single seat version of the original F-16A Fighting Falcon
designed by General Dynamics. The F-16C Fighting Falcon is produced by
Lockheed Martin, as it took over General Dynamics and their production of the
Fighting Falcon. They have upgraded jet engines and enhanced all weather
capacities as well as overall general performance. These are still in
service, waiting to be replaced by the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter∕Lightning II
which also happens to be designed by Lockheed Martin.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,470 km∕hr
Combat Range = 550 km
Wingspan = 9.8 m
Height = 4.8 m
Length = 14.8 m
Weight = 8,670 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Rocket Pods
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Air to Ship Missiles
Infrared Decoys
Electronic Countermeasures
Laser Designators
3X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 300-370 Gallons)

This plane was developed by Lockheed Martin that led to the development of
the famous SR-71 Blackbird, one of the fastest planes in the world. It was
developed from the A-12, the Lockheed Martin A-12, not the cancelled A-12
Avenger II. This was cancelled because it was believed that the Soviets did
not possess a bomber that was fast enough to warrant the use of the YF-12.
This is different from some of the other planes because of the excessive
length of the plane, designed as an Interceptor plane.

Basic Stats

Crew = 2
Max Speed = 3,661 km∕hr
Combat Range = 4800 km
Wingspan = 16.95 m
Height = 5.64 m
Length = 30.97 m
Weight = 27,604 kg

Air to Air Missiles

--==McDonnell Douglas∕Boeing==--

F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel

The McDonnell Douglas F-4G Phantom II, is also known as the Wild Weasel V,
which is used by the Wild Weasels flight group until they were replaced with 
the Fighting Falcon. The Wild Weasel was designed for the role of Radar
destruction, they are tasked with destroy enemy air defence systems, which

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is one of the most dangerous roles, they are basically destroying radar
installations, and more dangerously, a SAM site. Now, the Phantom IIs are
now not in service, they are instead being converted into drones. 
Basic Stats

Would you recommend

Crew = 2 this Guide? Yes No Hide 
Max Speed = 2,370 km∕hr
Combat Range = 680 km
Wingspan = 11.7 m
Height = 5.0 m
Length = 19.2 m
Weight = 13,757 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles

F∕A-18 RC
I personally did not find much in terms of information, but these are
apparently the planes that are currently being used by the Blue Angels.
They are still battle ready, they are actually former navy fleet aircraft,
only on loan to show off how cool air power is. It is based off the F∕A-18B
Hornet, the current plane of the Blue Angels. It is still designed by
McDonnell Douglas, which is now a part of Boeing Integrated Systems.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,915 km∕hr
Combat Range = 537 km
Wingspan = 12.3 m
Height = 4.7 m
Length = 17.1 m
Weight = 11,200 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Air to Ship Missiles
Rocket Pods
Infrared Decoys
Electronic Countermeasures
Targeting Pods
3X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 330 Gallons)

The HARV is another variant of the F∕A-18 Hornet, but it is built to be used
by NASA and is an experimental aircraft, used to test high angles of attack
using thrust vectoring. This was in use until 1996, basically the same as a
X-29, because it is used to test new technology, rather than being a
prototype for military use. I’ll list the stats of the normal Hornet, given
that it was a variant of the normal Hornet, and not the improved Super

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,915 km∕hr
Combat Range = 537 km
Wingspan = 12.3 m
Height = 4.7 m
Length = 17.1 m
Weight = 11,200 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon

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Air to Air Missiles

Air to Ground Missiles

Air to Ship Missiles 
Rocket Pods
Infrared Decoys
Would you recommend this Guide?
Electronic Countermeasures Yes No Hide 
Targeting Pods
3X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 330 Gallons)

F∕A-18C Hornet
The last updated single version of the normal Hornet, before they were
improved with the Superhornet. This was built only for the United States
Navy and their carrier fleet, and they are not in use at all with the United
States Air Force. Built effectively by Boeing, they are the primary strike
aircraft of the carrier fleets, until they will be replaced by the multirole
F-35 Lightning II. The Hornet was built over building a variant of the
Fighting Falcon. With many of the Navy’s fighters and attack planes, as well
as electronic warfare aging and needing replacement, the Hornet has filled
many of the roles, upgrading to the Superhornet, with the EA-18 Growler
being developed to fill electronic warfare.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,915 km∕hr
Combat Range = 537 km
Wingspan = 12.3 m
Height = 4.7 m
Length = 17.1 m
Weight = 11,200 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Air to Ship Missiles
Rocket Pods
Infrared Decoys
Electronic Countermeasures
Targeting Pods
3X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 330 Gallons)

F∕A-18E Superhornet
The Superhornet, developed by Boeing, is an advanced variant of the normal
Hornet. This was built as a replacement to many of the attack aircraft that
the US Navy had, aging badly, and this plane filled the void created by the
retirement of those aircraft. The Navy also needed a fleet defender, having
cancelled a naval variant of the F-22 Raptor. This would be the last of the
fourth generation aircraft for the US military, being generation 4.75, and
these will be replaced over time with the Lightning II. These are to be
succeeded officially with a sixth generation fighter in 2024, though if
stealth is fifth generation, what’s sixth generation? Invisible strike

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,900 km∕hr
Combat Range = 722 km
Wingspan = 13.62 m
Height = 4.88 m
Length = 18.31 m
Weight = 13,900 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles 
Air to Ground Missiles
Air to Ship Missiles

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Rocket Pods

Infrared Decoys 
Electronic Countermeasures BOOKMARK
Targeting Pods
4X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 480 Gallons) OR
Would you recommend
1X Fuel Dropthis Guide?
Tank Yes Gallons)No
(Capacity 330 Hide 

AV-8B Harrier II
The Harrier Jump Jet was a joint American and British project, and it is most
famous for its ability to have vertical takeoff and landing. This was an
extensive redesign of the original Harrier Jump Jet. This is only used in
the United States Marine Corp, which is an military in its own right, having
aircraft and armoured vehicles, borrowing ships from the United States Navy.
However, it is set to be replaced with a variant of the F-35 Lightning II,
which also has the VTOL ability. It is rather interesting as an aircraft,
though VTOL is a useful ability on the smaller carriers that the Marines

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,070 km∕hr
Combat Range = 556 km
Wingspan = 9.25 m
Height = 3.55 m
Length = 14.12 m
Weight = 6,340 kg

1X 25mm GAU-12U Equalizer Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Targeting Pod

A-12 Avenger II
The Avenger II was one of the cancelled projects in the USN, it was built as
an naval attack aircraft, which interestingly enough, had stealth
capabilities. It was designed as an all-weather naval stealth bomber,
nicknamed the Flying Dorito, which is similar in terms of looks as the F-117
Nighthawk. Because it was cancelled, there are some stats that are missing.
However, because this attack aircraft was cancelled, it was eventually
replaced with the F∕A-18 E∕F Superhornet, which took over its bombing
abilities, though it still lacked the stealth capabilities.

Basic Stats

Crew = 2
Max Speed = 930 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1,480 km
Wingspan = 21.4 m
Height = 3.4 m
Length = 11.5 m
Weight = 17,700 kg

Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles

Again, this was another of the experimental aircraft that was converted from
one of the frontline fighters, the F-15 Eagle. The ACTIVE stands for Advanced
Control Technology for Integrated VEhicles, and it is different from the
normal Eagle with the a modified airframe , thrust-vectoring nozzles, and it
has the ability to take off with a shorter distance than a normal Eagle.
This was retired in 1991, when it was no longer needed for testing and the 
plane itself was then reused in the ACTIVE program, and now it is used for
the Intelligent Flight Control System.

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Basic Stats
 
Max Speed = 2,650 km∕hr
Combat Range = 4,405 km
Would you recommend thism Guide?
Wingspan = 13 Yes No Hide 
Height = 5.64 m
Length = 19.7 m
Weight = 12,232 kg

None, Technology Demonstrator

F-15C Eagle
The F-15 Eagle was built by Boeing and it is used as an air superiority
fighter, one of the best fighter planes ever built, which later spawned the
attack variant of the Strike Eagle as well as the ACTIVE plane. Also, this
is one of the planes that have successfully tested and destroyed a satellite
using a missile. This plane is to be supplanted by the F-22 Raptor for air
superiority missions, and it is to be in service beyond 2025, which is more
than 50 years in service, as it is introduced 9 days into the year 1976.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,660 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1,967 km
Wingspan = 13.05 m
Height = 5.63 m
Length = 19.43 m
Weight = 12,700 kg

1X 20mm M61A2 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Satellite Missiles
Electronic Countermeasures

F-15E Strike Eagle

The Strike Eagle is built off the F-15 Eagle, but instead of the air
superiority role that the Eagle played, this was used as a strike aircraft,
an all-weather strike aircraft, which is built for long range interception
of enemy targets. This plane is designed to take over the roles of the F-16
Fighting Falcon and the A-10 Thunderbolt II. One of the newest stories is
about this plane, Boeing has presented the F-15SE Silent Eagle, which is
proposed as a fifth generation fighter implementing technologies found in the
F-22 Raptor. Whether it is to be accepted is to be determined.

Basic Stats

Crew = 2
Max Speed = 2,660 km∕hr
Combat Range = 3,900 km
Wingspan = 13.05 m
Height = 5.63 m
Length = 19.4 m
Weight = 14,300 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Surface Missiles
Infrared Decoys
Electronic Countermeasures
Targeting Pods
3x Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 600 Gallons)


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MiG-21 Fishbed

The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21Fishbed is one of the first in terms of jet engine 
planes, designed as a prototype for the delta wing on the planes. This was BOOKMARK
one of the first Soviet planes to achieve a speed of Mach 2 and combines the
role of fighter and interceptor, effectively becoming an air superiority
Would you recommend Guide? is theYes
fighter. This No combat aircraft in the entire
most produced Hide 
world, with 10352 planes produced all over the world and spawning the Chengdu
J-7 by the Chinese. For some reason, importers in the US import these planes
to sell to private collectors.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,175 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1,210 km
Wingspan = 7.15 m
Height = 4.13 m
Length = 14.5 m
Weight = 8,825 kg

1X 23mm GSh-23 Cannon
Air to Air Missiles

MiG-25 Foxbat
The Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-25 Foxbat is a high speed interceptor and
reconnaissance aircraft, which scared the Western nations to the point where
the F-15 Eagle was developed as a response. It is armed with an extremely
powerful radar for its time and equipped with air to air missiles. The
specifications of the plane was still a secret and unknown to the West until
a Soviet pilot in his Foxbat defected his plane to Japan and from there, the
specifications have been leaked. It isn’t heavily armed though, making it
weak in modern times. It does have an extremely high top speed though.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 3,490 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1,730 km
Wingspan = 14.01 m
Height = 6.10 m
Length = 19.75 m
Weight = 20,000 kg

Air to Air Missiles
Infrared Missiles

MiG-29 Fulcrum
The Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-29 Fulcrum was developed as a response to the F-15
Eagle, given its technical superiority over existing Soviet fighters, and
that happened to be a counter to the MiG-25 Foxbat. This is an interceptor
as well as a multirole fighter. This is one of the premier strike aircraft
of the Soviets, and now, the Russians and all their allies. Since its
production, it has spawned many variants, and this includes the MiG-33
Super Fulcrum and the MiG-35 Fulcrum-F. This is also used by the USAF for
training purposes.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,445 km∕hr
Combat Range = 700 km
Wingspan = 11.4 m
Height = 4.73 m
Length = 17.37 m
Weight = 11,000 kg 


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1X 30mm GSh-30-1 Cannon

Air to Air Missiles
Bombs 
Electronic Countermeasures BOOKMARK

Would you recommend

MiG-33 Superthis Guide?
Fulcrum Yes No Hide 
The MiG-33 is actually the MiG-29M, known as the Fulcrum-E, or more commonly,
the Super Fulcrum. This was basically a technological improvement over the
frontline Fulcrum, which is rather interesting, and serves as the frontline
fighter against any possible threats. It was designed as a fighter, and it
was also armed with the ability to use air to surface missiles, something
the original Fulcrum lacked. This is one of the older variants of the
Fulcrum, with the Fulcrum D replacing most of the roles designed for the
Super Fulcrum.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,500 km∕hr
Combat Range = 2000 km
Wingspan = 11.4 m
Height = 4.73 m
Length = 17.37 m
Weight = 22,400 kg

1X 30mm GSh-30-1 Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles


The Mitsubishi F-2 is basically the same as the F-16 Fighting Falcon,
produced under license from Lockheed Martin and set for production by the
Japanese. This was designed as cheap counter to the Su-27s and the MiG-29s
that are in service in nearby countries. This program is however, more
expensive than the normal F-16 Fighting Falcon produced by Lockheed Martin
for exports. However, given the license, the F-2 contains newer technology
not available in the F-16 under export license, though it works out at $108
million per F-2 produced, compared to the cost of the F-16 which hovers
around $15 million per F-16.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,448 km∕hr
Combat Range = 834 km
Wingspan = 11.13 m
Height = 4.69 m
Length = 15.52 m
Weight = 9,527 kg

20mm JM61A1 Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Air to Ship Missiles


YF-23 Black Widow II

The Black Widow is a proposed fighter that was built by Northrop, the plane
was a combination of features gathered from the company’s previous planes,
the B-2 Spirit and the F∕A-18 Hornet. This was a really funny looking
aircraft, designed to meet requirements set by the USAF for survivability, 
supercruise, ease of maintenance, and most importantly, stealth. Only two of
these were built, for experimental reasons, but it was not accepted, it was

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beaten by what is now known as the F-22 Raptor. However, it is being

considered as a competitor to the FB-22 Strike Raptor, for bombing roles.
 
Basic Stats BOOKMARK

Crew = 1
Would you recommend
Max Speed = this Guide?
2,655 km∕hr Yes No Hide 
Combat Range = 1,480 km
Wingspan = 13.30 m
Height = 4.30 m
Length = 20.60 m
Weight = 14,970 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles

YF-17 Cobra
The Cobra was designed as an alternative to the F-15 Eagle because many
considered that the Eagle was too expensive in terms of cost and in terms of
maintenance cost. However, this plane was not accepted and this lost out to
what is now known as the F-16 Fighting Falcon. This plane, however, was
basically a predecessor to the F∕A-18 Hornet and the Superhornet. This was
designed as a lightweight fighter, which is what the Hornet is. However, it
is used in the production of the Superhornet, which is similar in size to
what it was designed to replace, the F-15 Eagle.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,300 km∕hr
Combat Range = 4,810 km
Wingspan = 10.5 m
Height = 5.0 m
Length = 17.0 m
Weight = 7,800 kg

1X 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles

F-5A Freedom Fighter

One of the oldest planes still in operation, the F-5A Freedom Fighter variant
was launched in 1959, which makes it a grand 50 years old at this time of
writing. This was designed as a fighter and attack aircraft, it was low
cost and low maintenance, but there was no interest in this aircraft by the
USAF. However, when the Government wanted to sell cheap fighters to allies
during the Cold War, this plane was chosen due to its low cost. It spawned
one of the better fighters, it spawned the F-5E Tiger II.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,485 km∕hr
Combat Range = 2592 km
Wingspan = 7.70 m
Height = 4.01 m
Length = 14.38 m
Weight = 3,667 kg

2X 20mm M39 Cannons
Air to Air Missiles
Rocket Pods

F-5E Tiger II
The Tiger II is a development from the previously shunned F-5A Freedom 
Fighter, it is built as a lightweight supersonic fighter. It was designed as
a fighter and attack aircraft, and was designed as Northrop won a contract

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to make a replacement for the F-5A Freedom Fighter, a cheap, low maintenance
aircraft. The plane will then evolve in the form of the cancelled YF-17
Cobra, which lsot out to the F-16 Fighting Falcon, but was used in the 
F∕A-18 Hornets. This was also built for American allies, and stills sees BOOKMARK
service in many air forces.

Would you recommend

Basic Stats this Guide? Yes No Hide 
Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,700 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1,405 km
Wingspan = 8.13 m
Height = 4.08 m
Length = 14.45 m
Weight = 4,349 kg

2X 20mm M39A2 Pontiac Gatling Cannons
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Rocket Pods
3X Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity 150 or 250 Gallons)

F-20 Tigershark
The Northrop F-20 Tigershark was another light fighter, built as another
evolution from the F-5E Tiger II. It was built, but it did not enter
production because foreign policy during the Reagan administration developed
the need for frontline fighters, such as the F-16 Fighting Falcon, which was
a competitor, and although it was cheaper to purchase and operate, no orders
were placed and it was cancelled. It was superior to the Fighting Falcon in
terms of speed, armament capabilities, radar capacities and greater beyond
visual range air to air capacity.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,572 km∕hr
Combat Range = 555 km
Wingspan = 8.1 m
Height = 4.2 m
Length = 14.2 m
Weight = 5,090 kg

2X 20mm M39A2 Pontiac Gatling Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Rocket Pods


Saab 35 Draken
This is a plane developed solely by the Swedes, developed as a fighter plane
designed to take on enemy bombers and enemy fighters. Comparable to the
venerable F-104 Starfighter, it was solely developed for the needs of the
Swedish Air Force. It is like a plane of no other, it has extremely large
wings, that take a larger wing area than other planes. They are all based as
air to air fighters, and as such, they were poor ground support aircraft.
They were eventually retired by all operators by 2005, and 644 were built.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,120 km∕hr
Combat Range = 3,250 km
Wingspan = 9.42 m
Height = 3.89 m
Length = 15.34 m 
Weight = 7,865 kg

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1X 30mm M-55 ADEN Cannon
Air to Air Missiles 
Rocket Pods BOOKMARK

Would you recommend this Guide? Yes No Hide 

Saab 39 Gripen
The Swedish version of a multirole bomber, the JAS 39 Gripen was designed as
a replacement of the Saab 35 Draken and the Saab 37 Viggens. This was chosen
over the US F-16 Fighting Falcons, the F∕A-18 Hornets and the F-20
Tigersharks. This appears the same as most of the multirole fighters that are
currently in service with most air forces. The most interesting part of the
Gripen was the fact that the plane could take off and land on public roads.
Remember, Saab planes are designed specifically for the Swedes, and this was
apparently part of their defence strategy. This strategy was complemented by
the fact that it could be refuelled by land crews on the roads within a
period of 10 minutes, as well as being re-armed. This has made it a useful
aircraft for peace-keeping, where runways aren’t as common in countries where
they are based for peace-keeping roles.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,130 km∕hr
Combat Range = 800 km
Wingspan = 8.4 m
Height = 4.5 m
Length = 14.1 m
Weight = 5,700 kg

1X 27mm Mauser BK-27 Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Rocket Pods
Electronic Countermeasures


A joint project between the British and the French, this is a ground attack
craft that is similar to the A-7 Corsair and the venerable Mitsubishi F-1.
This has now been replaced by the various fighter aircraft in France and
Britain, in France, replaced by the Rafale and in Britain by the Eurofighter
Typhoon. Built by Dassault and British Aircraft Corporation, this has since
been sold to India and remains as one of their frontline attack craft until
it will be replaced by some sort of MiG fighter or Sukhoi fighter. It appears
in the game as a bomber, which is inaccurate.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,593 km∕hr
Combat Range = 535 km
Wingspan = 8.69 m
Height = 4.92 m
Length = 16.83 m
Weight = 7,000 kg

2X 30mm ADEN or DEFA Cannons
Rocket Pods
Air to Air Missiles
Reconnaissance Pods
Fuel Drop Tanks (Capacity Unknown)
Anti-Radar Missiles


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Su-25 Frogfoot

This is the same as an attack aircraft under the US designation, it is built 
for close support missions, meaning it is to assist ground forces in meeting BOOKMARK
their objectives. The Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot was launched in 1981, active in
many of the Eastern European militaries, built because the other bomber
Would you recommend
aircraft didthis
notGuide? Yes put forward
match the needs No by the army for a specific Hide 
anti-armour role. The best comparison with USAF aircraft will be the A-10A
Thunderbolt II, it is built for an anti-armour role as well as having heavy
Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 950 km∕hr
Combat Range = 375 km
Wingspan = 14.36 m
Height = 4.80 m
Length = 15.33 m
Weight = 10,740 kg

1X 30mm GSh-30-2 Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Rocket Pods

Su-27 Flanker
The Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker is designed as an air superiority fighter, which
lead to the design of the many Flanker variants. This is also a fighter that
is designed as a response to the F-15 Eagle, and it was progressively altered
throughout its designed to match the specifications of the F-15 Eagle. It is
designed as an AWACS killer, designed to take down enemy AWACS support
planes that generally support most fighter plane flights by the USAF. It is
similar to the MiG-29 and is a larger aircraft than that. However, it has
seen limited action, unlike the F-15 Eagle.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,500 km∕hr
Combat Range = 3,530 km
Wingspan = 14.7 m
Height = 5.93 m
Length = 21.9 m
Weight = 16,380 kg

1X 30mm GSh-30-1 Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles

Su-32 FN
The Su-32 FN is a Fighter plane for the Navy, hence the FN. This plane was a
plane that was developed from the Su-27 and then it was used as a precursor
to the design of the Su-34 FN. There isn’t much in the way of information of
the Su-32 FN but it is an improvement in terms of technology and armament
over the Su-27 Flanker. It is set to match the F∕A-18 Hornet, another
carrier based plane. These are strictly for the aircraft carrier operations,
though they are later replaced by the Su-34 FN.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 1,900 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1,100 km
Wingspan = 14.7 m
Height = 6.09 m 
Length = 23.34 m
Weight = 38,240 kg

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1X 30mm GSh-30-1 Cannon 
Air to Air Missiles BOOKMARK
Air to Ground Missiles
Air to Ship Missiles
Would you recommend
Bombs this Guide? Yes No Hide 

Su-34 Fullback
The Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback is a fighter-bomber that is designed as a strike
aircraft, more along the likes of the F-15 Strike Eagle. This is set to
replace the old Su-24. However, they are developed only recently and the
Russian Air Force expect the planes to be completely operation by 2020,
which by then faces competition from the F-35 Lightning II and, which is
more interesting, the F-22 Raptor. Combat simulations against the Raptor
have failed, with at least 10 Fullbacks being shot down for each Raptor.
This demonstrates the clear advantage the fifth generation plane has over
the newest fourth generation planes.

Basic Stats

Crew = 2
Max Speed = 1,900 km∕hr
Combat Range = 1,100 km
Wingspan = 14.7 m
Height = 6.09 m
Length = 23.34 m
Weight = 39,000 kg

1X 30mm Gsh-30-1 Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles
Rocket Pods

Su-35 Super Flanker

This is designed as the Sukhoi Su-35, used as an air superiority fighter,
strike fighter and multirole fighter, a plane of the 4.5 generation. This
was developed from the Su-30 fighter, and at the current point in writing,
only 12 exist. Again, this does not compare to the F-22 Raptors, it is more
along the lines of comparing to the F-15 Strike Eagle, which again, means
that the Raptor shows superiority over these fourth generation fighters.
However, with the development of the Su-37, several of the Super Flankers
have been converted to the Terminator.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,700 km∕hr
Combat Range = 3,600 km
Wingspan = 15.3 m
Height = 5.90 m
Length = 21.9 m
Weight = 17,500 kg

1X 30mm GSh-30-1 Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles

Su-37 Terminator
The Su-37 Terminator, which it is named in game, is the Sukhoi Su-37
Flanker-F, which has been developed from the Su-27 Flanker. This is designed
a multirole fighter, though it is still an experimental fighter and thus it
is not a complete aircraft, so official information is rather slim because
it isn’t complete. More modifications are done in order to match the F∕A-18 
Hornets and the MiG-35, but still are not set to match the F-22 Raptor. The
only Su-37s that are in existence are the two that have been converted from

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the Su-35 Super Flanker.

Basic Stats 
Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,500 km∕hr
Would you recommend
Combat Rangethis Guide?
= 3,700 km Yes No Hide 
Wingspan = 14.7 m
Height = 6.43 m
Length = 22.18 m
Weight = 18,500 kg

1X 30mm GSh-30-1 Cannon
12 Hardpoints for Fuel or Missiles

Su-47 Berkut
There is currently one of these in the world, designed as an experiment
fighter, set for a role as one of the fifth generator fighters for the
Russian Air Force. It is known to NATO as the Firkin. The plane is comparable
to the X-29, which was basically a test plane for new technology, not set for
a role in combat. However, although it is a fifth generation fighter, it
still cannot match the technology of the F-22 Raptor, though still a fifth
generation fighter. This will lead to new technologies for the Russian Air
Force in terms to technologies, so it will be a mystery what will come out
of it.

Basic Stats

Crew = 1
Max Speed = 2,500 km∕hr
Combat Range = 3,300 km
Wingspan = 15.16 m
Height = 6.3 m
Length = 22.6 m
Weight = 16,375 kg

1X 30mm GSh-30-1 Cannon
Air to Air Missiles
Air to Ground Missiles

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c,h,e,a,t,c,c.c,o,m. Remove the commas.

!Before you Email me, read everything in this Contact Information section and!
!check the guide. If the information is already listed, your email will be !
!promptly deleted. !

E-Mail Me, and for the love of all that isn't sacred, make sure that the title
of the game is smacked into place. IF THERE IS NO TITLE ON THE MESSAGE, IT
WILL NOT BE READ, AND PROMPTLY DELETED. Also, email with courtesy. If you just
hurl abuse, I will promptly hurl more abuse back, and save it so the entire
world can abuse you and see your stupidity.

When you write the Email, you have to do so in English, and English only. No
foreign languages allowed, Chinese, French, Spanish, Antarctic Penguin and so
forth, mainly because I won't be able to understand it.

There will be absolutely NO INTERNET SPEAK IN ANY EMAILS. Seriously, I will

not read emails full of lols, rofls or the like. No lazy English either. I
won't read crap like "Hw Tis in Gme" because it is lazy and inconsiderate. But
that doesn't mean you send me a business letter detailing what information you
want to know either.

Finally, if you see that there is something wrong in this FAQ, or something
that you think should be included in it, please send it in, the worse you can

40 of 43 02/09/2022, 13:55
Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

do is to have it rejected, but if I think it is a good addition, I'll add it

with the next update as well as give you credit for the addition. Corrections
are always welcome. 
I will also NOT RESPOND to the following:

Would you recommend

* Phishing this Guide?
Sites Yes No Hide 
* Attempted Scams
* Mass Spamming
* Forward Messages
* Advertising
* Technical Issues
* Illegal Activities
* Unrelated Emails to the Game
* Emails about Another Game

All problems with technical issues to do with the gameplay such as bugs and
glitches should be sent to the developer or publisher, or look for fixes or
ways to avoid it. All technical issues with hardware should be sent to the
manufacturer of the piece of hardware in question.

The secret email address is:

hillsdragon13 [at] [] [dot] [co.m]

Now, the legend:

[at] = @
[] = Remove the .'s
[dot] = .
[co.m] = Remove the .'s

If you feel generous, you can send money via Paypal to that address. It is
completely optional, but I'm curious to see how much I can milk, I mean make
out of this. All donations are appreciated, seeing I have to pay for the
game this guide is for, and that does cost money, more since I'm faced with
the outrageous prices found in Australia.

It may be a pain in the ass, but most smart people could figure out the real
email address. The problem is that people would normally Ctrl+F to find the
email address without reading the relevant guidelines, as well spamming sites
which always find their way to my inbox.

Also, do not add me to your MSN, Yahoo or any other instant messaging system
because you will be blocked and deleted permanently. Also, I will not accept
invites to be your Facebook friend, or join any other social networking site
because all invites will be rejected.

[B] Credits

The credits section is where all the credits for the guides go. Anyone or
anything that remotely helped out with this guide goes here, and that goes
for all those people out there who have interesting information to send in.
You know, your name could be on this list as well.

CJayC, The Creator of GameFAQs, thanks for all the memories

SBAllen for administrating GameFAQs, keep up the good work
You, no point of writing if no one is reading
<Insert Developer> for developing the game
ASCII Generators for the ASCII Art
Me for making it, yes, I'm that arrogant =)

[C] Webmaster Information

This is where all the sites that this guide can appear on are listed. If the
site name is not on this list, that means that either they are accepted by
me but not listed, due to logistical reasons (this is the same copyright
section as all the other guides, and no point listing a Civ 4 site on a Sims
game), or they are not allowed outright. 

Anyway, POINT OUT ALL SITES NOT LISTED HERE. It will be up to me what site is

41 of 43 02/09/2022, 13:55
Tom Clancy's HAWX - Guide and Walkthrough - Xbox 360 - By warf...

allowed or disallowed. <Master Copy>  BOOKMARK

Would you recommend thisSuperCheats

NeoSeeker and Guide? Yeshave the No
will guides a full day after it appears on Hide 
GameFAQs. This is because those two sites grab any new update from me from
GameFAQs itself, so if you are itching for the newest version, please check first.


Why, because they stole some of my works before, and I will not forget that.
No amount of goodwill will be able to repair what you have done.

[D] Copyright Notice

This game is Copyright <Insert Year> <Insert Developer>. All Copyrights are
held by their rightful owners as well as any Trademarks used.

This document is protected by copyright laws in many countries, so please

don't steal. This FAQ can be used for personal use, which means you can store
a copy on your home PC, your IPod, USB Drive, etc. You cannot use this FAQ to
sell for your own financial gain. Doing so is fraud, and I will promptly have
all the money gained wired for directly to me.

If you do sell it, and you are caught, I will launch court proceedings if
necessary. If a website steals this, I will have your site shut down, either
through talking to your server, Internet Service Provider, and if you are a
big site, through your advertisers. It might start with a small email of
request, but I can snowball it. In fact, I will.

You also cannot claim this guide as your own. You are not allowed to use this
guide and submit this to another website, claiming it as your own work. I will
google search random phrases from my own FAQ just to ensure that it hasn't
been stolen or hijacked by other people.

I am also not affiliated with any corporation, and I was not paid by any
developer, publisher or distributor for the production of this guide. This was
done solely out of my own free time and will, a dedication to the gaming
industry in general.

This document is copyright <Insert Year>. All Rights <Insert Witty Line>

This FAQ uses the V2.01 Template.

END OF FILE Watch In Awe, Aeria Gloris END OF FILE
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